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November 15, 2022

Airborne 11.07.22: Chipmunk Close Call, ALPA Flt Crew Imprisoned, MSFS Update

Also: M600/SLS Unpaved Field Approval, United Calibrate Launch, Eviation $2B!, AH-1Z Viper Milestone

A deHavilland DHC-1 Chipmunk, reportedly the oldest such example of the breed, has been involved in a bizarre airshow accident in which its right wing was nearly torn from the airframe after colliding with an antenna positioned within the airshow’s active flight area. No harm came to the pilot, but pictures suggest that the wing was severely compromised and that the pilot was lucky to recover the aircraft intact... Capt. Tim Perry, President of ALPA Canada, issued a statement, as the seven-month anniversary approaches since two Pivot Airlines pilo

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Airborne 11.07.22: Chipmunk Close Call, ALPA Flt Crew Imprisoned, MSFS Update

Also: M600/SLS Unpaved Field Approval, United Calibrate Launch, Eviation $2B!, AH-1Z Viper Milestone

A deHavilland DHC-1 Chipmunk, reportedly the oldest such example of the breed, has been involved in a bizarre airshow accident in which its right wing was nearly torn from the airframe after colliding with an antenna positioned within the airshow’s active flight area. No harm came to the pilot, but pictures suggest that the wing was severely compromised and that the pilot was lucky to recover the aircraft intact... Capt. Tim Perry, President of ALPA Canada, issued a statement, as the seven-month anniversary approaches since two Pivot Airlines pilo

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Aero-TV: MagniX Electric Propulsion Units Poised for Ubiquity

The Conqueror Electron

Founded on Australia’s Gold Coast in 2005 for purpose of researching technologies germane to electric motors, MagniX has risen to a station of prominence amongst the aerospace concerns in the vanguard of the emergent clean propulsion industry. Based now in Everett, Washington, the company is a subsidiary of the Clermont Group, a privately held conglomerate headquartered in Singapore.

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Rich Stowell Publishes Thesis

Master Instructor Digs in to the Fundamentals in Search of Deeper Understanding and Teaching

A new way of looking at the basics of flight has been published by one long established flight instructor, offering teachers a fresh approach to light aircraft. Master Flight Instructor Rich Stowell has put a cap on his research regarding the fundamental principles of flight instruction, publishing “The Nine Principles of Light Airplane Flying”.

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Military Aviation Museum Proud New Owners of A6M3 Zero

Infamous WWII Fighter Joins the Fleet In Original Livery

The Military Aviation Museum announced its acquisition of a rare, well-kept Mitsubishi A6M3 Zero restored by Legend Flyers in Everett, Washington. The particular Zero, c/n 3148, sports a khaki paint scheme just like it had during its wartime release in 1942. Most particular is the unusually wordy subheading underneath its tail number, which indicated that the aircraft was sponsored by middle schoolers in occupied Manchuria before deploying to the 252nd Kokutai.

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22 ARW Completes Single-Pilot KC-46 Sortie

Single Pilot, Single Boom Operator Procedures Assessed for Refueling Readiness in Exigencies

The 22nd Air Refueling Wing Completed a single-pilot KC-46A Pegasus flight to validate procedures for limited aircrew. The October 25th mission allowed the Wing to assess the changes and effects of a tanker flight without a co-pilot, whether taking place due to wartime exigencies or long-range operations with offset air crews.

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Flight Schedule Pro Integrates LogTen Tracking

Scheduling Software Adds Feature to Simplify Logbook Keeping for Students, Renters, CFIs Alike

Flight Schedule Pro has officially integrated its services with LogTen, enabling users of the system to seamlessly share flight data to their electronic logbook. The increasing popularity of the scheduling system with schools, clubs, and renters has lead to a string of improvements to the service, this time cutting down on redundant recordkeeping and time wastage. For instructors, the ability to keep easy, automatic track of student currency and progress is an extra boon.

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Elite, ProSim Agree for Partnership in A320 Sim

Elite's FNPT II Will Now Use ProSim322 Software Package

ELITE Simulation Solutions and ProSim Training Solutions have agreed on a new A320 type representative FNPT II MCC partnership. The pair makes for a collaboration between some of the larger world players in simulator manufacture and technology, joining hands to meld their strengths into a world-class A320 sim. The companies have already sold their first 2 of the devices to customers in Germany and Greece, currently in the process of installation.

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NASA Launch Delivers NOAA Polar Satellite

Joint Polar Satellite System and Inflatable Decelerator Successfully Deployed 

A United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket carrying equipment for the NOAA and NASA test gear launched from Space Launch Complex-3 at Vandenberg Space Force Base on November 10. The launch took up the NOAA's Joint Polar Satellite System or JPSS-2. The weather analysis satellite has already entered its initial operational mode and extended its solar arrays, beginning normal activity.

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Victoria International Airport to Receive New Control Tower

All-New Construction Selected for Greater Efficiency, Capability While Retaining Airfield Activity

British Columbia's Victoria International is set to receive a new control tower, expected to open in 2026. The newer, energy efficient, LEED-certified piece will include a modern control cab with a wraparound view of the airport from 6 stories up. The improved height will help ATC staff see more of the airport environment, particularly helpful for future traffic flow and improved safety in ground operations. Construction will begin in 2023, with a 3-year build process projected to allow operation in 2026. 

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NTSB Prelim: Piper PA32

(Pilot) Did Not Possess An Instrument Rating

On August 11, 2022, about 1805 eastern daylight time, a Piper PA32, N720RP, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Metz, West Virginia. The private pilot and two passengers were fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. According to the pilot’s employer, the pilot and the passengers were congregants of the same church, and the flight was a planned day trip to conduct church business in Indiana.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.15.22)

Aero Linx: The Stearman Restorers Association The Stearman Restorers Association is an independent “Not for Profit” 501C-3 Corporation dedicated to the preservation, restoration, and safe flying of Stearman Aircraft through the education of both members and the public. We are passionate about all models of Stearman biplanes. Originally founded in 1966, the SRA has almost 1500 members in 25 countries.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.15.22): Lost Communications

Lost Communications Loss of the ability to communicate by radio. Aircraft are sometimes referred to as NORDO (No Radio). Standard pilot procedures are specified in 14 CFR Part 91. Radar controllers issue procedures for pilots to follow in the event of lost communications during a radar approach when weather reports indicate that an aircraft will likely encounter IFR weather conditions during the approach.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.15.22)

“This mission was practiced extensively in flight simulators. Each phase of evaluation has been carefully considered, taking into account crew safety, aircraft capabilities, and existing federal aviation standards. That allowed us to make a deliberate and thorough analysis of what risks and hurdles are present, how to mitigate those, and allowed us to recommend training requirements to familiarize crews with the basic functions and critical controls of unfamiliar crew positions.” Source: Colonel Nate Vogel, 22nd ARW commander, discussing the 22nd Air Refueling Wing having completed a single-pilot KC-46A Pegasus flight to validate procedures for limited aircrew. 

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