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November 28, 2022

ICAS Offers Opportunity To Aid and Support The Pilots Lost in CAF Accident

The Crews Of The CAF P-63 and B-17 Are Eligible To Receive Support From the ICAS Foundation

The recent tragedy that occurred at the Wings Over Dallas Airshow is receiving the generous attention and aid of the International Council of Air Shows... On behalf of its board, staff, and members, the International Council of Air Shows has offered its heartfelt condolences to the families of those individuals involved in the recent accident in Dallas and to our colleagues in the Commemorative Air Force (CAF).

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ERAU Makes Pilot/Students Sick (Kinda)

Pilots Experience Worst-Case Scenarios in New Spatial Disorientation Lab

In Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Spatial Disorientation Laboratory, flight student Nella Filipkova wears a virtual reality headset as the device she is seated in rapidly whirls around. It almost looks like she is strapped into an amusement park ride, but the new simulator is not meant for entertainment. Rather, it is a life-saving training tool allowing pilots to realistically feel and react to simulations of dangerous flight conditions that can create disorienting illusions for pilots — illusions that can imitate, among other things, the feeling of turning, climbing, or descending when their aircraft is actually flying perfectly straight or, worse,

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Aero-TV: Tempest Aero Group -- The Other Aerospace Consortium

Tempest Aero Group Rides Out the COVID Storm

In 1984, Tim Henderson founded Aero Accessories, a general aviation component overhaul shop. The business focused initially on dry air pumps and mechanical fuel pumps, but steadily evolved into a manufacturer of OEM and PMA parts. In time, Aero Accessories’ specialties came to include numerous and diverse aircraft components, equipment, and systems. In 2001, a chap called Stan Fletcher teamed with Henderson to create the Tempest Aero Group—a consortium of independent aviation brands recognized for its pneumatic, ignition, and filtration products.

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AMA Recognized As An Official CBO

AMA Is The First Organization To Be Officially Recognized As A CBO

After first establishing the creation of CBO's to offer some structure and guidance to the recretational drone community, the FAA has officially recognized the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) as a Community-Based Organization (CBO) as of November 15, 2022.  

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New Jersey County to Offer AMT Courses to High Schoolers

Partnership with AIM Opens New Doors for Youth

The Newark Board of Education will soon offer local students a leg-up in their early careers with a chance to become a certified AMT. The strategic partnership includes the nearby Aviation Institute of Maintenance (AIM), of Teterboro, New Jersey. AIM will offer their guidance and resources to Newark students through shared coursework, allowing young students to take classes fo aviation maintenance technicians much like AIM’s regular student body.

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ANN Wishes Our Readers, Listeners And Viewers A VERY Happy Thanksgiving Holiday

Yes... We Will Be On A Holiday Schedule For The Rest Of Week

As the Aero-News staff observes the US holiday of Thanksgiving on Thursday, we wanted to let our readers know that ANN will still be on the job, reporting breaking news in the aviation and aerospace fields as it happens -- in Real Time -- just like always. Aero-News will be publishing at a slightly reduced level on November 24th and 25th, as our staffers spend some time with their families... some of whom may not recognize them away from their computers. Airborne will be published thorugh Wednesday the 23rd, and resume on Monday, the 28th. 

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Horizon Air Donates Q400 to AMT Program

Another Airline Offloads Aging Plane for Use as Educational Device in Bid to Bolster Technician Education

Horizon Air donated one of its older Q400s to the Portland Community College Foundation for use in the school's Aviation programs. The maneuver seems to be a common one this year, as airlines look for possible uses for timed-out aircraft more sustainable than sending them out to a scrapyard. The sustainable solution might be donation to aviation maintenance degrees around the country, a solution that puts a well-used aircraft to work teaching the next generation of AMT's (while nabbing a handy little tax credit for the airline, in all likelihood).

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Republic of Rwanda Achieves First Safety Assessment Rating

IASA Program Focuses On A Country’s Ability To Adhere To International Aviation Safety Standards

The FAA has announced that the Republic of Rwanda has achieved an International Aviation Safety Assessment (IASA) Category 1 rating, and is in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards. The FAA IASA program focuses on a country’s ability to adhere to international aviation safety standards and recommended practices.

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NTSB Prelim: Piper PA46-500TP

...Then Sharply Decreased To A Descent Exceeding 5,000 Ft Per Minute

On November 9, 2022, about 0934 central standard time, a Piper PA46-500TP, N234PM, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Bignell, Nebraska. The pilot and passenger sustained fatal injuries. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 business flight. According to preliminary air traffic control information, the pilot established contact with Denver Air Route Traffic Control Center (ZDV), reported inbound to the North Platte Regional Airport (LBF), North Platte, Nebraska, and the controller issued the current altimeter.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.28.22)

Aero Linx: Australian Parachute Federation Ltd Learn to Skydive... The Accelerated Freefall (AFF) course is the most common route to becoming a licensed skydiver in Australia. Your first skydives will be with two instructors holding onto you in freefall, helping you remain in control and giving you signals reminding you what to do. You’re not alone once you’re under parachute! Radio communication & ground signals are used to help guide you down the rest of the way.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.28.22): Minimum Fuel

Minimum Fuel Indicates that an aircraft’s fuel supply has reached a state where, upon reaching the destination, it can accept little or no delay. This is not an emergency situation but merely indicates an emergency situation is possible should any undue delay occur.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.28.22)

“We all learn about these illusions; however, it is hard to imagine how it feels and the extent it has on your perception. It is chilling to imagine that you can unknowingly experience spatial disorientation in flight. For this reason, everyone should take advantage of the simulator, so they have an idea of what to expect and can correctly identify the illusion were they ever to encounter one.” Source: ERAU flight student Nella Filipkova, explaining some of what she is learning in their Spatial Disorientation Laboratory.

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