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November 01, 2022

Delta Pilots Vote to Authorize Strike

You’ll Love the Way We Fly—Or Don’t

The pilots of Delta Airlines, represented by the Airline Pilots Association, International (ALPA), have voted overwhelmingly in favor of a strike-authorization ballot. Ninety-nine-percent of the over 96-percent of Delta pilots who participated in the vote authorized union leaders to call a strike, if necessary, to achieve a new contractual agreement with Delta Airlines.

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Electric R44 Logs First Cross-Country

eHeli Achieves A Historic Airport-To-Airport Cross-Country Flight

Tier 1 Engineering, in cooperation with its collaborator Lung Biotechnology PBC, has successfully completed a flight between Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport, near Coachella, and Palm Springs International Airport on October 29, 2022 at 1100 PST, the first helicopter flight between airfields solely by electric power. The flight from Jacqueline Cochran to Palm Springs equals the 21nm distance of the first commercial helicopter flight across the English Channel on September 25, 1947.

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Stratolaunch Tests Hypersonic Prototype

Roc Begets Speed Metal

On 28 October 2022, Stratolaunch commenced infight testing of its Talon-A prototype. Roc, the Stratolaunch carrier-aircraft, bore the unmanned Talon-A test-vehicle (TA-0) into the azure vastness above California's Mojave Desert, thereby proving itself and its amidships attachment pylon capable of carrying the experimental hypersonic vehicles upon which Stratolaunch’s business model is predicated. The flight, Roc’s eighth, lasted just over five-hours, reaching a maximum altitude of FL230 (7,000 m), and reportedly meeting the entirety of its engineering, performance, and telemetric objectives.

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Russia Threatens Starlink Satellites

Space and Politics: Vacuum and Vacuity

Konstantin Vorontsov of the Russian Foreign Ministry has made clear to a United Nations forum that Moscow reserves the right to disable or destroy commercial satellites providing internet access to Ukraine. “Quasi-civilian infrastructure may become a legitimate target for retaliation,” Vorontsov asserted, adding: “Such actions in fact constitute indirect participation in military conflicts.”

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Coast Guard Rescues 2 From Downed Helicopter

Accident Took Place 46 Miles Offshore Morgan City, La.

The Coast Guard rescued two crewmembers from a helicopter crash approximately 46 miles offshore Morgan City, Louisiana, last Wednesday. Coast Guard District Eight watchstanders received a call at 6:35 p.m. from Westwind Helicopter Inc. personnel confirming a company helicopter crashed in the Gulf of Mexico with three people aboard.

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NTSB Opens Public Docket for Bell 407 Air Tour Accident Investigation

The Docket For This Investigation Includes More Than 250 Pages Of Factual Information

The National Transportation Safety Board opened the public docket Monday as part of its ongoing investigation of the June 8, 2022, crash of a Bell 407 helicopter in Kalea, Hawaii. The helicopter was being operated as an air tour flight by Paradise Helicopters when the tail boom separated from the fuselage at an altitude of about 1,000 feet above ground level. Of the six people on board, three were seriously injured and three sustained minor injuries.

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Classic Aero-TV: Nextant Aerospace - Recrafting Some of BizAv’s Favorites

From 2017 (YouTube Version): Making Older Aircraft New Again…

Founded in 2007, Cleveland, Ohio based Nextant Aerospace is recognized as the first company in the world to introduce aircraft remanufacturing to the business jet market. The company started with the Nextant 400XTi, a completely-rebuilt Beechjet 400A/XP with Williams FJ44-3AP engines and the Rockwell Collins Pro Line 21 integrated avionics suite up front. The new aircraft also has major aerodynamic enhancements and an improved engine mounting configuration with redesigned nacelles and pylons. The 400XTi is delivered with a tw

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Norwegian Officials On Edge Over Russian Drone Enthusiasts

Courts Deny Appeal for Drone Photography “Hobbyist” Under Suspicions of Espionage

The actions of Two Norwegian courts have highlighted an interesting UAV issue as of late, reminding operators to take care when operating near sensitive areas lest they be suspected of espionage - or a reminder to avoid espionage altogether. One Russian will remain in Norwegian custody as ordered by a Hordaland appeals court, the accused’s argument denied. He claimed that he was unaware that his use of drones violated sanctions against Russian citizens operating drones in Norwegian airspace.

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Stratolaunch Takes Flight Evaluating Hypersonic Talon

Test Version of Hypersonic Vehicle Put through First In-Air Test Flight

Stratolaunch put their hypersonic vehicle through its first in-air test, mounting the Talon-A separation test vehicle TA-0 aboard the company’s Roc carrier plane throughout a 5-hour flight to California’s Mojave Air and Space Port.

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NTSB Prelim: Cessna 172

(Witness) Observed The Accident Airplane In A “Crazy” Nose-High Pitch Attitude

On October 6, 2022, at 1507 eastern daylight time, a Cessna 172, N97883, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident at the Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport (PHF), Newport News, Virginia. The flight instructor was fatally injured, and the student pilot and the pilot rated passenger were seriously injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 instructional flight. A review of airport surveillance video revealed that after the airplane departed runway 20, it entered a steep (nose-high) pitch attitude.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.01.22)

Aero Linx: The de Havilland Moth Club of North America The de Havilland Moth Club of North America...  Welcome to the de Havilland Moth Club of North America, catering for all de Havilland aircraft types. This website is designed to provide a new means of communication between de Havilland Flying Club members. The de Havilland Flying Club is a proud supporter of the RAF Charitable Trust.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.01.22): Minimum Vectoring Altitude (MVA)

Minimum Vectoring Altitude (MVA) The lowest MSL altitude at which an IFR aircraft will be vectored by a radar controller, except as otherwise authorized for radar approaches, departures, and missed approaches. The altitude meets IFR obstacle clearance criteria. It may be lower than the published MEA along an airway or J-route segment. It may be utilized for radar vectoring only upon the controller’s determination that an adequate radar return is being received from the aircraft being controlled. Charts depicting minimum vectoring altitudes are normally available only to the controllers and not to pilots.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.01.22)

"I was ecstatic seeing those two vehicles combined as they lifted off the runway and into the sky. Seeing our flight products operating together represents a significant step towards regular and reusable hypersonic flight." Source: Stratolaunch CEO and President Zachary Krevor, expessing his thoughts after Stratolaunch commenced infight testing of its Talon-A prototype. Roc bore the Talon-A test-vehicle (TA-0) into the azure vastness above California's Mojave Desert, thereby proving itself and its amidships attachment pylon capable of carrying the experimental hypersonic vehicles Stratolaunch’s management and investors hope to presently see racing regularly spaceward.

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