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November 04, 2022

Airborne 11.04.22: NEW Mavic 3 Classic, AAL Contract Kaput, Patriotic F-15C

Also: Rotax Service Instructions, SpaceX Starship Update, MSU UAS, RJAF Buys Bell 505s
DJI has unveiled the Mavic 3 Classic. The Mavic 3 Classic boasts a 4/3 CMOS Hasselblad camera capable of shooting in 5.1K/50 fps, 4K/60 fps and 1080p/60fps using H.264 and H.265 encoders. Slow-motion filming remains supported at 4K/120fps and 1080p/200fps. Its 24mm equivalent focal length lens opens to an adjustable aperture spanning f/2.8 to f/11 for 12.8 stops of native dynamic range, producing 12-bit RAW photography and 10-bit D-Log footage. All the color tuning and whiz-bang visual effects are there, just like the first Mavic 3, at least. The Allied Pilots Association has rejected a contract proposal that would have secured American Airlines’ flight-crew pers

Patriotic Livery Celebrates Distinguished Fighter Jet

The Raiments of Perseverance

The California Air National Guard’s 144th Fighter Wing has unveiled a new F-15C paint scheme certain to be a hit with fans of freedom, fighter jets, and Old Glory. “That’s Tail Flash #113, which recently reached more than 10,000 flight hours,” the 144th Fighter Wing’s Facebook page declared. “To celebrate, [we] painted the aircraft with this special paint scheme.”

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Airborne 10.26.22: Cirrus SF50 Fatal, NTSB Opines on DHC-3 Crash, Delta Settles

Also: T-45 Safety Pause, NASA Orders More Orions, AIRO-Current Aviation, Boeing-Airbus Compete 4 Saudi $$

Cirrus Aircraft has seen yet another SF50 Vision jet suffer a runway accident in which the vehicle encountered a failed takeoff at the Colombia, Santa Marta Airport. The SF50 Vision Jet had four persons aboard... all of whom reported some degree of injury but a minor child was reportedly struck by the jet, and killed, as it attempted to depart Runway 01. National Transportation Safety Board investigators identified a possible safety issue with a flight control of the De Havilland Canada DHC-3 that crashed into Mutiny Bay, Washington on Sept. 4, 202

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American Airlines Pilots Union Reject Contract Proposal

Something Special in the Air

The Allied Pilots Association (APA)—the labor union by which American Airlines pilots are represented—has rejected a contract proposal that would have secured American Airlines’ flight-crew personnel nearly twenty-percent in raises over the coming two-years. The proposal failed to address “quality-of-life” issues for which American pilots have long pushed. 

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Rocket Lab Readies for Second Booster Retrieval Attempt

'Catch Me If You Can' Mission Promises Spaceflight and Spectacle

Rocket Lab, the publicly traded, American space-launch concern and maker of the highly-successful Electron Rocket—a proper noun, not an allusion to the contraption’s workings—has confirmed that its upcoming Catch Me If You Can mission will conclude with an attempt to “catch” the rocket’s first stage with a modified Sikorsky S-92 helicopter as the former descends, under parachute canopy, from Earth’s upper atmosphere.

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 40th Anniversary Edition Imminent

Guimbal Cabri G2 Helicopter Added to Virtual Fleet

Comes now November 2022, and Microsoft’s storied Flight Simulator program attains the distinction of being the tech-titan’s longest-running software product line—predating Windows by three-years. The latest iteration of Flight Simulator is slated for an 11 November 2022 release, and features a superb fleet of virtual aircraft that includes the popular Guimbal Cabri G2 light helicopter. 

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NAHF President and CEO Amy Spowart To Leave Post

Board To Begin A National Search To Find A Permanent CEO

The National Aviation Hall of Fame (NAHF) announced that President and Chief Executive Officer Amy Spowart has resigned effective December 21, 2022. “Over the past seven years, Amy has done an exemplary job of leading the NAHF,” said Michael Quiello, Chair of the NAHF Board of Trustees. “Amy has been a great ambassador for the Hall of Fame, one like no other, who has raised awareness of our mission to a nationwide audience, serving both the National Aviation Hall of Fame and our Enshrinees exceptionally well.”

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NASA Sends Full Roster of Experiments Aboard SpaceX's 26th Ride

From Tomatoes to Blood Tests, the ISS Resupply Will Keep 'Em Busy For a While

The latest Commercial Resupply Mission from SpaceX, slated for November 18th, is shaping up to have a full scientific manifest. The flight will mark the 26th mission for the spacefaring contractor, delivering a few unusual research materials regarding nutrition and survival as they look to extend the food supply above. The first, an effort to grow fresh vegetables in space, has borne small yields of Red Robin Dwarf Tomatoes in the Veg-05 unit.

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Classic Aero-TV: Drone Rescues--DJI Reports On Global Drone Rescue Activity

From 2018 (YouTube Version): Assisted In The Rescue Of At Least 65 People On Five Continents In 2017

At least 65 people have been rescued by drones in the last year, according to a new report from drone maker DJI. The report, "More Lives Saved: A Year Of Drone Rescues Around The World," is available for download. It highlights how improved drone technology, rapid adoption by first responders and smart aviation regulations have combined to increase the pace of drone use in critical public safety missions.

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Airborne-UnCrewed 10.25.22: Drone v Everest, LONG UAV Flt, Textron Aerosonde

Also: Camcopter S-100, Joby Applies, “Aircraft Midnight”, Kargo UAV

DJI pushed its new Mavic 3 drone to the limits for some impressive footage in conjunction with Chinese photography platform 8KRAW. The expedition saw a bone-stock Mavic 3 come along for the ride before taking flight to record the mountain from a point of view rarely seen. 8KRAW lended their expertise real-world photography, working with DJI to develop a flight plan that would sufficiently account for a range of performance detriments experienced in the frigid, thin air over the mountain. Latvian telecom company LMT has joined hands with European drone framework Comp4Drones

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NTSB Prelim: Cessna 172S

Controller Informed The Pilot That He Observed The Airplane Descending 

On October 1, 2022, at 2317 central daylight time, a Cessna 172S, N262TA, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Hermantown, Minnesota. The commercial pilot and two passengers sustained fatal injuries. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. According to a witness, the pilot and two passengers, all friends, departed South St Paul Municipal Airport-Richard E Fleming Field (SGS), South St Paul, Minnesota, about 1015 and flew about 130 nautical miles to Duluth International Airport (DLH), Duluth, Minnesota.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.04.22)

Aero Linx: Grummand Owner's and Pilots Association GOPA - The Grumman Type-Club. As THE type club for Grumman light aircraft, GOPA is an active community of Grumman pilots, owners, maintenance operators and enthusiasts.  GOPA membership opens the door to video libraries and live demos; tech manuals and transitional training; critical FAA input; and the camaraderie of casual fly-ins and annual meetings...all geared to make Grumman aviation more accessible and safer.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.04.22): International Civil Aviation Organization

International Civil Aviation Organization [ICAO] A specialized agency of the United Nations whose objective is to develop the principles and techniques of international air navigation and to foster planning and development of international civil air transport.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.04.22)

“American management has done very little to address contract provisions regarding schedule reliability and instead focused more on keeping mainline pilots’ pay increases as low as possible. Management’s failure to invest in a pilot contract that levels up to meet passenger demand only creates more uncertainty for the holiday travel season and even next summer.” Source: Allied Pilots Association spokesman Dennis Tajer remarking on the union having has rejected a contract proposal that would have secured American Airlines’ flight-crew personnel nearly twenty-percent in raises over the coming two-years.

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