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June 16, 2022

Dish Network and SpaceX’s Square-Off In Dish Duel

No No On the Go Go

SpaceX is mired in a regulatory spat with Dish Network over alleged misuse of the former’s Starlink satellite internet service. In a letter to the Federal Communications Commission, Dish Network alleges SpaceX breaks FCC rules by tacitly encouraging Starlink customers to use their dishes on moving vehicles. “An increasing number of Starlink users are acting on SpaceX’s call to unauthorized activity, and are using their Starlink terminals in motion; and some of them are enthusiastically telling the world about it, further propagating the idea that nothing is wrong with this violation of Commission rules,” Dish wrote in the letter, which follows a separate complaint registered in May.

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Growing Opposition to Republic Bid to Lower ATP Minimums

Flight School Association Warns of Repercussions

The Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) has announced its opposition to a petition by Republic Airways for an exemption to Congressionally mandated pilot training requirements. In its 10-page submission to the FAA, FSANA argues that the safety of the flying public is at stake if Republic is permitted to cut its pilot training hours by half as requested. Republic Airways—a regional carrier for American, Delta, and United Airlines recently petitioned the FAA to lower the minimum pilot training for its restricted airline transport pilot (R-ATP) certificate program from 1,500 hours to 750.

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FAA PROPOSED Rule Targets Fuel-Efficiency

NPRM... Aviation’s Most Terrifying Abbreviation

The FAA appears to be playing EPA's role and has released a proposed rule aimed at reducing greenhouse gasses emitted by large aircraft operating in U.S. airspace. The rule would set new, more stringent fuel-efficiency standards for yet-to-be-certified subsonic jet aircraft and large turboprop and propeller aircraft, as well as new aircraft manufactured after 01 January 2028. Examples of aircraft to which the proposed rule would apply include: Boeing’s nascent 777-X and future versions of the company’s 787 Dreamliner; Airbus’s A330-neo; business jets such as Cessna’s Citation and Gulfstream’s G600; and civil turboprop airplanes such as the ATR 72 and the Viking Lim

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Yellow Ribbon Honor Flight Returns to Oshkosh

Vietnam Veterans Deservedly Honored

The Vietnam War was a twenty-year anguish that divided Americans like nothing before and a great deal since. Almost three-million U.S. Servicemen served—boots down—in the jungles, deltas, and mountains of the Southeast Asian nation: 58,148 of them were killed; 75,000 were severely disabled; 23,214 were 100% disabled; 5,283 lost limbs; and 1,081 sustained multiple amputations. The average age of the men killed was 23.1 years.

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NATA Releases Hangar Fire-Suppression Compliance Guidance

Aircraft Hangar Fire Protection Guidance Available for Free Download

The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) has released Aircraft Hangar Fire Protection Guidance—an educational guide for hangar owners and operators seeking a general understanding of updated hangar foam suppression system requirements, options, and alternatives. In October 2021, the National Fire Protection Technical Committee on Airport Facilities (NFPA) released a document titled NFPA 409: Standard on Aircraft Hangars.

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Klyde Morris (06.13.22)

Klyde Really Needs A 'Dislike' Button


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Airborne 06.08.22: Russian Counterfeits, Embraer Sales, ALPA Claims

Also: Spirit/Frontier Merger, Pilot Dismissed, F-22 Successor, Balloon/Train Collision

Russia’s aviation sector is struggling to remain operational and solvent in the wake of Western sanctions prohibiting the export—to Russia—of authorized spare parts for Boeing and Airbus aircraft. The sanctions were levied in response to Russia’s invasion of, and ongoing war with Ukraine. As the conflict enters its sixth month, operators such as flag carrier Aeroflot and its subsidiary, Rossiya are struggling to service their fleet of Western aircraft. Embraer President Michael Amalfitano says his company expects to deliver over one-hundred ne

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Report: 2022 Sees Record Pilot Hiring

Hope Floats, But Success Burns Jet-A1

2022 is shaping up to be the best year on record for pilot hiring since 2000–so states a report from Future and Active Pilot Advisors (FAPA), a career and financial advisory service for professional pilots. The first five months of 2022 saw airlines hire 5,526 pilots—one-hundred more than were hired during the same time-period last year.

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Aero-TV At OSH21: Preventing That ‘Sinking’ Feeling - CiES Fuel Quantity Gauges

From Oshkosh 2021 (YouTube Version): Tired of Inaccurate and Finicky Fuel Senders?

At AirVenture 2021 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Aero-News Correspondent Maria Morrison talked with CiES Inc. President Scott Philiben about their fuel monitoring systems for small aircraft. Working with industry partner Cirrus to revamp the fuel reading accuracy, CiES was able to create a safer, more modern fuel quantity sender suited to nearly all general aviation aircraft, available as OEM equipment, or under a Retrofit STC.

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Airborne 06.08.22: Russian Counterfeits, Embraer Sales, ALPA Claims

Also: Spirit/Frontier Merger, Pilot Dismissed, F-22 Successor, Balloon/Train Collision

Russia’s aviation sector is struggling to remain operational and solvent in the wake of Western sanctions prohibiting the export—to Russia—of authorized spare parts for Boeing and Airbus aircraft. The sanctions were levied in response to Russia’s invasion of, and ongoing war with Ukraine. As the conflict enters its sixth month, operators such as flag carrier Aeroflot and its subsidiary, Rossiya are struggling to service their fleet of Western aircraft. Embraer President Michael Amalfitano says his company expects to deliver over one-hundred ne

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LIFT Academy Adds New DA20 to Indianapolis Fleet

Diamonds are Forever … Until T.B.O.

LIFT (Leadership In Flight Training) Academy, the Indianapolis flight-training organization, has taken delivery of a new, Diamond DA20 aircraft. The sleek, single-engine trainer becomes the 47th Diamond aircraft and second DA20 in the LIFT fleet. In 2018, LIFT launched its flight-training program in exclusive partnership with Diamond Aircraft Industries, which provided brand new DA40-NG single-engine aircraft and Diamond DA42-VI twin-engine aircraft.

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Airborne-UnCrewed 06.07.22: Irish UAV Bust, SpaceX v FAA, Ukraine Drones

Also: North Dakota Network, Webb Space Telescope, Romanian Border Police, Sagetech Mode-S Transponder

The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) successfully prosecuted an independent filmmaker for flying a drone over a crowd of demonstrators in Dublin. The May 2021 incident saw the drone detained and its operator informed by the IAA that he’d violated its 1993 Act for “operating a drone over an assembly of people.” The agency alleged the operator did not appreciate the safety risks posed to the crowd gathered underneath a flying drone. The IAA further stated that bystanders below an airborne drone cannot safely move away if the drone malfunc

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NTSB Prelim: Aeronca 7AC

Pilots Were Planning To Conduct A Local Flight To Practice Basic Agricultural Flight Maneuvers

On June 2, 2022, about 1745 central daylight time, an Aeronca 7AC, N1976E, sustained substantial damage when it was involved in an accident near Bowling Green, Missouri. The two pilots sustained fatal injuries. The airplane was being operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. According to the airplane owner, the two pilots were planning to conduct a local flight to practice basic agricultural flight maneuvers. A witness, located in his residence about ½ mile from the accident site, reported he observed the airplane at a low altitude flying from the south to the north.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (06.16.22)

Aero Linx: The South Carolina Aviation Association The South Carolina Aviation Association is South Carolina’s only state-affiliated group for aviation professionals and enthusiasts. SCAA actively promotes aviation growth through airport development and safety to meet the air transportation and economic development needs of South Carolina. During the last few years the association has used its grassroots efforts to pass legislation that improves aviation in South Carolina. A legislative event is held each year to provide members an opportunity to meet and build relationships with their legislators.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (06.16.22): Abbreviated IFR Flight Plans

Abbreviated IFR Flight Plans An authorization by ATC requiring pilots to submit only that information needed for the purpose of ATC. It includes only a small portion of the usual IFR flight plan information. In certain instances, this may be only aircraft identification, location, and pilot request. Other information may be requested if needed by ATC for separation/control purposes. It is frequently used by aircraft which are airborne and desire an instrument approach or by aircraft which are on the ground and desire a climb to VFR-on-top.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (06.16.22)

“If you are a pilot, you are finding a job... The most popular trend right now is what we at JSfirm call Hooks. These can be anything from top pay, match pay plus, sign-on bonus, flexible schedule, flex time, four-day work-weeks …  Companies are going to every extent possible to compete for talent in this market. The job market is and will remain competitive. This past May was our largest month for job postings on, coming in with close to 45,000 jobs. This coupled with Boeing and JSfirm’s reports about the shortage of qualified aviation personnel through 2035 will continue to make aviation a top career choice.” Source: Sam Scanlon, managing partner for, backgrounding the ne

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