Also: M600/SLS Unpaved Field Approval, United Calibrate Launch, Eviation $2B!, AH-1Z Viper Milestone
A deHavilland DHC-1 Chipmunk, reportedly the oldest such example of the breed, has been involved in a bizarre airshow accident in which its right wing was nearly torn from the airframe after colliding with an antenna positioned within the airshow’s active flight area. No harm came to the pilot, but pictures suggest that the wing was severely compromised and that the pilot was lucky to recover the aircraft intact... Capt. Tim Perry, President of ALPA Canada, issued a statement, as the seven-month anniversary approaches since two Pivot Airlines pilots, along with three other employees, were detained in the Dominican Republic after discovering and then
Calls on Canadian Government to Repatriate Flight Crew Held Without Charges for Seven Months
Capt. Tim Perry, President of ALPA Canada, issued a statement, as the seven-month anniversary approaches since two Pivot Airlines pilots, along with three other employees, were detained in the Dominican Republic after discovering and then reporting contraband on their aircraft. "After nearly seven months, the flight crew remains detained and unable to leave the country. ALPA Canada has been working extremely hard through all available means and diplomatic channels along with Pivot management, other unions, police, and government officials to bring these Canadians home...
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Condition Of The Main Wreckage And Debris Was Consistent With A Low Energy Impact
On September 12, 2022, about 1417 central daylight time, a Pipistrel Sinus 912 powered glider, N397R, sustained substantial damage when it was involved in an accident near Waller, Texas. The pilot sustained fatal injuries and the passenger sustained serios injuries. The glider was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. According to the surviving passenger, the flight originated from David Wayne Hooks Airport (DWH), about 1330, with an intent to return to its home base at the Soaring Club of Houston (SCOH) glider port (89TA), Waller, Texas.
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