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November 07, 2022

Airborne 11.07.22: Chipmunk Close Call, ALPA Flt Crew Imprisoned, MSFS Update

Also: M600/SLS Unpaved Field Approval, United Calibrate Launch, Eviation $2B!, AH-1Z Viper Milestone
A deHavilland DHC-1 Chipmunk, reportedly the oldest such example of the breed, has been involved in a bizarre airshow accident in which its right wing was nearly torn from the airframe after colliding with an antenna positioned within the airshow’s active flight area. No harm came to the pilot, but pictures suggest that the wing was severely compromised and that the pilot was lucky to recover the aircraft intact... Capt. Tim Perry, President of ALPA Canada, issued a statement, as the seven-month anniversary approaches since two Pivot Airlines pilots, along with three other employees, were detained in the Dominican Republic after discovering and then

ALPA Renews Demand For Return of Flight Crew From Dominican Republic

Calls on Canadian Government to Repatriate Flight Crew Held Without Charges for Seven Months

Capt. Tim Perry, President of ALPA Canada, issued a statement, as the seven-month anniversary approaches since two Pivot Airlines pilots, along with three other employees, were detained in the Dominican Republic after discovering and then reporting contraband on their aircraft. "After nearly seven months, the flight crew remains detained and unable to leave the country. ALPA Canada has been working extremely hard through all available means and diplomatic channels along with Pivot management, other unions, police, and government officials to bring these Canadians home...

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DHC-1 Chipmunk Survives Antenna Collision During Airshow

Unbelieveable Collision Comes Out Safely... Sorta

A deHavilland DHC-1 Chipmunk, reportedly the oldest such example of the breed and a favorite among aerobatic pilots with classic tastes, has been involved in a bizarre airshow accident in which its right wing was nearly torn from the airframe after colliding with an antenna positioned within the airshow active flight area confines.

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Airborne 10.31.22: EA-18-Life After MidAir, Skydiving Champs, Starlink Bill

Also: Blue Origin, Little Green People?, SWA Short on Boeings, Alaska's 737 MAX Buy

The US Tax payer just got their monies' worth... the hard way. An EA-18G Growler attached to Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 129, successfully completed a functional check flight at Naval Air Station (NAS) Whidbey Island, Oct. 17, marking the end of a complex transformation process for an aircraft thought to be beyond repair. Skydiving is viewed as a thrilling hobby and an exciting sport to watch... but few understand that there is an aggressively competitive series of programs allowing those with exceptional skydiving and parachuting skills to excel... and to compete

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Barnstorming: Building The Next SportPlane Resource Guide In Earnest

The BIGGEST Project We’ve EVER Undertaken, Is Designed To Rebuild Sport Aviation… One Plane, One Aviator, At A Time

Okay folks… We weren’t kidding we said we were cranking into the next SportPlane Resource Guide with a vengeance. We've got several people working on this project… Documenting aircraft -- either editing, rewriting, or creating whole new how-to chapters, and starting to research the many, many, many other directories that are going to be a part of the book that I fear will ultimately push 2000 pages....

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Sporty’s Effort Brings More Than 100,000 Young People to Online Ground School

Sporty’s Course Is Available Free To All Of The Nearly 2.3 Million EAA Young Eagles

It's a stunning number that will doubtless pay major dividends down the road. So far; more than 100,000 young people nationwide have now had the opportunity to discover and explore a next step in aviation, thanks to the Sporty’s Pilot Shop Learn to Fly Course available free of charge following their EAA Young Eagles flights.

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Airborne 10.31.22: EA-18-Life After MidAir, Skydiving Champs, Starlink Bill

Also: Blue Origin, Little Green People?, SWA Short on Boeings, Alaska's 737 MAX Buy

The US Tax payer just got their monies' worth... the hard way. An EA-18G Growler attached to Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 129, successfully completed a functional check flight at Naval Air Station (NAS) Whidbey Island, Oct. 17, marking the end of a complex transformation process for an aircraft thought to be beyond repair. Skydiving is viewed as a thrilling hobby and an exciting sport to watch... but few understand that there is an aggressively competitive series of programs allowing those with exceptional skydiving and parachuting skills to excel... and to compete

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NFFS Partners with Science Olympiad

AMA Offers Resources For This STEM Effort

The National Free Flight Society (NFFS) has teamed with Science Olympiad to sponsor and support the Indoor Flying Events. Free flight model airplanes follow the wind and soar in rising thermal currents of warm air. They set their own course and are free of any control from the ground.

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Gulfstream Delivers G600 To Thrive Aviation

Aircraft Has Set More Than 35 City-Pair Speed Records Around The World

Gulfstream has delivered a Gulfstream G600 to private jet charter company Thrive Aviation. The addition of the Gulfstream marks Thrive’s expansion into the long-range, on-demand private charter market. This G600, designed and built in Gulfstream’s advanced manufacturing facility at its worldwide headquarters in Savannah, was outfitted at Gulfstream’s Dallas completions center.

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Classic Aero-TV: ERAU’s Otto Maytag--2019 Bob Hoover Presidential Scholarship

From 2019 (YouTube Version): One Of Four Winners Of A 2019 Bob Hoover Legacy Foundation Scholarship

The recipients of the 2019 Bob Hoover Legacy Foundation scholarship were announced at AirVenture 2019. One of those to be recognized was Otto Maytag, a sophomore at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University studying at the Prescott, AZ campus. Maytag will receive a $25,000 scholarship presented through the Foundation and The Citation Jet Pilot's Association (CJP). In partnership with EARU and the CJP, the Bob Hoover Legacy Foundation has annually presented Embry-Riddle students with scholarships to pursue careers in aviation since 2013.

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AD: Viking Air Limited

AD 2022-23-08 Requires A Visual Inspection Of The Stabilizer Actuator To Confirm That The Stabilizer Actuator Lock Ring Is Present

The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Viking Air Limited (Viking) (type certificate previously held by Bombardier Inc. and de Havilland, Inc.) Model DHC-3 airplanes. This AD was prompted by a recent investigation of a Viking Model DHC-3 airplane where the lock ring of the stabilizer actuator was found missing. This AD requires a visual inspection of the stabilizer actuator to confirm that the stabilizer actuator lock ring is present, correctly seated in the groove in the upper housing, and engaged in the clamp nut, applicable corrective actions, and application of a torque seal...

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NTSB Prelim: Pipistrel Italia S R L Sinus 912 LSA

Condition Of The Main Wreckage And Debris Was Consistent With A Low Energy Impact

On September 12, 2022, about 1417 central daylight time, a Pipistrel Sinus 912 powered glider, N397R, sustained substantial damage when it was involved in an accident near Waller, Texas. The pilot sustained fatal injuries and the passenger sustained serios injuries. The glider was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. According to the surviving passenger, the flight originated from David Wayne Hooks Airport (DWH), about 1330, with an intent to return to its home base at the Soaring Club of Houston (SCOH) glider port (89TA), Waller, Texas.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.07.22)

Aero Linx: Ercoupe Owners Club We fly an airplane that was the peak of pre-World War II development. It took more than a decade and a half before the features of the Ercoupe were the norm in civil aviation. Yet the industry finally followed. The members of the Ercoupe Owners Club provide each other mutual support as we keep these classic aircraft in the air. Along the way, we've found that Coupe people are a little bit special, themselves. Please browse our site and enjoy.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.07.22): Off-Route Vector

Off-Route Vector A vector by ATC which takes an aircraft off a previously assigned route. Altitudes assigned by ATC during such vectors provide required obstacle clearance.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.07.22)

“It’s gratifying and humbling to know more than 100,000 young people have connected with our Learn to Fly Course to take their next steps in aviation. There’s no better feeling for us than hearing of EAA Young Eagles who are now pilots themselves and who were assisted to achieve their personal goals by using our learning resources. It’s an investment we’re happy to make to support a new generation of aviators.” Source: Michael Wolf, EAA Lifetime 460022, CEO of Sporty’s and a volunteer Young Eagles pilot, discussing the partnership between Sportys and the Young Eagles program.

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