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July 21, 2004

ANN Special Report: Sport Pilot News Conference -- FAA HQ

By ANN Correspondent John Ballantyne

It was FAA Headquarters, 10:03 am EDT, in the Administrator's Conference Room as FAA Administrator Marion Blakey (pictured right whilst playing in a PPC... and having a good time of it), officially announced the release of a new rule commonly known as Sport Pilot. Sometimes called the "Loch Ness Monster" of rules, because it appeared and disappeared so many times, it is now written in FAA concrete.

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USUA Comments On Sport Pilot

USUA EVP Dale Hooper Weighs In On The LSA/SportPilot Announcement

Sport Pilot has been a long time coming, and the look of calm relief on the face of FAA National Program Manager of Sport and Recreational Aviation, Sue Gardner, this morning, was refreshing. Now, after so many months of being required to keep silent about the finished rule, she, and others, are finally able to relax. But that relaxed attitude can't last for very long. They are now able to discuss the rule (for months they were legally bound to secrecy), and provide assistance in its implementation.

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AOPA Offers Some Insights Into LSA/ Sport Pilot

FAA Administrator Marion Blakey has officially unveiled the long-awaited Sport Pilot and Light Sport Aircraft rule that will allow many pilots to fly with a valid driver's license in lieu of a medical certificate and create new, less-expensive ways to become a pilot.

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GAMA Cheers Sport Pilot Rule

GAMA is cheering the FAA’s release of the Sport Pilot and Light-Sport Aircraft rule. The long awaited rule provides safe standards for an evolving category of general aviation aircraft and operations without being overly burdensome.

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Poberezny: See The Big Picture

Will Continue Working On Drivers License Medical Issue

EAA chief Tom Poberezny is happy with the Sport Pilot rules announced on Tuesday. "More people will fly," he said in an exclusive interview with Aero-News Net. "This provides an economic opportunity to get people involved in aviation."

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FAA FAQ: Sport Pilot Medical

Here's The Way The Feds Explain It...

1.  What if I meet the requirements set forth in the rule that allow me to medically qualify using my current and valid US driver's license?  When may I use my current and valid US driver's license as medical qualification? Answer: Provided you meet the requirements and you are qualified to exercise sport pilot privileges using a current and valid US driver's license, you may do so on September 1, 2004, the effective date of the rule.

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News From Farnborough: Boeing Gets Huge 777 Order

And Projects Trillions In Revenue Over Next 20 Years

It could well be the mother of all airplane orders at this year's air show in Farnborough -- a $2.96 billion sale of Boeing 777-300ERs to Emirates Airlines. And if Boeing Commercial CEO Alan Mulally is right, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

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'One Small Step...'

35th Anniversary Of Apollo Moon Landing And NASA Is Looking Ahead

The success of the Apollo 11 mission that landed NASA astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin on the Moon July 20, 1969, was a defining moment that opened a new era in human history. Today, as NASA marks the 35th anniversary of that first lunar landing, the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville (AL) celebrates the role it played in the Apollo program. Under the leadership of its first director, Dr. Wernher von Braun, the Marshall Center developed the Saturn V rocket that carried our astronauts to the Moon.

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NTSB On Site In Wheeling

Investigating PA-32 Accident That Killed Five

Federal investigators were on the scene Tuesday in Wheeling (WV), where a Piper PA-32 (file photo of type, below) Saratoga went down Sunday, killing all five people on board.

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Bell/Agusta 609 Civil Tiltrotor Enters Next Phase of Flight Testing

First Flight Test Aircraft Undergoing Modifications

The world's first civil tiltrotor aircraft, the Bell/Agusta BA609 begins envelope expansion flight test late this year. Meanwhile, the first flight test aircraft is continuing to undergo configuration modifications at Bell's Flight Research Center, Arlington (TX), following the conclusion of the first phase of flight testing in 2003. So far the BA609 has flown a total of nine flights with 14 hours of flight time.

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WSI Official Weather Provider at EAA AirVenture

Pilots And The Public Will Have Access To WSI's Weather Information

WSI Corporation will host a number of weather briefing outlets for travelers to EAA AirVenture 2004 in Oshkosh (WI). Enthusiasts and pilots will be able to access WSI's information at over twelve locations on and around Wittman Regional Airport including the EAA's Flight Operations, Membership Tent, and the FAA's Oshkosh Temporary Flight Service Station (FSS), as well as in the daily AirVenture Today newspaper and through a special WSI hosted website.

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Aero-News Quote Of The Day (07.21.04)

"We didn't need it." Source: Aerocomp test pilot Ron Lueck, after the first flight of the CA-Jet on Tuesday. The flight departed Merritt Island Airport (FL) and flew over Titusville. Lueck landed at TICO, where he had the luxury of runways that are much longer than at Merritt Island, but said the new jet didn't need all that concrete after all.

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Linear Air Launches New Air-Taxi Charter Service

Aiming At Small Teams Of Corporate Executives

Air-taxi operator Linear Air this week launched its new luxury charter service from Hanscom Field, 15 miles west of Boston in Bedford (MA), flying to almost 200 cities along the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic coasts. The company says its service is ideal for business travelers, particularly those who travel in small teams.

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Mid-Continent Instruments Offers TAWS/EGWPS Control Unit

Responding To FAA Mandate

When the FAA's Terrain Awareness Warning Systems (TAWS) mandate goes into effect in March 2005, Mid-Continent plans to be part of the compliance solution for Class A, B and C operators. "This mandate affects us because it affects our customers," said Bill Barnes, Design Engineer. "Our customers fly aircraft from piston singles to business jets and helicopters. Mid-Continent is able to provide annunciation products for a majority of these applications. We want to raise awareness so they can avoid the last minute rush they had with the ELT mandate in 2003 which forced people to ground their aircraft because they missed the deadline."

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Bell Demonstrates MAPL

Based On 30 Years Of Research

Bell's MAPL tail fan demonstrator made its first flight last week at Bell's new XworX research center in Arlington (TX).

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Here It Is: First Official Facts On Sport Pilot/LSA

Sport Pilot, Light-Sport Aircraft Rule

The FAA today issued new requirements for light-sport aircraft, pilots and repairman. Light-sport aircraft are small, simple, low-performance, low-energy aircraft limited to: 1,320 lb.(600 kg), (1,430 lb. seaplanes) maximum takeoff weight 1 or 2 occupants single engine (non-turbine) maximum stall speed (without lift enhancing devices) of 45 knots maximum airspeed in level flight of 120 knots fixed landing gear fixed pitch propeller.

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First Flight: Aerocomp's Jet Makes 30 Minute Maiden Flight

Exclusive Details From Test Pilot Ron Lueck

ANN has just concluded the first interview with Aerocomp test Pilot Ron Lueck, who piloted the CA-Jet (shown below, minutes after its maiden flight) to its first flight on the 35th Anniversary of the First Lunar Landing, Tuesday, July 20th, 2004.

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Official: FAA Issues Sport Pilot, Light-Sport Rule

FAA's Official Statement

The FAA has "issued new certification requirements for light- sport aircraft, pilots and repairmen that will make recreational flying safer while keeping it affordable and fun."

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First Impressions: ANN's Initial Thoughts on Sport Pilot/LSA Press Conference

ANN Continues To Be FIRST With Sport Pilot/LSA Details...

ANN has been monitoring the press conference just concluded by the FAA that announced the new Sport Pilot/LSA rules. Due to take effect on September 1st, 2004, we found the FAA's remarks interesting and noted few surprises.

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