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November 19, 2022

FBI & USAF Raid Homes of Website Proprietor

Of Dying Light and Lengthening Shadows

In an instance that speaks to governmental overreach and underscores the increasingly militant tenor of America’s federal agencies, agents of the U.S. Air Force and FBI raided two homes owned by Joerg Arnu, the proprietor and webmaster of Dreamland Resort, a website that focuses on Area 51.

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Airborne 11.11.22: An-225 Rebuild, Autonomous Black Hawk!, Spitfire!

Also: Joby eVTOL, Artemis I Delayed Again, Federal Air Marshals, Emirates Cargo Expansion

The immense An-225 could actually be more salvageable than originally imagined, according to Ukrainian state-owned Antonov. While the majority of the airframe was ruined in the battles and resulting fires at Hostomel Airport, construction on a replacement has begun and more than 30% of the original’s parts could be salvaged for reuse. Sikorsky and DARPA have secured the attention and interest of the U.S. Army by successfully demonstrating means by which a Black Hawk helicopter can safely and reliably perform rescue operations and internal and external cargo

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Alto Completes 100th Bombardier Installation

Milestone Reached as Aftermarket Cabin Specialist Enters 25th Year of Operation

Alto Aviation recently rang the bell on the 100th completed cabin system installation for a Bombardier Global Express, capping off 25 years of aftermarket service. The company's Cadence audio and cabin control system has become a favorite for operators looking to improve their passenger experience, turning the all-too-often middling stock entertainment system into a carefully tuned, immersive audio suite capable of competing with terrestrial audiophile setups.

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CAE Expands Toronto Facility with B777 Sim

Recent Additions Include B737, B787 Full Flight Sims with a Dash-8 on the Way at Montreal

CAE has expanded its training capacity for Canadian airlines with the addition of a brand-new B777 full-flight simulator (FFS) at its Toronto training facility. The new equipment follows the recent installation and opening of the company's B737 MAX and B787 simulators in the freshly expanded training premises.

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NBAA Praises FAA Ruling Extending Aircraft Registration Interval

Cleaving the Red Tape

The NBAA has praised a new FAA rule by which the duration of aircraft registration certificates will be extended from three to seven years. NBAA director of flight operations and regulations Brian Koester remarked: “The new rule comes with tangible benefits that will help drive convenience and efficiency for business aircraft owners.”

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JetBlue Joins with FAPA for Ft. Lauderdale Job Fair

250TT Commercial Pilots Invited to Rub Elbows with 20+ Employers 

JetBlue has announced its newest endeavor to farm fresh pilot candidates, with a a job fair hosted in conjunction with consultant Future & Active Pilot Advisors (FAPA). The FAPA Job Fair will feature JetBlue in addition to 20 more pilot employers , bringing professionals from around the industry to descend upon the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL).

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Classic Aero-TV: Goodyear's Wingfoot One - What it Takes to Tour in a Zeppelin

From 2016 (YouTube Version): Fly Along With Chief Pilot Hissem…

Goodyear’s Wingfoot One Zeppelin is not the blimp (Navy slang, “Poopy Bag”) that you have known from the past. It’s a modern lighter-than-air machine, and this video will provide a fascinating insight as to how it operates and what makes it work. Your guide in this captivating video is Spirit of Goodyear chief pilot, Gerald Hissem. The first part of the video discusses the operational requirements of the zeppelin, and you’ll probably hear things that you have never thought of before. Hissem formats his discussion by describing his trip from

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Pentagon Reports $1.4-Billion Shortfall in F-35 Funding

Lightening the Lightning II Fleet

The U.S. Federal Government has found itself $1.4-billion short of the funds required to meet its contractual commitment to purchase F-35 Lightning II fighter jets from Lockheed-Martin. Failure to find the monies will result in the fed’s pending three-year contract with Lockheed-Martin—valued at as much as $30-billion—yielding a disproportionately small number of F-35s.

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NTSB Prelim: Cessna 172S

Controller Reported That There Was About 1/2-Mile Visibility And Subsequently Advised Cloud Bases Were Reported At 250 Ft AGL

On October 1, 2022, at 2317 central daylight time, a Cessna 172S, N262TA, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Hermantown, Minnesota. The commercial pilot and two passengers sustained fatal injuries. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. According to a witness, the pilot and two passengers, all friends, departed South St Paul Municipal Airport-Richard E Fleming Field (SGS), South St Paul, Minnesota, about 1015 and flew about 130 nautical miles to Duluth International Airport (DLH), Duluth, Minnesota. 

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.19.22)

Aero Linx: International Stinson Club The goal of the International Stinson Club is to preserve information and technology to help keep the Stinson aircraft flying. It also acts as a social club for people who love the Stinson aircraft. 

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.19.22): Visual Approach

Visual Approach An approach conducted on an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan which authorizes the pilot to proceed visually and clear of clouds to the airport. The pilot must, at all times, have either the airport or the preceding aircraft in sight. This approach must be authorized and under the control of the appropriate air traffic control facility. Reported weather at the airport must be: ceiling at or above 1,000 feet, and visibility of 3 miles or greater.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.19.22)

“We applaud the FAA for hearing our concerns over the current requirements and making this change. The new rule comes with tangible benefits that will help drive convenience and efficiency for business aircraft owners.” Source: NBAA director of flight operations and regulations Brian Koester, remarking as the FAA finalized a rule by which the duration of aircraft registration certificates will be extended from three to seven years.

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