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July 02, 2004

First Flight Imminent For CompAir Jet

Any Day Now...

A long time in the birthing phase, Aerocomp's long awaited kit-built jet is poised to take to the skies after a little more taxi testing. So far, under the command of Test Pilot Ron Lueck (who has been the veteran assigned to many other first time flights on a number of large kit-built turbine aircraft), the bird has been zooming up and down the runway at Merritt Island, working it's way up to 65 knots in order to make sure that all systems are ready for flight.

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Second Time's A Charm

ISS Crew Successfully Repairs Gyro Circuit Breaker

International Space Station Commander Gennady Padalka and NASA ISS Science Officer Mike Fincke successfully changed out a module containing a faulty circuit breaker Wednesday night, restoring power to one of the Station's Control Moment Gyros.

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Cassini Threads The Needle

And You Should See The Pictures!

The first pictures taken by the Cassini spacecraft after it began orbiting Saturn show breathtaking detail of Saturn's rings, and other science measurements reveal that Saturn's magnetic field pulsed in size as Cassini approached the planet.

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OU Gets OK On New Trainers

First Time Since 1970s

It's been almost 30 years since the University of Oklahoma replaced its 13 training aircraft. "The planes we currently use are pretty worn out both cosmetically and mechanically," said OU aviation student Matthew Willis. "The upholstery is tearing on the inside and there are cracks on the wings and there is almost always something wrong with the instruments, too."

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Orbital Announces Recipients Of 2004 College Scholarships

Company Rewards Educational Achievements Of Employees' Children With 13 Multi-Year Stipends

Orbital Sciences Corporation Thursday announced the recipients of its "Orbital Scholars and Grants" college scholarship program for the 2004-2005 academic year. Each year, in recognition of the outstanding academic achievements of the children of Orbital employees, the company awards $5,000 scholarships and $1,000 grants, payable over two years, to high school seniors or currently enrolled college students. The recipients are selected on the basis of high academic achievement and acceptance into an accredited four-year college or university. Each student is eligible to receive the award for a second year subject to continued academic progress.

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Klyde Morris 07.02.04

Klyde Keeps The Pressure On United Airlines

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NTSB: Pilot Error To Blame In Deadly 2002 Crash

Pilot Didn't Maintain Airspeed After Engine Failure

Cavin Robert Councilor had just gotten his Piper Malibu out of the shop and was going to fly it from Naples (FL) to St. Petersburg on June 19th, 2002. He barely got off the ground before his engine quit. What happened next was the subject of an intense NTSB investigation. The board Thursday released its findings on probable cause in the accident that killed Councilor and his two passengers that day.

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United To Frequent Fliers: Don't Worry

Says Service Will Be Unaffected By ATSB Refusal On Loan Guarantees

Hustling to make sure its most valued customers don't jump ship, United Airlines this week sent out emails to its 40 million frequent fliers, promising that their service won't be affected by the government's refusal to provide $1.1 billion in loan guarantees.

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FAA Explains Air Scare

"Missed Signal" Caused Evacuation Of Capitol, Supreme Court Building

The FAA says it's found the answer in the wake of a huge air scare that forced the evacuation of the US Capitol and the Supreme Court June 9th. Someone was asleep at the switch.

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No UAV Close Encounters

AOPA: Unmanned Border Patrols Pose No Threat To GA

You won't have a close encounter with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) any time soon. And AOPA is fighting to keep it that way.

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Smile, You're On Cockpit Camera

NTSB To Hold Hearings On Cockpit Video Recorders

The National Transportation Safety Board will hold a two-day public hearing on the feasibility and benefits of cockpit imaging (video) recorders.

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New A-10 Upgrade Doubles Lifespan

Good News As Many Reach End Of Service Life

The first production A-10 Thunderbolt II was delivered to Davis-Monthan AFB (AZ) in October 1975. Fifteen years later, the A-10 was called the most formidable weapon system of its type while flying combat missions during Operation Desert Storm.

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Clearing Up A Few Things...

Young, Mica, Clarify Intent On Repair Station Security Legislation

Representative Don Young (R-AK, right), Chairman of the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure, along with Representative John Mica (R-FL, below, right), Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Aviation, sent a letter to TSA Acting Administrator David Stone stating that repair stations conducting work on aircraft certificated under Parts 135 and 91 should not be subject to the same security requirements as those performing maintenance on Part 121 aircraft.

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Illinois Mayor Saves Airport

In Meigs' Shadow, Bolingbrook Improves Its GA Facility

Mayor Daley take note: Your neighbors understand the value of a general aviation airport. The village of Bolingbrook (IL), just 25 NM southwest of Chicago, last week approved plans to upgrade its newly acquired airport to make it a reliever for the Chicago area. And much of the credit goes to a far-sighted mayor.

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Maryland TFR: 07/04/04

NOTAM: 4/6233 Issued: 07/01/2004 18:23 Effective: 07/04/2004 13:05 - 07/04/2004 14:10 State: MD Facility: ZDC - WASHINGTON (ARTCC),DC. Type: VIP Description: HAGERSTOWN, MARYLAND, JULY 4, 2004.

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Maryland TFR: 07/02/04 - 07/04/04

NOTAM: 4/6232 Issued: 07/01/2004 18:20 Effective: 07/02/2004 16:10 - 07/04/2004 13:50 State: MD Facility: ZDC - WASHINGTON (ARTCC),DC. Type: VIP Description: HAGERSTOWN/THURMONT, MARYLAND JULY 2-4, 2004.

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Indiana TFR: 07/09/2004 - 07/11/2004

NOTAM: 4/6205 Issued: 07/01/2004 15:19 Effective: 07/09/2004 17:00 - 07/11/2004 22:30 State: IN Facility: ZID - INDIANAPOLIS (ARTCC),IN. Type: AIR SHOWS/SPORTS Description: TERRE HAUTE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (HULMAN FIELD), TERRE HAUTE, IN.

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Kansas TFR: 07/01/2004 - 07/04/2004

NOTAM: 4/6208 Issued: 07/01/2004 15:48 Effective: 07/01/2004 17:45 - 07/04/2004 22:00 State: MO Facility: ZKC - KANSAS CITY (ARTCC),MO. Type: AIR SHOWS/SPORTS Description: CHARLES B. WHEELER AIRPORT AND BERKLEY PARK, KANSAS CITY, MO.

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Arizona TFR: TFN

NOTAM: 4/6179 Issued: 07/01/2004 00:58 Effective: Immediately - Until Further Notice State: AZ Facility: ZAB - ALBUQUERQUE (ARTCC),NM. Type: HAZARDS Description: CORDES JUNCTION, ARIZONA.

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Arizona TFR: TFN

NOTAM: 4/6178 Issued: 07/01/2004 00:52 Effective: Immediately - Until Further Notice State: AZ Facility: ZAB - ALBUQUERQUE (ARTCC),NM. Type: HAZARDS Description: YOUNG, ARIZONA.

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Nevada TFR: TFN

NOTAM: 4/6184 Issued: 07/01/2004 04:32 Effective: Immediately - Until Further Notice State: NV Facility: ZOA - OAKLAND (ARTCC),CA. Type: HAZARDS Description: VERDI, NV.

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Washington TFR: TFN

NOTAM: 4/6207 Issued: 07/01/2004 15:23 Effective: Immediately - Until Further Notice State: WA Facility: ZSE - SEATTLE (ARTCC),AUBURN,WA. Type: HAZARDS Description: ROSS DAM, WA. FREEZE OUT FIRE.

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Smiths Aerospace Gets The Nod For 7E7 Landing Gear

Contract Worth More Than $1.6 Billion

Smiths Aerospace has been selected by The Boeing Company to supply the landing gear and high lift actuation systems for the 7E7 aircraft in total contract values in excess of $1.6 billion. The first system delivery from Smiths is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2006. The 7E7 entry into service is scheduled for 2008.

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Please... No Big Bangs This Holiday Weekend

Planes and Fireworks Are Explosive Combination

Leave fireworks behind if you are flying somewhere to celebrate Independence Day, the FAA warned the public

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Enola Gay Pilot To Recount Experiences At AirVenture 2004

Paul Tibbets To Speak At Theater In The Woods

The Experimental Aircraft Association will host famous World War II pilot and leader, Paul Tibbets, at the 52nd annual EAA AirVenture fly-in, July 27-August 2, at the Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh (WI).

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ANN Free Classifieds Featured Ad: Lancair Propjet

For Sale: Lancair Propjet

One of the fastest non-military propeller aircraft around. Please visit for more details.  Exterior Quality: 10, Interior Quality: 10 Used, will sell for $700,000.00 (or best offer)

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Aero-News Quote Of The Day (07.02.04)

"We won't see the whole puzzle, only pieces, but what we are seeing is dramatic. The images are mind-boggling, just mind-boggling. I've been working on this mission for 14 years and I shouldn't be surprised, but it is remarkable how startling it is to see these images for the first time." Source: Dr. Carolyn Porco, Cassini imaging team leader, Space Science Institute, Boulder (CO), upon seeing some of the first startling images from inside the rings of Saturn. Cassini threaded its way between those rings Thursday and established a safe orbit around the gas giant, where it will remain for the next four years, studying both Saturn and its moons.

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AD: Fokker

AD NUMBER: 2004-13-17 MANUFACTURER: Fokker SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2004-13-17 SUMMARY: This amendment supersedes an existing airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain Fokker Model F.28 Mark 0070 series airplanes, that currently requires a one-time inspection to detect loose bolts attaching the gustlock counter-bracket to the pulley on the elevator tension regulator (control) assembly, and corrective action if necessary. This AD instead requires a modification of the elevator tension control mechanism. This AD also revises the applicability to include additional airplanes. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent restricted elevator movement and consequent reduced controllability of th

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AD: Airbus

AD NUMBER: 2004-13-19 MANUFACTURER: Airbus SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2004-13-19 SUMMARY: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain Airbus Model A300 B2 and A300 B4; Model A300 B4 600, B4-600R, C4-605R Variant F, and F4-600R(collectively called A300-600); and Model A310 series airplanes. This AD requires an inspection to determine the part number of certain passenger/ crew escape slides; and related investigative action and corrective action, if necessary. This action is necessary to prevent the failure of an escape slide to deploy during emergency evacuation, which could impede an evacuation and result in injury to flight crew and passengers. This action is intended to addre

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AD: Gulfstream

AD NUMBER: 2004-13-18 MANUFACTURER: Gulfstream SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2004-13-18 SUMMARY: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain Gulfstream Aerospace LP Model Astra SPX, and 1125 Westwind Astra series airplanes; and Model Gulfstream 100 airplanes. This AD requires a one-time inspection of the outboard doors of the main landing gear (MLG) for evidence of impact with the surrounding structure, and for damage to the door seals and seal channels; measurements for adequate gaps and clearances; and related investigative and corrective actions, if necessary. This action is necessary to prevent damage to or breakage of the MLG outboard doors, which could result in the loss of

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