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December 27, 2024

Airborne Affordable Flyers 12.27.24: RV15 Update, ICON Abandons USA, Dynon Vids

 Also: Rotax SB, New Medical Certification, Mesnard Velocity, TTN Aviation Program

Face it, it was an unkind year for Van’s Aircraft, but they ARE recovering... swiftly. Among the latest news, is a report on changes to the RV-15 prototype: The stabilator has been replaced with a conventional tail on a longer tailcone, which has proven to provide more intuitive handling for pilots of varying skill levels... No surprise here, as the inevitable takeover of Icon becomes an International Game. ICON Aircraft will be moving “a portion” (with likely more to come) of its manufacturing to a new state-of-the-art facility in China but will (for now...) maintain its headquarters in Vacaville, California. Dynon Avionics recently i

New Alert Service Bulletin For Certain Rotax Engines

Inspection And Replacement Of Oil Spray Nozzle

Rotax announced an Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) for its Type 912i, 915i, and 916i series engines for inspection and/or replacement of the oil spray nozzle due to excessive application of Loktite during manufacture with possible blockage of the nozzle, leading to inadequate cooling and potential damage to the generators.

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Russia Blamed For Downing Azerbaijan Airlines Plane

Embraer E-190 Was Hundreds Of Miles Off Course

Ukraine is placing blame on Russia for downing an Azerbaijan Airlines (AZAL) Embraer E-190 with 67 passengers and crew on board, with the number of deaths standing at 38 as of December 25. The airliner went down near the city of Aktau in Kazakhstan after Ukrainian drone strikes in southern Russia.

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Coalition Urges Trump To Optimize FAA And ATC Efficiencies

Notes Process Reforms And Funding Needed To Maintain World’s Safest

A coalition of nearly 30 groups spanning every sector of America’s aerospace and aviation industry has sent a letter to President-Elect Donald J. Trump urging his administration to work with the industry to create new efficiencies in the FAA that maintain the country’s position as having the safest national airspace system in the world.

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Aircraft Lands On Interstate In Albany, NY

Twin Beech Experienced Severe Icing Short Of Airport

The pilot of a Beechcraft Travelair was attempting to land at Albany International Airport (KALB) in New York on December 21 when the icing on his aircraft became so severe he knew he wouldn’t make it so he landed the aircraft safely on I-87 in Albany.

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Lilium Redux: Mobile Uplift Buys Subsidiaries

Consortium To Restructure Company, Exit Insolvency, Resume Operations

In a complete, last-minute turnaround for Lilium, Mobile Uplift Corporation, a consortium of investors from Europe and North America, announced on December 24 it has agreed to purchase the operating assets of both of Lilium’s subsidiaries, Lilium GmbH and Lilium eAircraft GmbH. The group plans to restructure Lilium and bring it out of insolvency without debt and with its technology intact.

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Sky Harbour To Build New Campus At Trenton-Mercer

Lease Signed For 10-Acre Home Base Facility

The Sky Harbour Group announced the signing of a lease agreement with Mercer County for the development of a 10-acre Home Base campus at the Trenton-Mercer Airport (KTTN) in New Jersey. The facility is projected to create or sustain hundreds of jobs that will generate a significant economic benefit for the county.

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Air Canada Orders Five More A220 Aircraft

Accepted First Delivery In 2019, Airline Has 65 Total On Order

Air Canada has placed an order for five more of the single-aisle Airbus A220-300, making a total of 65 of the latest-generation jetliners it has on order since accepting its first one in December 2019. The airline placed its first order for 45 aircraft in 2016 and a second order for 15 more in 2022.

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Klyde Morris (12.23.24)

Klyde Has No Patience For the 'Bah, Humbug' Crowd...


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NTSB Final Report: Piper PA-18-150

Pilot Reported That During Landing He Allowed The Airplane To Sink Faster Than Intended

Analysis: The pilot reported that during landing he allowed the airplane to sink faster than intended and it bounced on the main tires. He immediately executed a go-around; however, during the goaround the airplane went off the side of the runway, and struck thick bushes, terrain and rocks before gaining altitude. Just before gaining altitude, the airplane struck a large rock which damaged the right main landing gear.

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Classic Aero-TV: Built On Honor -- Touring Hartzell's Prop Shop

From 2015 (YouTube Edition): The Stunning Technology Behind What Keeps Much Of The Aero-World Flying

In this video we have the pleasure of meeting, J.J. Frigge, the Executive Vice President for Hartzell Propeller, and we receive a personal guided tour of the Hartzell production facility. The Hartzell Propeller Company goes back to the early days of aviation when they were innovators in airplane propeller research and development. The spirit of those days has not been lost on the modern company.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (12.27.24)

Aero Linx: Seaplane Pilots Association The Seaplane Pilots Association is the only organization in the world solely focused on representing the interests of seaplane pilots, owners and operators. SPA is dedicated to promoting safe seaplane operations, and to protecting the sharing of our nation’s waterways with other user groups.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (12.27.24): Microburst

Microburst A small downburst with outbursts of damaging winds extending 2.5 miles or less. In spite of its small horizontal scale, an intense microburst could induce wind speeds as high as 150 knots.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (12.27.24)

“Our organizations believe the areas we have outlined will ensure the FAA is more capable and prepared to deliver economic growth, foster American innovation, adapt to challenges, and continue to manage the safest, largest, and most complex air traffic control system in the world. We stand ready to work with you and your administration.” Source: From a letter sent by over a dozen aviation organizations in an attempt to advise the upcoming President on aviation policy.

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