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November 14, 2022

Airborne 11.14.22: Awful B17-P63 Midair, Frank Robinson Goes West, SnF Pilot Hub

 Airborne 11.14.22: Awful B17-P63 Midair, Frank Robinson Goes West, SnF Pilot Hub

Also: First Completed Bearhawk Model 5, New Victoria Tower, Regional Airline Association, Virgin Galactic Class Action
It has been a tragic weekend. Two warbirds flying during the Wings over Dallas Airshow, a Boeing B-17G and a Bell P-63F King Cobra, were downed via a midair collision in which the left banking P-63F overtook the Bomber from its left and took out the aft fuselage section, pretty much severing the airframe aft of the wing. The P-63F appears to have disintegrated on impact, while the two primary sections of the B-17 fragmented as they descended to impact near a highway. Robinson Helicopter has bid farewell to its founder, Frank

Gone West: Helicopter Pioneer Frank Robinson

Literally An Aviation Legend, Frank Robinson Recrafted The Civil Rotorcraft World

On November 12, 2022 Robinson Helicopter Company bid a final farewell to its founder, Frank Robinson. Robinson, 92, passed away peacefully at his Rolling Hills, California home. One of the most recognizable names in the helicopter industry, Frank Robinson was a pioneer, a man not driven by reward or accolades but by a vision that redefined the industry and forever changed general aviation. 

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Sun n' Fun Announces New Pilot Hub for SnF 2023

Food, Travel, Entertainment, and Sundries Available at Multifunction Visitor Center

SUN n' FUN is revamping the experience at the core of their upcoming 2023 shindig with "The Island", a property with food, vendors, storefronts, and transportation. Designed to address the most common complaints of years past, the Island will address everything from food and comfort to entertainment and transit in one easy-to-access hub. The plan will allow a better use of space and provide a go-to spot for pretty much everything an attendee could need throughout the week. 

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Fruity Chutes Assists in Matternet M2 Type Certification Effort

Iris Ultralight Chute System Recognized for Success in Joint UAS Safety Effort

Fruity Chutes, UAS parachute recovery specialist, announced a partnership with Matternet in their Type Certification program for the M2 Drone. Fruity Chutes provided a number of essential safety components, namely shock cords, harnesses and parachutes to go with their drone-optimized Iris Ultralight system. The program's success makes the company the first to see a drone parachute complete the demanding 4-year FAA evaluation process. The M2 program has been chugging along for 6 years in collaboration between the two companies, integrating a 96 in Iris Ultralight parachute system to the drone before testing it in every possible condition to meet ASTM F3322-18 standa

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American Airlines Pilot Survey Signals Curiosity in Hypothetical APA/ALPA Merger

Pro-Merger Group Sees Chance for Growth, Improved Representation in ALPA Resources

The push to integrate the Allied Pilots Association with the Air Line Pilots Association has gained another blip of momentum following a survey of APA pilots this week. AA Pilots for ALPA has long maintained that American Airlines pilots "need union representation with the resources worthy of the largest airline in the US," and they believe that can best be served with a merger of their current union and the larger, more established ALPA.

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Navy Shares Story of In-House Student Innovation

Innovation Hub Program Bears Fruit for Students at Naval Test Pilot School

The Navy's innovation and development program has proven its worth for those requiring rapid prototyping and 3d printing, as shown in a story shared earlier this month. The United States Naval Test Pilot School (USNTPS) and the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division’s (NAWCAD) Innovation Hub (iHub) completed a new bracket for cockpit testing, obtaining a special-use piece of equipment with rapid, in-house additive manufacture. Thanks to iHub's rapid iterative capabilities, the bracket mount was able to be streamlined and revised to the point of perfection - all without outside commercial vendors. 

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Bell Adds 3rd HEMS 429 to Air Zermatt Fleet

SAR Aircraft Added to Swiss Operator's Rescue Lineup in Recent Sale

Bell has sold one of their Bell 429s to Air Zermatt, adding the 3rd EMS-equipped Bell aircraft in the Swiss rescue company’s active fleet. Air Zermatt has been a part of the local helicopter industry in Switzerland for more than 50 years, growing from a single rescue aircraft to 11 helicopters to cover everything from transport and tourism to search and rescue under one roof. The company has opted to join Bell's Customer Advantage Plan Premier program for their continuing maintenance. For them the simplicity is worth the line item, as well as access to Bell's pool of parts and authorized service worldwide.

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Classic Aero-TV: Pelton Unplugged 2015–EAA, NBAA, Growing Aviation, and More!

From 2015 (YouTube Version): A Wide-Ranging Conversation With EAA's Jack Pelton Covers Sport/General and Business Aviation Topics

ANN CEO and Editor-In-Chief, Jim Campbell, attended NBAA2015 to provide knowledgeable reporting about the business end of aviation, but when he had the chance to talk with Jack Pelton, the new CEO of the Experimental Aircraft Association, he shifted gears and talked with Pelton about EAA. Jim brings up the obvious fact that the EAA was transitioning from a family-run business to something else when Jack Pelton was brought in to try to pull the whole package together. Pelton said that the early-on the primary concern was t

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NTSB Prelim: Peryera Arnet Adventura II

Engine Manufacturer Said That There Were Quite A Few ECU Updates That The Engine Needed

On October 17, 2022, at 1241 eastern daylight time, an experimental amateur-built Aventura II, N32856, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Miramar, Florida. The flight instructor and student pilot were fatally injured. The flight was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. According to a witness from North Perry Airport (HWO), Hollywood, Florida, the flight instructor and student stopped by his hangar on the day of the accident to borrow a screwdriver. The witness described that they were having problems with the airplane in the days preceding the accident but did not know specifically what on the problem w

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.14.22)

Aero Linx: The Twin Cessna Flyer (TTCF) Since 1988 The Twin Cessna Flyer (TTCF) has been the official type club supporting the twin engine 300/400 series Cessna aircraft. We represent all models (except the Skymaster) ranging from the earliest 310 all the way up to the 441 Conquest II and all models in between. Our organization is dedicated to the preservation and safe operation of the fleet. We work closely with other type clubs through the EAA Type Club Coalition. One of our most important functions is our behind-the-scenes work with the FAA, Textron/Cessna Aircraft, the NTSB, and other stakeholder organizations to protect the interests of Twin Cessna owners...

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.14.22): No Gyro Approach

No Gyro Approach A radar approach/vector provided in case of a malfunctioning gyro-compass or directional gyro. Instead of providing the pilot with headings to be flown, the  controller observes the radar track and issues control instructions “turn right/left” or “stop turn” as appropriate.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.14.22)

"Given the state of negotiations, we strongly urge the BOD to consider the opportunity in front of them right now. If the BOD passes this resolution and forms a credible merger committee, then the BOD will unify the membership, engage pilots on the sidelines, and likely gain access to ALPA resources to help our next Negotiating Committee succeed at the bargaining table." Source: AA Pilots for ALPA, a pro-ALPA merger group, advising its members to consider the state of contract negotiations and what

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