Also: CubCrafters New Dealer, Aeromarine-LSAs New Zigolo SSDR, 'It's About Time' Scholarship
We are at Sebring!!! Just in time for the US Sport Aviation Expo, the FAA has certified the Searey Light Sport Amphibious Airplane, Elite Version. The Searey Elite, designed and manufactured by Progressive Aerodyne, is equipped with a Rotax 914 turbocharged engine and is equally at home on the ground or on the water. The city of Santa Monica, CA has been told in no uncertain terms by the FAA that they cannot close the airport and open up its 227 acres for redevelopment until at least 2023, and likely not ever, according to a communication sent by the agency to city government. This was definitely a bad day for two Southwest Airlines pilots. Their flight from Chicago to Branson, MO last S