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November 02, 2022

Airborne 11.02.22: Delta Strike?, Electric R44 Heli, Stratolaunch Talon

Also: First BE-4 Engine, NBAA Honors, Russia Threatens Starlink, Bell 407 Air Tour Accident
The pilots of Delta Airlines have voted overwhelmingly in favor of a strike-authorization ballot. Ninety-nine-percent of the over 96-percent of Delta pilots who participated in the vote authorized union leaders to call a strike, if necessary, to achieve a new contractual agreement with Delta Airlines—and with good reason. Delta pilots are working under contractual provisions—to include pay-rates and benefits—negotiated in 2016. Tier 1 Engineering has successfully completed a flight between Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport, near Coachella, and Palm Springs International Airport on October 29, 2022 at 1100 PST, the first helicopter flight betwee

Court Sides With Wrongfully Terminated American Airlines Pilot

Justice; Sweeter When Aged

In August 2020, DeWitt Ingram—an American Airlines pilot who’d passed 21 exemplary years in the carrier’s employ—was professionally, financially, and personally undone by a nightmarish sequence of functional illiteracy, general apathy, and reactionary bureaucracy set into motion by an imprudent ground-service employee who failed, apparently, to differentiate between the given names DeWitt and David.

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SpaceX Anticipates First Starship Launch to Reach Orbit by 2023

Space Company Hopes for December Launch of Flagship Rocket System

A recent NASA Advisory Council meeting has revealed an early December target for the first orbital launch of the SpaceX Starship rocket system. The launch would be an important milestone in the company’s efforts to fly NASA personnel to the moon under the Artemis program and beyond. The December mission will test the whole system for the first time, using the 230-foot Super Heavy Booster to carry the smaller Starship spacecraft into orbit.

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Airborne 10.24.22: DeLand Showcase Not Much Of A Show, Super Guppy, First B-21

Also: Amazon Air, Universal Avionics Aperture, Corporate Angel Network, FL Caravan

After the departure of event organizer/manager Jana Filip for new digs at Sun ‘n Fun, many thought that  the annual Deland Sport Aviation Showcase was toast... ANN included. And based on their first showing, maybe they are. Despite spectacular weather, the revamped ‘Aero Showcase’ was sparsely populated and attended. Barely more than half a dozen real players in the sport aviation community showed up with little more than a dozen airplanes... On October 20 th at 11:24am Kennedy Space Center time N941NA, the NASA B377SGT, Super Guppy, departed KSC. T

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Airborne-UnCrewed 10.25.22: Drone v Everest, LONG UAV Flt, Textron Aerosonde

Also: Camcopter S-100, Joby Applies, “Aircraft Midnight”, Kargo UAV

DJI pushed its new Mavic 3 drone to the limits for some impressive footage in conjunction with Chinese photography platform 8KRAW. The expedition saw a bone-stock Mavic 3 come along for the ride before taking flight to record the mountain from a point of view rarely seen. 8KRAW lended their expertise real-world photography, working with DJI to develop a flight plan that would sufficiently account for a range of performance detriments experienced in the frigid, thin air over the mountain. Latvian telecom company LMT has joined hands with European drone framework Comp4Drones

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Airborne 10.24.22: DeLand Showcase Not Much Of A Show, Super Guppy, First B-21

Also: Amazon Air, Universal Avionics Aperture, Corporate Angel Network, FL Caravan

After the departure of event organizer/manager Jana Filip for new digs at Sun ‘n Fun, many thought that  the annual Deland Sport Aviation Showcase was toast... ANN included. And based on their first showing, maybe they are. Despite spectacular weather, the revamped ‘Aero Showcase’ was sparsely populated and attended. Barely more than half a dozen real players in the sport aviation community showed up with little more than a dozen airplanes... On October 20 th at 11:24am Kennedy Space Center time N941NA, the NASA B377SGT, Super Guppy, departed KSC. T

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NBAA Recognizes Air Traffic Controller’s Heroism

Cool Heads Prevail in the Sunshine State

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) has recognized Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Air Traffic Controller Robert Morgan with its Above and Beyond Award for Heroic Achievement, which recognizes individuals whose substantial actions served to preclude injury, loss of life, or catastrophic damage to business aircraft. Mr. Morgan's quick-thinking, professionalism, situational awareness, and calm demeanor saved four lives and spared a Cessna 208 Caravan an untimely trip to the scrapyard.

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Increasingly Unfriendly Skies... UAL Pilots Reject Tentative Agreement

9,980 United Pilots Voted, With 94 Percent Voting Against

United Airlines pilots have voted overwhelmingly to reject the tentative agreement (TA) that was presented to the pilot group earlier this summer. A record 9,980 United pilots participated, with 94 percent voting against the proposal. This TA fell short of the industry-leading contract United pilots 'have earned and deserve after leading the airline through the pandemic and back to profitability.'

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Unvaccinated USAF Instructor Pilots to Resume Flying

Travails and Vapor-Trails

The U.S. Air Force, in the person of Major General Phillip Stewart, has confirmed that it is allowing unvaccinated instructor pilots to return to flight-duty after grounding them last summer in accordance with federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates since ruled broadly unconstitutional. General Stewart plans to revisit the decision once an ongoing class-action lawsuit challenging the vaccine mandate is resolved. The case, Hunter Doster, et al versus Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall, is to be heard in Ohio’s U.S. District Court.

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Blue Origin Delivers First BE-4 Engine to United Launch Alliance

New LNG-Fueled Rocket Engine On Track to Increase Domestic Lift Independence

Blue Origin has completed delivery of its first BE-4 engine assembly to the United launch Alliance, passing a major milestone in ending reliance on foreign heavy-lift rocket engines. The BE-4 engine tendered to the ULA’s Decatur, Alabama facility opens up a new era in American space manufacturing and launch capability, paving the way for ISS resupply without the use of Russian Soyuz heavy-lift rocket when the engine sees widespread use throughout the industry.

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Classic Aero-TV: Quest Kodiak Enhances Migration Monitoring Programs

From 2008 (YouTube Version): US Fish and Wildlife Service Chooses The Kodiak To Monitor Waterfowl Populations

Waterfowl all over North America may soon have to get used to a new but increasingly familiar sight... that of a massive Quest Aircraft Kodiak Turbo-Prop... and airplane chosen by the US Fish and Wildlife Service to conduct surveys and monitoring under the watchful of our department of the Interior, in cooperation with other affected nations.  

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General Atomics Inks $70.6 Million with Polish MOD

Poland Continues Shopping 2022 Spree with Purchase of Classic Reaper UAV 

Poland’s defense spending bonanza continued this month, with a deal between General Atomics and the Ministry of Defence for the lease of an undisclosed number of MQ-9A Reaper aircraft. The deal is worth $70.6 million, though specifics on the exact number of aircraft remain nebulous. Mariusz Blaszczak, Polish defense minister, said the leased aircraft were an interim fix for their UAS ISR needs. His tweet showed a Reaper bearing some small PAF markings after the deal was made. 

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NTSB Prelim: Northwing Design Apache Sport

It Felt Like “Something Punched The Plane” Consistent With Turbulence

On September 21, 2022, about 1000 eastern daylight time, a Northwing Design aircraft, N3283N, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Southern Shores, North Carolina. The private pilot was fatally injured and the passenger sustained minor injuries. The weight-shift control aircraft was operated as a Title 14?Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. The passenger stated that his step-father performed a thorough preflight inspection which he also performed, then the flight departed and flew north along the coast.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.02.22)

Aero Linx: National Aeronca Association We are dedicated to supporting the design and preserving the history of Aeronca aircraft. Founded by Jim Thompson and fostered by his leadership for nearly thirty years, we are now led by a Board of Directors. We meet in convention every two years at Hook Field (MWO) in Middletown, Ohio, the site of the Aeronca Corporation, where all of our post war planes were produced.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.02.22): Lost Communications

Lost Communications Loss of the ability to communicate by radio. Aircraft are sometimes referred to as NORDO (No Radio). Standard pilot procedures are specified in 14 CFR Part 91. Radar controllers issue procedures for pilots to follow in the event of lost communications during a radar approach when weather reports indicate that an aircraft will likely encounter IFR weather conditions during the approach.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.02.22)

“We’re excited to see ULA’s Vulcan fly. The BE-4 is a great engine, and we’re proud of Team Blue for achieving this milestone as part of ULA’s team. It’s been a wonderful partnership, and this shipset is the first of many more to come.” Source: Bob Smith, CEO of Blue Origin, discussing the completed delivery of its first BE-4 engine assembly to the United launch Alliance, passing a major milestone in ending reliance on foreign heavy-lift rocket engines. 

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