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December 25, 2024

Congressman Pushes to Allow Digital Pilot Certificates

Representative Tim Burchett Introduces Pilot Certificate Accessibility Act

US Representative Tim Burchett introduced the Pilot Certificate Accessibility Act to Congress. This would remove the need for pilots to continuously carry paper copies of medical and airman certificates. Burchett, a Tennessee Republican representing the state’s 2nd district, is being co-sponsored by Garret Graves.

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NASA Awards Firefly $179M To Deliver Experiments To Moon

First Lunar Delivery Slated For January 2025

NASA has awarded Firefly Aerospace a contract worth $179 million to deliver a series of six experiment payloads to the lunar surface, as the agency continues to advance its lunar exploration program and support the growing lunar economy under its Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program.

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Joby Successfully Completes TIA Test Flight

Begins Final Phase of Certification Prior To Commercial Service

Joby Aviation announced the successful completion of the first flight test under the Type Inspection Authorization (TIA) involving FAA pilots evaluating human factors elements of flight safety using an FAA-conforming flight deck in a Joby simulator.

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ACR Product Aligns With ICAO, EASA, Other Global Standards

ACR Electronics announced it has received FAA Technical Standard Order (TSO) certification for its new ARTEX ELT 5000 Emergency Locator Transmitter with Distress Tracking (ELT-DT) that is designed to be compatible with the ICAO, EASA, and other global civil aviation standards.

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Luxair Purchases Two Embraer E195-E2 Aircraft

Options Bring Fleet To Six On Order

Luxair, the flag air carrier of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, exercised the option in its 2023 contract with Embraer for two additional E195-E2 single-aisle aircraft, bringing the airline to a total of six of the narrowbody aircraft on order.

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A Memorable Merry Christmas From Our Dear Friend(s), Frank Kingston Smith(s)

From Two Great Men... An Aero-Holiday Memory

One of the greatest joys I have as the so-called boss of ANN is the many people I meet and the precious few that I get to know as friends. Two of my great friends have had the same name... Frank Kingston Smith, Senior (pictured first) and Junior (pictured second). Frank Sr. has been gone a number of years now, but our memories of him are fond and numerous... though his son is still often a vociferous advisor and co-conspirator via email. Some time ago, Frank, Jr., sent me a really great message... and it made for a fitting way by which I can wish you all a very Merry Christmas -- Jim Campbell, ANN E-I-C

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NAA Names New Board Members For 2025

Diverse Mix Of Industry Leaders With Deep Experience

The National Aeronautic Association (NAA), the oldest aviation organization in the U.S., announced its Board of Directors for 2025, who comprise a diverse group of global industry leaders with extensive experience and a wealth of knowledge in the aviation and aerospace realm.

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Robinson’s 'Improved' Empennage Gains Approval

Symmetrical Horizontal Stab, Tailcone Improve Handling Characteristics

Robinson Helicopter Company announced that it has gained approval from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Argentina, Japan, And India for its improved empennage on all Robinson helicopter models. The new empennage integrates a symmetrical horizontal stabilizer and tailcone, and is now standard on all newly-made Robinson helicopters.

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Airborne 12.16.24: Flight Design BK, XB-1 Flt 9, Drone Arrest Near Rocket Base

Also: USCG Helo Pilot Receives DFC, Enstrom And Japan, Alternative Fuel Growth, ‘Moon to Mars’ Plans

Flight Design general aviation GmbH has filed for bankruptcy. The company is based at Eisenach-Kindel airfield in Germany. This development follows a string of financial troubles in the aviation industry, including bankruptcies from Hoffmann Propeller, Lilium, Sonaca, and ICON earlier in the year. The insolvency case is being managed by lawyer Marcello Di Stefano. Boom’s XB-1 supersonic demonstrator aircraft completed its ninth test flight on December 13. The flight sets a high standard for the upcoming subsonic test campaign fina

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Airborne 12.16.24: Flight Design BK, XB-1 Flt 9, Drone Arrest Near Rocket Base

Also: USCG Helo Pilot Receives DFC, Enstrom And Japan, Alternative Fuel Growth, ‘Moon to Mars’ Plans

Flight Design general aviation GmbH has filed for bankruptcy. The company is based at Eisenach-Kindel airfield in Germany. This development follows a string of financial troubles in the aviation industry, including bankruptcies from Hoffmann Propeller, Lilium, Sonaca, and ICON earlier in the year. The insolvency case is being managed by lawyer Marcello Di Stefano. Boom’s XB-1 supersonic demonstrator aircraft completed its ninth test flight on December 13. The flight sets a high standard for the upcoming subsonic test campaign finale. The

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Airborne-NextGen 12.17.24: EcoPulse!, Drone Arrest, Sikorsky MATRIX

Also: Counter-Drone Tech, CAMCOPTER S-100, Joby Flies In Korea, ‘Moon to Mars’ Plans

EcoPulse, a distributed hybrid-electric propulsion demonstrator aircraft developed in a collaboration among Daher, Safran, and Airbus, has concluded its flight test campaign, yielding important insights to meet the goal of decarbonizing air transport by 2050. A Chinese citizen, 39-year-old Yinpiao Zhou, was arrested and charged after flying a drone over Vandenberg Space Force Base and using it to take aerial photos. A month prior, he allegedly made a Google search for “Vandenberg Space Force Base Drone Rules.” Sikorsky announced it has been select

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Classic Aero-TV: Ralph Maloof Revs Up - Innovations For Homebuilt A/C Engines

From 2016 (YouTube Version): A VW Bug Engine Conversion Has Matured Into an Engine for the Airplane Homebuilder…

While at EAA AirVenture 2016, ANN News Editor, Tom Patton, visited with the folks at RevMaster and talked with Ralph Maloof, who is an aeronautical engineer and inventor. The first thing we find out in this interview is that the RevMaster engine is based on the Volkswagen Bug engine, but it is not simply a Volkswagen engine with slight modifications to make it fit in an airplane. Maloof says it has been modified to the point that it is really designed for aircraft use, not for automobile use.

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NTSB Final Report: Champion 7ECA

Postaccident Examination Of The Airplane Revealed The Left Wing Fuel Cap Was Missing, And Fuel Streaks Were Observed 

Analysis: The pilot was transporting the airplane from during a multi-leg trip and was on the second to last day of the trip. Prior to departure, he purchased fuel from a self-service pump and topped off both wing fuel tanks and checked that each fuel cap was properly secured. He calculated he had enough fuel for the 3.5 hour flight, plus a 40 to 50 minutes reserve, and departed.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (12.25.24)

Aero Linx: Florida Antique Biplane Association "Biplanes.....outrageous fun since 1903." That quote really defines what the Florida Antique Biplane Association (FABA) is all about. Our members are dedicated to preserving pre-1950 Biplanes, while aviating around the gorgeous state of Florida to fly-ins hosted by fellow members. Our FABA Fly-in season starts in October and concludes before the   Florida thunderstorm season kicks in. Each month, through May, one of our members hosts a fly-in at often unique destination airports, many times a private grass strips perfect for our vintage craft.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (12.25.24): Mach Technique [ICAO]

Mach Technique [ICAO] Describes a control technique used by air traffic control whereby turbojet aircraft operating successively along suitable routes are cleared to maintain appropriate MACH numbers for a relevant portion of the en route phase of flight. The principal objective is to achieve improved utilization of the airspace and to ensure that separation between successive aircraft does not decrease below the established minima.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (12.25.24)

“The CLPS initiative carries out U.S. scientific and technical studies on the surface of the Moon by robot explorers. As NASA prepares for future human exploration of the Moon, the CLPS initiative continues to support a growing lunar economy with American companies. Understanding the formation of the Gruithuisen Domes, as well as the ancient lava flows surrounding the landing site, will help the U.S. answer important questions about the lunar surface.” Source: Joel Kearns, deputy associate administrator for exploration, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters in Washington D.C., as NASA awarded Firef

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