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November 08, 2022

Litter o’ Kitties Found in Museum Display

Family of Cats Found Nesting in Hickory Aviation’s Shooting Star

Hickory Aviation Museum staff investigated some unusual sounds emanating from their static display T-33, quickly discovering a litter of kittens living within the cockpit of the aircraft. The North Carolina museum was able to put a face to the noise when the first of the now-grown kittens began to totter into view over the cockpit edge.

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USCG Bestows 'A Humbling and Gratifying Honor' On Helo Pilot

Retired Capt. James Hubbard Recognized For Heroic Service

In a ceremony at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, retired Capt. James Hubbard was recognized for heroic service to the Coast Guard and the nation. Hubbard was recently inducted into the Hall of Heroes Wall of Gallantry memorial at the Academy for his efforts during two helicopter rescue missions that he played an integral role in during his Coast Guard career. He was awarded an Air Medal for his efforts on November 11, 1986, during the rescue of two people after their single-engine Cessna crashed in Lake St. Clair, Ontario, Canada.

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Estes Releases Falcon 9 Model Rocket

1/100 Scale Kit Brings Latest Space-Age Tech to Model World

Model collectors and rocketeers can now enjoy a detailed, accurate rendition of the SpaceX Falcon 9 from a collaboration with Estes. Where previous models of the Falcon 9 Rocket were regular, "inert" model kits for display, the new release is capable of a true-to-life rocket launch in 1/100 scale. The pre-finished Falcon 9 is detailed to match its real-life counterpart, with a series of silvery nozzles at its base, full color branding and silkscreened text around the fuselage.

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Airborne-UnCrewed 11.01.22: Hypersonic UAV Prototype, Starlink, Soaring Eagle

Also: FAA AAM Advisory, Eco Caravans, ACE “Amazing Race” Fundraiser, Gray Eagle MOSA

On 28 October 2022, Stratolaunch commenced infight testing of its Talon-A UAV prototype. Roc bore the Talon-A test-vehicle (TA-0) into the azure vastness above California's Mojave Desert, thereby proving itself and its amidships attachment pylon capable of carrying the experimental hypersonic vehicles Stratolaunch’s management and investors hope to presently see racing regularly spaceward. A technology that may find a serious home with the UAV and AAM crowd, SpaceX has launched the aeronautical version of its Starlink internet service, offering high-spe

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ISS Resupply Mission On its way with 4+ Tons of Science Kit Aboard

Northrop Grumman Cygnus Takes Center Stage Before a Rendezvous with the Station's Canadarm2 for Capture

NASA's latest resupply mission sent a Northrop Grumman Cygnus spacecraft up to the ISS with a fresh load of supplies and experiments in tow. The flight will be the 18th cargo mission flown by a Grumman spacecraft, and the 7th under its current Commercial Resupply Services 2 contract with NASA. The ship is scheduled to approach the station in the early hours of the morning on November 9th, when NASA astronaut Nicole Mann will use the station's robotic Canadarm2 to capture the Cygnus upon its arrival.

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Embraer E195 'Techlion' to Debut at Airshow China 2022

E-Jet Manufacturer Looks East to Strengthen Ties in China 

Embraer will soon release its latest China market 20-year outlook to coincide with "Embraer Day" amid an effort to boost collaboration in the country. To further celebrate the occasion, the manufacturer will show off a nicely outfitted E195-E2 with a new livery for Airshow China 2022. The aircraft is hoped to highlight the importance of the E-jets' flexibility and economy. 

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L3Harris Airline Academy Launches Additional Pilot Training Programs

New Streamlined Training Packages Leverage Orlando Base for UK Students

L3Harris Technologies launched a pair of new ATPL programs aimed those training towards their UKCAA, EASA or Dual Pilot license – the Integrated ATPL and the Flying Start ATPL. The Integrated ATPL packages L3Harris’ Airline Academy’s commercial pilot training with accommodation throughout the United States-based flight training phase, based out of their Orlando, Florida facility.

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Classic Aero-TV: Light, Adaptable, Innovative - Clarity Aloft Intro’s the Flex!

From 2018 (YouTube Version): Clarity Aloft Introduces The TSO Certified Flex Headset

The newest addition to the Clarity Aloft headset range is a big departure from previous designs and ushers in a new standard for in-ear headsets. Not only is it the lightest model yet from Clarity Aloft, it is also the most customizable. Pilots using the Flex can set the microphone boom on the right or left, adjust the boom length and headband circumference, and collapse it flat for storage. No other headset will disappear so completely onto your head or into your flight bag.

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AD: Bell Textron Inc., Erickson 214 Holdings, LLC, Leonardo S.p.a.

AD 2022-22-12 Prompted By Reports Of Two In-Service Failures Of Forward Crosstubes Due To Fatigue Damage...

The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Bell Textron Inc., Model 204B, 205A, 205A-1, 205B, 210, 212, 412, 412CF, and 412EP helicopters; certain Erickson 214 Holdings, LLC, Model 214B and 214B-1 helicopters; certain Leonardo S.p.a. Model AB412 and AB412 EP helicopters; and certain various restricted category helicopters.

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NTSB Prelim: Beech 95-B55 (T42A)

Pilot Was Cleared For The Approach But Did Not Intercept The Localizer

On September 10, 2022, about 1237 eastern daylight time, a Beech BE-55, N3670D, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Hartwell, Georgia. The private pilot was fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. According to family, the pilot flew from Florida to Georgia to attend an event.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.08.22)

Aero Linx: The Soaring Safety Foundation (SSF) The Soaring Safety Foundation (SSF) is the Training and Safety arm of the Soaring Society of America (SSA). Our mission is to provide instructors and pilots with the tools needed to teach/learn both the stick & rudder skills and the Aeronautical Decision Making skills needed to safely fly a glider. We also provide information and analysis of incident and accident trends in order to develop better training tools.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.08.22): Obstruction Light

Obstruction Light A light or one of a group of lights, usually red or white, frequently mounted on a surface structure or natural terrain to warn pilots of the presence of an obstruction.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.08.22)

"Not only do we battle rain, wind, heat, wasps, and birds, one of the cats that roams the airport near the terminal decided to have kittens in the T-33 Shooting Star! If anyone is looking for a kitten, please stop by during museum hours and inquire. This is why we need to build the museum to get our aircraft indoors!!!!" Source: A little detail from the Hickory Air Nuseum.... who has an aircraft that has become home to a litter of kittens.

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