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November 09, 2022

Airborne 11.09.22: HondaJet Elite II, Mesa Pipistrel Accident, T-33 Kitties

Also: Estes Falcon 9 Model, Embraer E195 'Techlion', Sporty's YE Ground School, 250th CT7 

After Honda Aircraft Company unveiled the HondaJet Elite II at NBAA-BACE, it was obvious that the little bizjet company from Japan was detemined to not be so little for long. The big news last month was their updating the bizjet with extended range, fuel economy, and automation. And now, the big news is that the Elite II is certified and ready for action. A Pipistrel Velis Club, one of the fleet apparently destined for service with Mesa Airlines and owned by same, has gone down in Cross City, Florida, after suffering 'engine issues' while approaching the airport. The aircraft used an airframe parachute to affect a safe 'landing' despite the nearly motor-glider properties of the airfra

Mesa Airlines Pipistrel Velis Suffers Engine Issues, Uses Chute

Damage Appears Significant, But Two POBs Onboard Walk Away

A Pipistrel Velis Club (as detailed by insignia on the side of the fuselage), one of the fleet apparently destined for service with Mesa Airlines and owned by same, has gone down in Cross City, Florida, after suffering 'engine issues' while approaching the airport. The aircraft used an airframe parachute to affect a safe 'landing' despite the nearly motor-glider properties of the airframe.

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Sikorsky-DARPA Autonomous Black Hawk Flies

A Flight of None...

Lockheed Martin subsidiary Sikorsky and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) have secured the attention and interest of the U.S. Army by successfully demonstrating means by which a Black Hawk helicopter can safely and reliably perform rescue operations and internal and external cargo resupply missions—autonomously. Performed 12, 14, and 18 October as part of the U.S. Army’s Project Convergence 2022 (PC22) experiment, the unmanned Black Hawk flights illustrated how existing and future piloted utility helicopters might soon fly complex missions with reduced crews—if not altogether autonomously. Such capability would afford Army commanders and aviators greater flexibility in planning and executin

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HondaJet Elite II Gets TC'ed

Certified and Ready For Action...

After Honda Aircraft Company unveiled the HondaJet Elite II at this year's NBAA-BACE exhibition, it was obvious that the little bizjet company from Japan was bound and detemined to not be so little for much longer. The big news last month was their updating the bizjet with extended range, fuel economy, and automation. And now, the big news is that the Elite II is certified and ready for action.

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EASA Releases 'LIVE' Project List

Funded Research Continues Via European Union’s Horizon Europe Programs

EASA signed contracts for five new research projects, all funded from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme. The contracts were concluded following calls for tender and EASA as contract manager will work side by side with the appointed project leaders.

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EAA Chapter Building Electric MotorGlider

Volunteers, High School Students, and Airports Personnel Come Together for Affordable, Sustainable eXeno Kit

A Kitsap, Washington EAA chapter has been hard at work with Central Kitsap High School students in their efforts to build a 2-seat, electric, all-aluminum motor glider at Bremerton National Airport. The effort has brought many together as the chapter follows a core EAA mission to bring aviation into reach for young people. An educational center on the field, the Bremerton Aviation Center for Education (BACE), has become the core of the effort, with assistance from EAA builders, volunteers, students, and family to create an all-electric aircraft.

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GE Aviation Delivers 250th CT7 Engine

Milestone Crossed with Leonardo-Bound, AW149/AW189 Helicopter Power Plant

GE hit a significant milestone with its  250th delivered CT7-2E1 engine after it shipped off a freshly manufactured piece to Leonardo in late September. The engine was delivered to the Italian manufacturer for use in their AW149 and AW189 helicopter programs, a solid match for its reliable, consistent output. The CT7 has been able to leverage some of the best tech from across the GE Aviation lineup, allowing them to offer a lighter engine, lower fuel consumption, and decreased maintenance requirements compared to competing engines in its power class. 

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Classic Aero-TV: Flying CAF 'FIFI'-Volunteers Keep American Treasure Airworthy

From 2016 (YouTube Version): Hear the Story of the CAF B-29 Named “FIFI”…

While at EAA AirVenture 2016, our ANN video crew headed out to get some shots of the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) B-29, known as “FIFI”. We met up with Steve Zimmerman, who was the aircraft commander for “FIFI” on this year’s trip to AirVenture. Zimmerman provides a great overall background of the airplane, how it flies, and what kind of original equipment it still has installed. As Zimmerman describes the various items, our camera crews do a great job of picking up exact

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IAI Heron UAV Approved for Flights in EU

Greek Frontex on Track to Deploy Leased UAVs for Maritime Patrol

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency, has granted a permit for the use of Israel Aerospace Industries' Heron 1 UAV to be flown in civilian airspace. The approval was granted through the Greek civilian aviation authority, allowing the system to be used as an operational aircraft in the European Border and Coast Guard Agency. The UAV flights will be carried out in European civil airspace, in accordance with civil flight procedure, with "no military intervention or control."

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Airborne-UnCrewed 11.01.22: Hypersonic UAV Prototype, Starlink, Soaring Eagle

Also: FAA AAM Advisory, Eco Caravans, ACE “Amazing Race” Fundraiser, Gray Eagle MOSA

On 28 October 2022, Stratolaunch commenced infight testing of its Talon-A UAV prototype. Roc bore the Talon-A test-vehicle (TA-0) into the azure vastness above California's Mojave Desert, thereby proving itself and its amidships attachment pylon capable of carrying the experimental hypersonic vehicles Stratolaunch’s management and investors hope to presently see racing regularly spaceward. A technology that may find a serious home with the UAV and AAM crowd, SpaceX has launched the aeronautical version of its Starlink internet service, offering high-s

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NTSB Prelim: Bell 206

Pilot Reported He Was Unable To Maintain Main Rotor RPM

On November 2, 2022, about 2014 central daylight time, a Bell 206B helicopter, N61KH, sustained substantial damage when it was involved in an accident near Greenville, Illinois. The pilot and one passenger sustained minor injuries and one passenger sustained no injury. The helicopter was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 91 business flight. The helicopter, which has a normal and a restricted airworthiness certificate, had completed 14 CFR Part 137 aerial application work during the day. The two passengers onboard were loaders employed by the operator.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.09.22)

Aero Linx: The EAA Vintage Aircraft Association (VAA) Our members include pilots, mechanics and non-pilots. The EAA Vintage Aircraft Association (VAA) brings together people from around the world who share a common interest in the aircraft of yesteryear. Plain and simple, we are all lovers of vintage aircraft. We are the largest organization in the world dedicated to the preservation and restoration of vintage aircraft. This common bond is sustained by our local chapters, activities, and publications. Our beautiful full-color magazine, Vintage Airplane, is published six times per year and is a major member benefit. Since we were established in 1971, the VAA has been working to keep aviation history a

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.09.22): Practice Instrument Approach

Practice Instrument Approach An instrument approach procedure conducted by a VFR or an IFR aircraft for the purpose of pilot training or proficiency demonstrations.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.09.22)

“We believe MATRIX technology is ready now for transition to the Army as they look to modernize the enduring helicopter fleet, and acquire Future Vertical Lift aircraft. In addition to increasing flight safety and reliability, MATRIX technology enables survivability in high tempo, high threat 21st Century Security environments where Black Hawk helicopters operate today, and DEFIANT X and RAIDER X helicopters could operate in the future. Uncrewed or reduced crewed helicopters could safely perform critical and life-saving missions, day or night, in complex terrain and in contested battlespace." Source: Sikorsky director of innovations Igor Cherepinsky, commenting on their having successfully demonstrated a means by which a Black Hawk h

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