Hey, Who Are You Guys?
ANN is, first and foremost, the work of some dedicated folks who have put their hearts (and souls) into promoting and protecting the aviation community. Born out of the blood, sweat, and tears of many hard years of aviation journalism, ANN was designed to take the vital and much-needed next step in the evolution of information sharing about and within the aerospace world.

ANN is the brainchild of US Aviator magazine Publisher and Aviation Safety Advocate Jim Campbell, whose brave efforts to bring constructive and honest information to the aviation industry are well-known—for all kinds of reasons. The aviation industry often seems to bury its head in the sand when it comes to the threats and dangers that threaten to destroy the people, programs and products that populate it. For some 12 years, Campbell and his valiant little magazine told the world of aviation what no one else dared to... namely that there were products and manufacturers out there who did not tell the truth or were actually dangerous, and that many of the entities that we had learned to trust as Aviators, especially the FAA, simply could not be trusted. That proud little magazine fought many battles, and in fact, never actually lost a single fight (but, boy... did it get its nose bloodied a few times...). But, it paid a helluva cost.
Yes, it was a great fight… but a flawed one. The new reality of near-instant information and the critical nature of the data that Campbell and his partners could provide, demanded something better and more immediate in order that their work have the greatest impact. Campbell’s burgeoning realization indicated that it was getting rather fruitless to kill new trees with old news, and it was time for those speedy little electrons to do their stuff.
Hence, ANN.
Together; with some of the best folks he’s ever worked with, ANN is blazing a NEW trail and doing what this aero-business has never seen before.

ANN means Real-Time Aviation News, valuable columns, features and event coverage, weather, classifieds, aero-marketing resources, discussion boards… and much, much more.
There are no shrinking violets here... we've all had our noses bloodied, we've had our faces rubbed in the mud for trying to do the right thing (and not always succeeding), we’ve gotten pummeled for sticking up for people who may not have been able to stick up for themselves and we’ve had to face down folks who have broken every rule in the book, moral, ethical, and legal, to keep us from trying to protect our brethren. We’ve learned a lot the hard way… and not a single one of us have ever backed down, no matter how tough the risks we faced. We are not bashful, we are not shy, and we promise you that the courage and bravery we see all around us in those who fight for their love of aviation and the safety of their fellow Aviators, will not be lost upon us, but will guide us in everything we do.
So… who are we?
We are the Aero-News Network: An Online Daily Aviation Aerospace News Resource. We have a strong commitment to safety, consumer activism, Aero-education, and Aero-entertainment (let's face it, the main reason most of us come to aviation is because it is a lot of fun and we dare not forget that no matter how serious the subject matter may be). ANN will be, at first, what we make it, but ultimately it will be what YOU make it. We implore you all to demand the very best of us, to offer your suggestions, questions, criticism, and News-Spy Tips... and to participate fully in every aspect of ANN's growth and posture. We ask you to be highly critical of us, and to take your time to point out what we're doing wrong or not doing at all, and what you think we need to be addressing. So… that in the long run, when people ask who those ANN guys are; that, in addition to folks like Jim Campbell, Zach Hewitt, Mark Mamelson, and many other talented fly-writers and photographers, that YOUR names, wishes and
concerns will be a big part of it as well.
How do I find an older news story?
Simple. Use the SEARCH button. You can search by date, subject, words, keywords, topics, you name it.
I just saw something about aviation on the news... how do I make sure you have the story?
Send email RIGHT NOW to news-spy@aero-news.net or click the SEND A NEWS TIP button on the left side of the ANN MasterPage Frame and tell us as much as you can so that we can track the story down in case we're not already on it.
What else do you have at ANN besides News?
A lot. We have Pilot reports, classified ads, feature stories, surveys, discussion forums, weather, databases, flight test reports, Aero-Consumer Advisories, and LOTS more.
How do I advertise?
Send an e-mail to publisher@aero-news.net or click HERE for more information... we'll do the rest. We make marketing on ANN easy... and affordable!
Who pays for Aero-News?
Mostly our sponsors (some really cool folks--honest!), though you can help support ANN by using our deluxe paid classified services (the basic services are still FREE, though), buying merchandise through our store, and making sure that aviation business throughout the world know that YOU trust the Aero-News Network and ANN's marketing partners.
How do I comment on a particular story?
Just click on the comment button at the end of many stories and or click on the Letters to the Editor button (on the left side of the screen under the "News" heading) have at it. We want to hear what YOU think... so does the rest of ANN!
How do I get my E-Vent listed in your Event Calendar?
Click on the E-Vent button on the left side of the ANN MasterPage frame and follow the directions!
How can I write for ANN?
Be advised we ascribe to some very high standards for our publications and expect you to do the same. At the same time, we welcome EVERYONE to take a shot at working with us; and we are willing to put in serious effort into developing new talent for the benefit of future ANN readers. If you have a story idea you wish to submit, contact publisher@aero-news.net
How do I register to use ALL of ANN's services?
Oh good, an EASY question. Just click "My Account" on the left side of the ANN MasterPage Frame and we'll set you right up.
Why should I register, anyway?
Because we asked you nicely... isn't that enough? Let me explain: we need lots of information to keep finessing ANN into a service that caters more and more to your needs. YOUR registration and information (which we keep private) help us do that. The more you tell us, the more you work with us, the more we can do for YOU. REALLY.
So, go register... OK?
Where can I buy ANN merchandize?
So glad you asked... Just click on the Aero-Shop Online button on the left side of the ANN MasterPage frame and we'll set you right up.
Can I reprint ANN articles in on my web site or elsewhere?
First off... THANK YOU for asking before doing it! By and large, we're really cool about such things, for non-commercial sites, so long as you DO NOT modify or edit the article and so long as you send an e-mail to editor@aero-news.net, outlining where you want to reprint the article and such... we'll get back to you right away with permission so long as the use meets our "acceptable use" policy. PLEASE wait for permission before publishing, OK?
How do I submit a Press release on my new Whizbang Snotblaster 4000?
EASY! Send it to editor@aero-news.net and BE SURE to send as much info as you can along with good photos and contact information so that we can get back to you for follow, if necessary. It is MUCH better to send us too much data than to send us too little. We pride ourselves on our comprehensive grasp and coverage of important news items... and if we can't get out good solid data, we're NOT likely to publish it.
IS ANN available in other languages besides English?
We publish ANN in English... but there are MANY excellent web translation utilities out in the cyber-world, though we hear that we read particularly well in the original Klingon version...
Why don't you do stories on... (favorite subject here)
We cover the ENTIRE world of aviation and aerospace... BUT if you think there's something we're missing, RUN (do not walk) to your PC and send a note to publisher@aero-news.net or news-spy@aero-news.net.
Where can we meet you guys?
That depends, if you're female, cute and available, we'll be there in a few minutes...
However; you can usually catch one or more of the ANN Staff at the most prominent aviation events in the US. Check the pages of ANN for the "ANN WILL BE THERE" note in the description, in the E-Vent calendar.
What's this April 1st Edition I keep hearing about?
Its simply our attempt to balance out the seriousness of the news business with ONE DAY out of each year when we lampoon everything and everybody, mercilessly, in the aviation business. Its irreverent, hysterical, bizarre, and we take no prisoners... but ANN's Annual April 1st Edition is one of the most widely-read pages in the aero-cyber-world.
What does to cost to subscribe?
Nothing. It's FREE and that's way we're trying to keep it. Heckuva deal, no?
Will you link to my site?
We currently don't host a links page... its been done a million times before and quite nicely in a few cases. So... until we get a number of other, more important, things accomplished, we'll leave the linking game to others for the moment.
How do I get the ANN News Ticker?
We have designed a small "portable" News Ticker that will offer current ANN headlines about what is happening in the aviation world. It can be copied to virtually any Web site (including YOURS!) on the Internet by simply requesting the code and permissions from us. In addition to staying abreast of the latest headlines, you can click on any one of these News Tickers, no matter who's site it is on, and then go directly to ANN to read the news, in-depth, anytime you choose. You may request the code using our request form by logging on to /ANNTicker.cfm.
AND... don't forget to send your news and press releases to us via news@aero-news.net! We want our coverage to include EVERY facet of aviation... so we need ALL the feedback we can get!
I have some suggestions for you...
Outstanding! Take your best shot... we're ALWAYS anxious to hear your comments, suggestions and criticism... that's how ANN got as good as it is already... and that's why it keeps improving.