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January 08, 2022

Frasca Sold to FlightSafety

Flight Simulator Outfit Added to Training Specialists' Portfolio, But Nothing's Changing, Say Execs

Frasca International has been sold to FlightSafety International, marking the end of 6 decades as a family-owned company based out of the appropriately named Frasca Field in Urbana, Illinois. Frasca president John Frasca and other employees will reportedly remain in place, and the family will continue to retain ownership of the airport and its grounds. FlightSafety has built up its brand as an internationally recognized training provider for a number of aircraft types, and the addition of the Frasca brand builds on years of relationship between the two companies that draw all the way back to their founders. FlightSafety has yet to announce any

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Taliban MD-530 Crashed During ‘Training’

Regime's Dearth of Aviators Continues To Worsen Aircraft Attrition

The Taliban confirmed a video making the rounds earlier this week that featured one of their inherited MD-350 helicopters coming in low for a landing only to abruptly lift and veer off horizontally before impacting the ground. Like many goings on in the post US-withdrawal Afghanistan, details are few and far between, with rumors abounding unopposed until halfhearted explanations are officially sewn. Taliban spokesman for the Ministry of Defense, Inayatullah Khwarazmi blamed technical issues with the aircraft, saying the 2 injured pilots are expected to recover. "The helicopter crashed and is destroyed. Our pilots are injured but we don't have fatalities. One of the pilots is i

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2021: Safest Skydiving Year in History

10 Fatalities Marks Fewest Deaths, Continues Trend Of Increasing Safety

The  United States Parachute Association announced with pleasure that the overall safety rate that has been improving year over year has again beat the previous year, with 10 civilian skydiving deaths throughout 2021. The downswing began in 2018, when deaths dropped to 13, bringing the fatality index to 0.39 out of every 100,000 jumps. The year after saw a rise to 15, until 2020's drop in overall skydiving activity brought the index to mirror to its 2018 record. 2020 saw 11 fatalities, an all time low for the era. Now, 2021's record proves that safety efforts, training programs, and diver proficiency programs are yielding dividends across the country. 

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Spaceport Hearing Delayed to Jan 11

Locals Want Spaceport Camden Land Deal Put to Referendum

Camden County, Georgia residents opposed to the Spaceport's construction have missed out on their request for a restraining order to prevent the continuation of the spaceport. The order would have prevented the closure of a deal that will see Camden County purchase more land for the port's development from Union carbide.  The hearing to determine the validity of their restraining order has been delayed due to an illness by the overseeing judge. The hearing has been moved to January 11th, where the chief superior court judge for the Brunswick Judicial Circuit will hear from parties representing residents who want to see the purchase put to a voter referendum.

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NATA Applauds 5G Standdown

Industry Org Says Postponing Rollout Provides Necessary Time to Mitigate Aviation Impact

National Air Transportation Association released its position regarding the recent contention regarding 5G network launches, applauding the choice. The NATA stressed its long standing support as part of a strong coalition of aviation entities worried about the risks of radar altimeter interference. “NATA is encouraged that the telecom companies recognize the potential effect of 5G services on the nation’s aviation infrastructure. Even this brief amount of additional time will allow stakeholders to better characterize and mitigate the impact. Recognizing the relief is temporary, discussions swiftly continue as work remains to determine a path f

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WI Environmental Group Lawsuit Dismissed

Construction In Support of Guard Unit’s Transition to F-35 May Continue

A Federal Judge has dismissed one of the 2 lawsuits filed by an environmental group seeking to halt a series of construction projects required to host the 115th Fighter Wing's new F-35 fighters. The Safe Skies Clean Water organization sought to pause  27 new developments for a study on their environmental effect. The judge said that the National Guard had fulfilled their obligations through their environmental assessments under the law, but Safe Skies wants a much more costly, lengthy study. 

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Classic Aero-TV: - Protecting What's REALLY Important

From 2017: Company Will Refurbish An Older Helmet, Offers New Ones As Well…

Not every pilot has a need for a flight helmet, but for those that do, it is definitely a necessary piece of equipment. Recognizing that need, set out to build a line of helmets that meet the needs of today's pilots, and will also refurbish a favorite helmet if you have one you just can't part with. GM Bell, owner of, told ANN news editor Tom Patton that the company's basic helmets can be configured with a variety of electronics to suit the pilot's particular mission. Bell said the company is the first to be certified by LightSpeed aviat

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PW-4000 TEC Parts Supplier Re-Upped

10-Year Contract to Provide Turbine Exhaust Cases Extended

Air Industries Group's Sterling Engineering subsidiary has been awarded a long term agreement to deliver Turbine Exhaust Case parts for the Pratt & Whitney PW-4000 jet engine in a contract extension expected to generate over $6 million in its lifetime. The PW-4000 is popularly used on the A-330 and Boeing 777, and the Sterling TEC is a vital piece of its safety. The 5' wide nozzle is vital to the high stress, high speed environment inherent to turbine engines. Sterling's performance in the contract thus far has allowed them to build a deep body of experience over the last 10 years of continuous production.

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NTSB Prelim: Beech A36

He Attempted To Restart The Engine Several Times, But He Could Not Get Fuel Flow Back

On December 2, 2021, about 1415 central standard time, a Beech A36, N8038Z, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Cleveland, Texas. There were no injuries. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. The pilot reported that while enroute at 6,000 ft on an instrument flight rules flight plan the airplane engine suddenly lost power. He reported that he was not in the process of changing or manipulating anything at the time of the power loss. The pilot elected to fly toward a nearby airport depicted on his GPS receiver.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.08.22)

Aero Linx: The Air Care Alliance The Air Care Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public service organization supporting the work of volunteer-based charitable organizations whose members fly to help others. ACA is devoted to fostering, enhancing, and promoting public benefit flying in the United States and other countries. Our mission is to promote, support, and represent public benefit flying through communication and cooperation among organizations facilitating flights for health, compassion, and community service. 

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.08.22): Oceanic Airspace

Oceanic Airspace Airspace over the oceans of the world, considered international airspace, where oceanic separation and procedures per the International Civil Aviation Organization are applied. Responsibility for the provisions of air traffic control service in this airspace is delegated to various countries, based generally upon geographic proximity and the availability of the required resources.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (01.08.22)

"Although every life lost is tragic, leaving behind friends and family mourning, there is comfort in knowing that each year skydiving is getting significantly safer. This smaller fatality count is a testament to all the hard work drop zone operators, safety and training advisors, instructors, the skydiving industry and jumpers themselves are performing daily. With a bit of luck and continued vigilance, maybe we can see our first single-digit year next year." Source: From a statement made by the United States Parachute Association as they announced that the overall safety rate that has been improving year over year and has again beat the previous year, with only 10 civilian skydiving deaths throughout 2021.

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