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July 10, 2022

Fix It! Navy's FRCSW Repairs Damaged CMV-22 Osprey

$75 Million Aircraft Sustained A Six-Foot By Three-Foot Crack

Fixing one of the most complex aircraft in the world is NOT for the faint of heart... or those with anything but the greatest of skills. Fleet Readiness Center Southwest (FRCSW) recently added another milestone in its history of maintenance and repair services to naval aircraft by completing an unusual repair to the inner skin of a CMV-22 Osprey. The right-hand inner composite skin of the $75 million aircraft sustained a six-foot by three-foot crack with other, but minor, composite damage.

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NASA Makes THE List... Cosmic Targets for Webb Telescope First outing

First Observations Will Be Released In A NASA Live Broadcast This Tuesday Morning

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope will soon (we hope) reveal unprecedented and detailed views of the universe, with the upcoming release of its first full-color images and spectroscopic data. They have set forth a list of cosmic objects that Webb is targeting for these first observations, which will be released in a NASA live broadcast this Tuesday morning, July 12. Each image will simultaneously be made available on social media as well as on the agency’s website.

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And We Have A Winner... Little Rock AFB to host ANG C-130J Training Unit

J-Models Will Replace Aging C-130Hs

The Department of the Air Force selected Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, as the location to host the Air National Guard C-130J Formal Training Unit. Four C-130J Hercules will replace aging C-130Hs to establish the FTU, which will ensure aircrews gain the experience and knowledge needed to operate the newer aircraft. The C-130-J reduces manpower requirements, lowers operating and support costs, and provides life-cycle cost savings over earlier C-130 models.

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CAF Congratulates Tora! Tora! Tora! Crew As It Turns 50

Long Running Airshow Act Represents Pivotal Moments From WWII

The folks at CAF tell us that the pilots and staff that perform as 'Tora Tora Tora' are celebrating a milestone. Tora Tora Tora routine began in 1972, when six replica Japanese aircraft used in the movie of the same name were donated to the CAF. The Gulf Coast Wing requested assignment of the aircraft and began developing an act for presentation at airshows. The act debuted at the Galveston Air Show on June 25,1972 and is the longest continuously performing non-military airshow act in the United States, and perhaps the world.

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Klyde Morris (07.08.22)

Klyde Is Feeling A Little More Than Burnt...


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Piling On... Allied Pilots Association Voices Support for SAS Strike

During The Pandemic Issues That Began In 2020, SAS Furloughed Almost Half Of Its Pilots

The Allied Pilots Association (APA) has voiced its support for the union-represented pilots of SAS, who went on strike on July 4. “We strongly support the professional pilots of SAS in exercising their right to strike, and we urge SAS management to address the pilots’ legitimate job security concerns,” said APA President Capt. Edward Sicher. “A negotiated settlement to end this strike promptly is in the best interests of all SAS stakeholders, including the pilots, airline management, other employees of the airline, the traveling public, and the airline’s codeshare partners."

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Classic Aero-TV: WomenVenture 2019 - The Only Regret You'll Have is Not Trying

From 2019 (YouTube Version): Celebrating Women In Aviation At AirVenture 2019

WomenVenture is the largest gathering of passionate female aviators and aviation enthusiasts, held each year during EAA AirVenture Oshkosh since 2008. 2019 marked the 12th year for the celebration. Activities included a networking social, annual group photo with more than 1,000 women on Boeing Plaza, and a ‘Power Lunch’ with keynote speaker U.S. Air Force Col. Kim “Killer Chick” Campbell. Since 2008, EAA WomenVenture has offered the opportunity to bring together female aviators from throughout the flying community. The activities are designed to encour

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NTSB Prelim: Eurocopter Deutschland GMBH EC 135 P2+

About 150-Ft AGL, The Pilot Heard A "Thump,” And The Helicopter Pitched Up

On June 18, 2022, about 1710 central standard time, an Eurocopter EC-135 P2+ helicopter, N226SA, sustained substantial damage when it was involved in an accident near Waukesha, Wisconsin. The pilot and 3 passengers were not injured. The helicopter was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 135 air medical flight. According to the operator, the pilot received a flight request for an inter-facility transfer flight. The intended route of flight was from the aircraft's primary base at Waukesha County Airport (UES) to pick up a patient at Aurora Lakeland Medical Center and transport them to Children's Hospital of Wisconsin in Milwaukee.

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Emergency AD: Airbus Helicopters Model EC225LP Helicopters

Emergency AD# 2022-14-51 Requires One-Time Visual Inspections And, Depending On The Results, Accomplishing Additional Inspections

This emergency AD was prompted by a report of a cracked main rotor head (MRH) sleeve. This emergency AD requires one-time visual inspections and, depending on the results, accomplishing additional inspections, repairing the MRH sleeve in accordance with a certain approval, and removing the MRH sleeve from service and installing an airworthy part. This emergency AD also prohibits installing an MRH sleeve unless certain inspections have been accomplished. This condition, if not addressed, could result in failure of an MRH sleeve, loss of a main rotor blade, and subsequent loss of the helicopter.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (07.10.22)

Aero Linx: European HEMS and Air Ambulance Committee (EHAC) European HEMS and Air Ambulance Committee (EHAC) is the more than 20 years old professional umbrella organization that unites, represents, and works for the interests of the international aero-medical community. EHAC maintains a well developed network between members as well as between renowned experts, authorities (especially EASA), industry and other organisations (e.g. AAMS and ASA).

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (07.10.22): Radio Magnetic Indicator

Radio Magnetic Indicator An aircraft navigational instrument coupled with a gyro compass or similar compass that indicates the direction of a selected NAVAID and indicates bearing with respect to the heading of the aircraft.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (07.10.22)

“Since the repair was the first of its kind, planning out the sequence of the maintenance to ensure the new inner skin was not damaged during the installation process proved to be difficult... The new skin had very few pilot holes drilled and the most challenging aspect was drilling more than 1,000 holes into the new composite skin to ensure proper alignment to the aircraft. Our sheet metal mechanics were able to install the new skin with zero defects and delivered the product with high quality craftsmanship.” Source: MV-22 production manager Moises Edillor, commenting on how Fleet Readiness Center Southwest (FRCSW) recently added another milestone in its history of maintenance and repair services to naval aircraft by comp

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