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November 10, 2022

Spitfire (Model) Production Returns to UK

Airfix Announces British Manufacture of Premium 1:24 Scale Spitfire Mk. IXc Model in East Sussex

Classic model kit manufacturer Airfix has been bringing production home since changing hands a few years back, now kicking it up a notch with their 1:24 Spitfire Mk. IXc. The quintessentially British fighter cuts an impressive figure when completed, with Airfix producing a kit with plentiful, painstaking details like rivets and weld lines throughout every surface. The premium kit allows builders to create an accurately detailed rendition of all the most interesting aspects of the Spitfire’s design, from its 20mm Hispano cannons in the wings to its handsome Merlin engine.

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APS to Hold Upset Prevention & Recovery Summit

Online Safety Seminar to be Held on November 16 for All Interested Aviators

Aviation Performance Solutions (APS), educational specialist in Upset Prevention & Recovery Training, will host the annual 2022 UPRT Safety Summit for Professional Pilots Worldwide. This year’s theme will be “Transforming Low Experience to High Aviation Safety”, featuring a number of presentations from industry experts.

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Not Again! Artemis I Delayed Due To Possible Hurricane

NASA Prepares Rocket, Spacecraft Ahead of Tropical Storm Nicole, Re-targets Launch

NASA is continuing to monitor Tropical Storm Nicole and has decided to re-target a launch for the Artemis I mission for Wednesday, Nov. 16, pending safe conditions for employees to return to work, as well as inspections after the storm has passed. Adjusting the target launch date will allow the workforce to tend to the needs of their families and homes, and provide sufficient logistical time to get back into launch status following the storm.

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Airborne 11.02.22: Delta Strike?, Electic R44 Heli, Stratolaunch Talon

Also: First BE-4 Engine, NBAA Honors, Russia Threatens Starlink, Bell 407 Air Tour Accident

The pilots of Delta Airlines have voted overwhelmingly in favor of a strike-authorization ballot. Ninety-nine-percent of the over 96-percent of Delta pilots who participated in the vote authorized union leaders to call a strike, if necessary, to achieve a new contractual agreement with Delta Airlines—and with good reason. Delta pilots are working under contractual provisions—to include pay-rates and benefits—negotiated in 2016. Tier 1 Engineering has successfully completed a flight between Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport, near Coachella, an

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Airborne 11.02.22: Delta Strike?, Electic R44 Heli, Stratolaunch Talon

Also: First BE-4 Engine, NBAA Honors, Russia Threatens Starlink, Bell 407 Air Tour Accident

The pilots of Delta Airlines have voted overwhelmingly in favor of a strike-authorization ballot. Ninety-nine-percent of the over 96-percent of Delta pilots who participated in the vote authorized union leaders to call a strike, if necessary, to achieve a new contractual agreement with Delta Airlines—and with good reason. Delta pilots are working under contractual provisions—to include pay-rates and benefits—negotiated in 2016. Tier 1 Engineering has successfully completed a flight between Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport, near Coachella, an

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Virgin Orbit Ends Q3 in Disappointment

Beset by Spacecraft Readiness Issues and a Flagging Launch Schedule, Virgin Looks to Double 2023 Launch Calendar

Virgin Orbit reported its 3rd quarter results, announcing it managed to raise $25 million to continue operations for its unorthodox rocket launch offering. Unfortunately, the company also dropped its forecasted launch tempo for quarter 4, announcing that it expects only 3 more launches this year - half of its most optimistic projections earlier this year. The report highlights a few of the running problems with Branson’s rocket launch company, notably its slow rate of launches, dwindling backlog, licensing delays, and outpaced spacecraft readiness. 

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Emirates Expands Cargo Fleet with 5 777 Freighters

Emirates Expanding Cargo Fleet as Promised at Dubai Air Show

Emirates placed an order for 5 Boeing 777 Freighters, coming up at more than $1.7 billion in value if purchased at list price. The aircraft will go on to be operated by Emirates SkyCargo, adding to its fleet of 11 777s already in operation. At the recent Dubai Airshow, Emirates announced its intent to further expand air cargo capacity as it chases demand, committing $1 billion in investment to the effort. 

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Klyde Morris (11.07.22)

Klyde Understands the Seedier Side of Aviation Politics


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Classic Aero-TV: GE's 'ATP' Program - Tomorrow's Turbo-Prop!

From 2015 (YouTube Version): An Innovative Approach To Turbo-Prop Design Is Shaking Up BizAv

While at NBAA2015, ANN CEO and Editor-In-Chief, Jim Campbell, decided to take a look at a new GE turboprop engine being developed for light aircraft. This led him to talk with Brad Mottier, the Vice President of Business and General Aviation and Integrated Systems for GE Aviation. GE calls the new engine, an advanced turboprop, and it was officially introduced at NBAA2015. Mottier said the engine has been on the drawing board for a few years and it’s planned to provide 10 percent more power on 20 percent less fuel at higher altitudes.

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UAV, AAM Companies Start Constellation Alliance

Partnership to Apply New Aero Technologies for Emergency Response Around the Globe

Volatus Infrastructure, PromoDrone, Global Aerial Management Group (GAMG) and Valqari have joined hands to form the Constellation Alliance Group. The consortium will bring the partners together to focus their specialties on a range of humanitarian efforts, particularly missions that can be addressed by their advanced air mobility (AAM) and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) capabilities. With the current roster, Constellation has access to PromoDrone's 2-way display systems for long range communications, Valqari's delivery and packaging patents, GAMG's UAV expertise, and Volatus Infrastructure's eVTOL support architecture.

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NTSB Prelim: Zenith CH750 Cruzer

Airplane Struck A Tree Prior To Impacting The Ground

On October 28, 2022, at 1243 eastern daylight time, an experimental, amateur-built Zenith CH 750 Cruzer, N820RC, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Southington, Ohio. The sport pilot was fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. According to a witness, he talked to the pilot prior to departure from Warren Airport (62D), Southington, Ohio, and asked “how the airplane was doing.”

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AD: De Havilland Aircraft of Canada Limited

AD 2022-23-01 Prompted By Reports Of Wear On Fuel Couplings, Bonding Springs, And Sleeves...

The FAA is superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2020-04-20, which applied to certain De Havilland Aircraft of Canada Limited Model DHC-8-400 series airplanes. AD 2020-04-20 required repetitive inspections of certain parts for discrepancies that meet specified criteria, and replacement as necessary; repetitive inspections of certain parts for damage and wear, and rework of parts; and electrical bonding checks of certain couplings. AD 2020-04-20 also required revising the existing maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, to incorporate new or more restrictive airworthiness limitations. For certain airplanes, AD 2020-04-20 allowed a modification

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.10.22)

Aero Linx: European Cabin Crew Association At this moment EurECCA represents more than 35.000 cabin crew affiliated to 9 European unions in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland and Ireland. As we represent 70% of all organised cabin crew in Europe, we are a representative stakeholder at all tables that concern themselves with cabin and passenger safety, cabin crew health and cabin crew working time limitations and social aspects. We are rooted in the airline industry, not politically aligned, independent and the experts on cabin crew matters. EurECCA welcomes cabin crew unions from all over Europe, who share the vision of a democratic, solidary and prosperous

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.10.22): Landing Minimums

Landing Minimums The minimum visibility prescribed for landing a civil aircraft while using an instrument approach procedure. The minimum applies with other limitations set forth in 14 CFR Part 91 with respect to the Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) or Decision Height (DH) prescribed in the instrument approach procedures as follows...

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.14.22)

“The 2022 UPRT Safety Summit for Professional Pilots Worldwide addresses growing challenges associated with the ever-lowering pilot experience levels in commercial flight operations as the industry faces an unprecedented global pilot shortage. This event, presented by experts that know, will be of immense value to pilots, flight department leaders, aviation consultants, and anyone involved with professional flight operations.” Source: APS CEO Paul “BJ” Ransbury, who will host the annual 2022 UPRT Safety Summit for Professional Pilots Worldwide. 

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