AD 2022-19-02 Prompted By A Determination That New Or More Restrictive Airworthiness Limitations Are Necessary
The FAA is superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2016-10-08, AD 2017-05-10, and AD 2019-01-05, which applied to certain Airbus SAS Model A330-200, -200 Freighter, and -300 series airplanes; and AD 2019-20-13, which applied to certain Airbus SAS Model A330-200, A330-200 Freighter, A330-300, A340-200, A340-300, A340-500, and A340-600 series airplanes. AD 2016-10-08 required determining the flight cycles accumulated on certain trimmable horizontal stabilizer actuators (THSAs), and replacing the THSA if necessary. AD 2017-05-10, AD 2019-01-05, and AD 2019-20-13 required revising the existing maintenance or inspection program, as applicable