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April 08, 2022

Airborne 04.08.22: SnF Digital Daily -- SW-51 Mustang, SeaMax, Thunderbird Honors

Also: Rain Rain Go Away, Soap Girl, King Schools Scholarship
It isn’t a Sun ‘n Fun Aerospace Expo without Mother Nature butting in with a few bucket loads of rain here and there, and yesterday’s contributions did not disappoint. How long can you tread water??? We have not one, but TWO amazing P-51 Mustang replicas to consider now... and the European SW-51 differs in that it's a beautiful all-composite rendition that zooms around on a Rotax 915iS. King Schools has had a wonderful scholarship program running now, in various iterations for over a decade and the most recent winner is a broadcast helicopter pilot and instructor who has demonstrated exceptional resolve. Speaking of water... one of the most cost-effective ways to enjoy land, s

Catch A Glimpse, Or Take A Closer Look At L39’S And Warthogs At SnF 2022

Catch a glimpse, or take a closer look at L39’s and Warthogs at SnF 2022

The Warthog’s are here at SnF 2022. There is no shortage of variety in the designated areas at SnF2022, whether it’s the dizzying array of Light Sport Aircraft, a showcase selection from the seasoned manufacturers, and of course an opportunity to marvel at the historic warbirds, and Military aircraft on display in the “Heavy Aircraft Parking” area. Veteran SnF visitors can probably navigate themselves directly as if flying a NDB, however, those unfamiliar with the lay of the land may get a better fix on their destination by heading to sectors E3, E4, F3 on the SnF 2022 Event Map.

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Cessna Bags Order for 30+ Citations

flyExclusive Expands Fleet of Charter Aircraft with  CJ3+ Citation Model

Exclusive Jets, LLC has signed an agreement for the purchase of up to 30 Cessna Citation CJ3+ aircraft for their flyExclusive brand. The deal is meant to reinforce their brand as a premium private jet charter operator, with the fleet expected to receive the first 5 aircraft in 2023. Should flyExclusive exercise their options for additional aircraft then they will make their way to delivery through 2025. The outfit is currently the second-largest Citation operator in the world, with a fleet of 85 jets of varying Cessna stripes. Their services span the globe, offering on-demand flights for a range of specialized needs to nearly every continent on earth, should the mis

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Duncan Obtains Mooney M20 A/P STC

BendixKing AeroCruze 100 Now Available for Owners of the Lil' Speedster

Duncan Aviation has obtained the Supplemental Type Certificate needed to install the AeroCruze 100 Autopilot in M20-series Mooneys. The team worked with a launch customer to develop and install the BendixKing autopilot, using the assistance of Peregrine Aviation to develop the STC needed. Its approval means that those running a Mooney M20 have an "affordable, digital, two-axis, standalone autopilot system" that "incorporates features such as Track Select Mode, GPS Nav Mode, GPS Steering Mode, Altitude Hold, Pitch Trim Annunciation, and Emergency AP Level Mode."

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Super Tucano Hits 500,000 Flight Hours

Single Engine Turboprop Builds Its Resume as the King of Light Ground Attack Aircraft

The Super Tucano has ticked past half a million hours across the global fleet, giving the light attack aircraft a notable milestone in a field of few competing aircraft. The A-29 was celebrated at the International Air and Space Exhibition being held in Santiago, Chile. Its manufacturer, Embraer, announced the landmark flight measure and noted that the 260 units delivered to customers have racked up 500,000 flight hours in total. 

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Piper Selects Replacement Ambassadors at UND

With Shukiar and Trost Graduated, New Blood Must Rise to the Occasion

Piper Aircraft announced the addition of 2 new brand ambassadors chosen from among University of North Dakota students. The new ambassadors replace the former pair after their graduation from the school's commercial flight program, marking what should be the first handover for the role at the area since the program was begun. The brand ambassador setup is a collaboration between Piper and its flight school customers, designed to increase awareness of the variety of aviation degree pathways offered by the schools while advertising the glamorous life of a college student pursuing a flight education. 

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Classic Aero-TV: Updating The 912iS – Rotax Releases First Major Software Update

From 2014 (YouTube Version): Two Years In Service Yields Upgrades and Improvements

In this Video we ride along with ANN CEO and Editor-In-Chief, Jim Campbell as he examines engines on display at the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo 2014 in Sebring, Florida. Jim visits with Dean Vogel the Technical Director at Lockwood Aviation Repair. When Vogel starts talking about the Rotax 912iS engine, it becomes rapidly evident that this is a high tech product. It’s the first of the Rotax 912 series to use fuel injection technology, but the high-tech part of it only begins with the fuel injection. When you hear Vogel explain that engine performance can be tuned and

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DARPA, AFRL, Lockheed Complete Hypersonic Missile Test

Aerojet Rocketdyne Announces Successful Scramjet Use in Tech Demonstrator for Air-Launched Cruise Missile System

Aerojet Rocketdyne has successfully test flown a prototype scramjet engine for the Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept (HAWC), in a joint program with DARPA, the Air Force Research Lab, and Lockheed Martin. The HAWC program is hoped to develop and demonstrate foundational technologies needed to create an effective and affordable air-launched hypersonic cruise missile system. The hostilities half a world away have highlighted an apparent gap in the American arsenal, giving planners, designers, and leaders some added urgency in developing a sufficiently competitive system to achieve capability parity. 

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ARINCDirect Unveiled by Collins Aerospace & FlightAware

Data-Driven FMS Support Subscription Offers Improved Prediction, Analysis, and Efficiency

Collins Aerospace and FlightAware have joined hands to "unlock the power of data" with a system to optimize time and efficiency for flight and ground crews. Existing customers using ARINCDirectSM datalinks can now receive Foresight ETA's via FMS uplink, with a spread of additional features at no additional cost. The system provides pilots with a more accurate, updated time of arrival that leverages FlightAware's predictive models to account for a variety of factors enroute, like airport congestion or weather conditions. The ability to provide crews with a more accurate ETA allows flight departments to improve efficiency, manage ground logistics, and crea

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NTSB Prelim: Kitfox 7

Engine Was Working Fine During The Entire Flight And There Was Nothing Mechanically Wrong With The Engine

On March 31, 2022, about 0938 central daylight time, a Kitfox Series 7 airplane, N789RB, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Crowell, Texas. The private pilot and passenger sustained fatal injuries. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. The brother of the pilot and the father of the passenger, who is also a pilot, observed the accident flight. He reported that the airplane departed from a dirt strip at the pilot’s residence in Crowell around 0900. The pilot was in the left seat and the passenger was in the right seat of the airplane.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (04.08.22)

Aero Linx: Pilots for Patients The mission of Pilots for Patients is to provide free air transportation to those patients needing diagnosis and treatments at medical facilities not available to them locally. Our goal is to eliminate the burden of travel allowing the patient to concentrate on getting well.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (04.08.22): Remote Airport Information Service (RAIS)

Remote Airport Information Service (RAIS) A temporary service provided by facilities, which are not located on the landing airport, but have communication capability and automated weather reporting available to the pilot at the landing airport.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (04.08.22)

“We are proud to continue our relationship with Textron Aviation as we bring the CJ3+ into our esteemed fleet. The addition of these new CJ3+ aircraft will allow us to expand our capabilities to support our continuing growth as one of the largest private jet charter operators in the industry.”

Source: Jim Segrave, Chairman, and Founder, flyExclusive, after signing an agreement for the purchase of up to 30 Cessna Citation CJ3+ aircraft for their flyExclusive brand. 

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