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November 15, 2024

Airborne-Flight Training 11.07.24: CFI Changes, DPE Symposium, Evektor Harmony

Also: EAA Scholarship, Keewatin Air Pilots, Bell Textron Donates, Capt. Judy Cameron Scholarship

On December 1, 2024, the FAA will be finalizing major changes for current and future CFIs. While many modifications are included in this, the most major is the elimination of certificate expiration dates. CFIs will be required to complete recent instruction or a FIRC every 24 months... This year’s Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) Symposium began with a presentation from FAA senior leadership. It discussed the agency’s work to increase the DPE pool and how it has paid off so far. Evektor has partner

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Airborne 11.06.24: Skyryse One, MASSIVE Lycoming AD, Coked Up C206

Also: Hartzell Expands, Japan V-22 Ills, RCAF H135 Deal, B-29 Doc On Tour

Skyryse reservations for its Skyryse One First Edition helicopters have sold out in just six months. Early adopters received an exclusive introductory base price of $1.8 million but reservations are still being accepted with current pricing based on placement on the reservation list. The FAA has issued a new AD affecting Lycoming engine models with specific connecting rod assemblies. This was prompted by a series of reports of con rod failures that caused uncontained engine breakdowns and in-flight shutdowns (IFSDs). The directive mandates routine oil inspections to identify

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Classic Aero-TV: Able Flight Empowerment --Introducing America’s Newest Pilots

From 2015 (YouTube Edition): One of Aviation’s Greatest Efforts Expands Our Ranks With Inspirational New Flyers

In this short, 2 ½ minute video, you’ll see and hear Charles Stites, who is the Executive Director of Able Flight, as he pins pilot wings on four new able flight students. You’ll also receive an introduction to an organization that takes pride in helping people succeed in ways that were not imagined before. Able Flight was created by pilots who believe that the life-changing experience of learning to fly is best shared, and they designed the Able Flight Scholarships to enable people with disabilities to pursue th

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.15.24)

Aero Linx: Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO) CANSO is the global voice of the air traffic management industry. As the industry association, we bring the world’s air navigation service providers, leading industry innovators and air traffic management specialists together to share knowledge, develop best practice and shape the future for secure and seamless airspace. Together we are experts, we are innovators and we are the architects of future ATM. 

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.15.24): Landing Area

Landing Area Any locality either on land, water, or structures, including airports/heliports and intermediate landing fields, which is used, or intended to be used, for the landing and takeoff of aircraft whether or not facilities are provided for the shelter, servicing, or for receiving or discharging passengers or cargo. 

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.15.24)

“NATA congratulates Senator John Thune on his election as Senate majority leader and looks forward to his collaborative leadership in the 119th Congress. Throughout Senator Thune’s distinguished Congressional career and service on the Senate Commerce Committee, he has demonstrated a commitment to sound transportation policy, an understanding of the aviation ecosystem, and an appreciation for the value of aviation businesses..." Source: The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) issued a statement regarding the election of South Dakota Senator John Thune as majority leader of the U.S. Senate in the next Congress.

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