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October 10, 2021

ACE Appoints New Executive Director: Daryl Price

Sun n’ Fun Runners’ Appoint Lead on SkyLab Innovation Center

The Aerospace Center for Excellence (ACE) is a large, 14-building aerospace STEM facility located on the Sun n’ Fun Expo Campus. A renowned force for education, quality, and enthusiasm in aviation, the area is home to some of the most beloved events in the industry. Dedicated to enhancing the quality aviators and igniting a passion for aerospace, ACE’s newest executive director will step into his role with enthusiasm. John “Lites” Leenhouts, President and CEO, said, “Daryl comes with a wealth of experience and knowledge, that partners exquisitely with a very engaging personality, all of which will be instrumental in leading our team as we br

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Klyde Morris (10.08.21)

Klyde Can't Help But Note Some Problems For The Taliban...


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Dassault Highlights Key Aircraft Ahead of NBAA

Announces Displays of Falcon 10X, 6X, and 8X at Convention 

Dassault Aviation is announcing the presence of three key aircraft during the upcoming NBAA-BACE convention beginning in October 12th, in Las Vegas. For the first time, they’ll show off a full-scale cabin mockup of the recently announced 7,500 NM Falcon 10X, the largest and “most advanced business jet on the market.” The 10X sports wider, taller interior dimensions for a comfy-cozy environment “more characteristic of a posh penthouse apartment than a leading high-end business aircraft.” Customers accustomed to hunching over inside bizjet cabins will enjoy the new 6-foot, 8-inch headroom and spacious 9-foot 1-inch cabin width.

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Air Force Aims for Civilian Help, Remote Instruction

Pilot Shortage Remedies Incoming

The United State Air Force (USAF) found itself short of its annual goal for 1,500 new pilots, as increased airline hiring and low retention draw away aviators towards other careers. The Air Education Training Command (AETC) is the center of USAF's efforts to create pilots fit for stringent military standards. Lt. General Brad Webb, commander of the AETC said that he expects the changes in training and recruitment to clear away barriers to readiness. With an overhaul of the candidate selection process for more modern and equitable decision making, and efforts to increase the pool of qualified pilot applicants, training classes should show an improvement in size starting next year.

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EAA Clarifies Motorglider Certification Issue

'Absent Any Design Standard, There Is Not A Concrete Distinction Between A Self-Launching Glider And An Airplane'

EAA has clarified an FAA guidance issue that had been a point of confusion in the certification of experimental self-launching gliders. When the FAA most recently revised Order 8130.2J, they removed a paragraph that gave inspectors and designated airworthiness representatives (DARs) special instructions on the certification of gliders. While the deletion was for the sake of consistency, it inadvertently removed a reference to a guidance document on what constitutes a self-launching glider.

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Classic Aero-TV: From Ghana To Oshkosh-Patricia Mawuli-Porter Airventure Insight

The Aviation World Attracts Some Truly Amazing People...

While at EAA AirVenture 2014, ANN Special Correspondent Michael Maya Charles had the opportunity to interview a truly fascinating young lady. Hailing from the country of Ghana, Patricia Mawuli-Porter was at AirVenture to participate in the One Week Wonder project. This special project at AirVenture 2014 was to build a Zenith 750 Cruzer from opening the crate to taxi testing in one week. We in aviation should be proud to have Patricia’s story as part of our aviation lineage. She is an experienced pilot and the only female flight instructor in Western Africa. She has extensive experience in the cons

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Universal Avionics Nets 9 STC Certs in 2021

InSight Flight Deck Upgrade Further Expands Roster

This year has been wonderful for Universal Avionics (UA). Their Insight Flight Deck upgrade has been certified, or on track to certification on five different aircraft platforms for a total of nine different STC's to date. For business jet owners tired of dealing with finicky, aging, difficult hardware, UA’s InSight systems claim to offer a ticket to the modern aircraft experience at a fraction of the cost. Classic aircraft have always offered handy cost savings to the economical operator, but as they further age, that benefit has waned. It’s no small expense maintaining old, out of production avionics, especially when the repairs do little to address limitations in operational use. No

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NBAA Awards 11 Scholarships to Students at NBAA-BACE

Scholarships Are Sure To Have A Positive Impact On Aviation's Future

NBAA, through NBAA Charities, offers a wide range of scholarships that support young people seeking careers in business aviation. This week at NBAA’s Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) in Las Vegas, NV, 11 students will be receiving the following awards...

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NTSB Prelim: Rockwell International 690B

A “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday…We’re In A Spin” Transmission Was Broadcast

On September 28, 2021, about 0900 central daylight time, a Rockwell International 690B airplane, N690LS, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Hiles, Wisconsin. The pilot and two passengers sustained fatal injuries. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 aerial imagery survey flight. According to the operator, the flight mission was  to obtain aerial imagery of the forest vegetation for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Preliminary automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast information (ADS-B) revealed the airplane departed the Rhinelander-Oneida County Airport, Rhinelander, Wisconsi

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (10.10.21)

Aero Linx: Bob Hoover Academy (BHA) Using the Power of Flight to Change Lives: Bob Hoover Academy (BHA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization operating through private donations. BHA exclusively partners with the Monterey County Office of Education (MCOE) by offering various aviation opportunities to their Alternative Education high school transportation program.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (10.10.21): Prominent Obstacle

Prominent Obstacle An obstacle that meets one or more of the following conditions: a. An obstacle which stands out beyond the adjacent surface of surrounding terrain and immediately projects a noticeable hazard to aircraft in flight. b. An obstacle, not characterized as low and close in, whose height is no less than 300 feet above the departure end of takeoff runway (DER) elevation, is within 10NM from the DER, and that penetrates that airport/heliport’s diverse departure obstacle clearance surface (OCS). c. An obstacle beyond 10NM from an airport/heliport that requires an obstacle departure procedure (ODP) to ensure obstacle avoida

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (10.10.21)

When the FAA most recently revised Order 8130.2J, they removed a paragraph that gave inspectors and designated airworthiness representatives (DARs) special instructions on the certification of gliders. While the deletion was for the sake of consistency, it inadvertently removed a reference to a guidance document on what constitutes a self-launching glider. This is important because it is up to the DAR or inspector to use their discretion in choosing an aircraft’s category and class to assign through its operating limitations. Absent any design standard, there is not a concrete distinction between a self-launching glider and an airplane. The FAA’s definition in FAR 1.1 is simply “a heavier-than-air aircraft, that is supported in flight by the dynamic reaction of

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