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February 08, 2012

ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 02.08.12

Hawker Beechcraft has named a new CEO.
A 64-year-old airline company enters Chapter 11.
And a strike in France made a mess of travel this week.

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Cessna Boosts Range Projections For Latitude

New Max Range Is Expected To Be 2,300 Nautical Miles

Cessna has increased the projected range capability of its planned new midsize jet, the Citation Latitude. The Latitude is now expected to have a maximum range of 2,300 nautical miles. First announced at the 2011 NBAA Annual Meeting and Convention, the Latitude has been designed with space for a crew of two plus up to eight passengers.

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'Red Tails' Defying Predictions

Genre Considered To Be Liability Is Becoming Asset

One of the reasons George Lucas had to fund the production of the movie "Red Tails" on his own was a warning from Hollywood studio heads that it would be a black genre film with a limited audience. Now, the racial theme may actually be driving the film's box office success beyond expectations.

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NBAA Joins Call for Congress To Extend Accelerated Depreciation Until 2013

Letter Sent To Encourage Legislature To Not Let The Provision Expire

The NBAA has joined more than 60 businesses and organizations nationwide in signing a letter urging congress to extend "bonus" depreciation, allowing for accelerated cost recovery of strategic purchases, including business aircraft. Bonus depreciation included in legislation signed into law in 2010 fell from 100 percent to 50 percent this year.

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Lion Air Pilot Busted For Meth Use

Five Of Carrier's Pilots Arrested In Past Two Months

For the fifth time in two months, a pilot for Indonesian carrier Lion Air has been arrested for allegedly using illegal drugs. In Saturday's arrest, Indonesian police say 44-year-old Syaiful Salam was caught in a hotel room in Surabaya city with a small amount of methamphetamine. They also charge a urine test showed he'd used the drug. At the time of his arrest, he was scheduled to fly in three hours.

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Glider Down, Occupants OK

Witnesses Say Snowboarder Narrowly Missed

A glider pilot made a forced landing near the First Run at Heavenly Mountain Resort in South Lake Tahoe Sunday afternoon. A spokesman for Soaring NV, based at the Minden-Tahoe Airport (KMEV), told a contributor to Carson Now the aircraft was a Duo Discus and the experienced pilot was on a flight review. While sensationalized in media reports as a "crash," the forced landing reportedly produced no injuries and little or no damage to the plane.

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Mars Express Reveals Wind-Blown Deposits On Mars

Images Coming Back To ESA Show Stark Landscape

New images from ESA’s Mars Express show the Syrtis Major region on Mars. Once thought to be a sea of water, the region is now known to be a volcanic province dating back billions of years. Syrtis Major can be spotted from Earth even with relatively small telescopes – the near-circular dark area on the planet stretches over 1300 x 1500 km.

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Canadian Airshow Loses Manager

Opinions Vary On Whether Show Can Continue

The Credit Union Centre, a sports complex owned by the city of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, has fired its manager, Brian Swidrovich, over questions about the use of city funds to woo business development. But Swidrovich has also been the point man for what today is known as the Cameco Canada Remembers Air Show. Not everyone is confident the show can continue without his leadership.

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Contract Awarded For $24 Million F-35 Lightning II Gun System

General Dynamics Will Build The Weapon System For The JSF

A contract worth $23.6 million has been awarded to General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products by Lockheed Martin for production of more than two dozen GAU-22/A gun systems for the F-35 Lightning II.

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AD: Eurocopter Helicopters

AD NUMBER: 2012-02-13

PRODUCT: Eurocopter France EC130B4 Helicopters

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AD: Eurocopter France Helicopters

AD NUMBER: 2012-01-03

PRODUCT: Eurocopter France (ECF) Model AS332L2 helicopter and Model EC225LP Helicopters  

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AD: Aviation Communication & Surveillance Systems

AD NUMBER: 2012-02-08


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AD: Cessna Aircraft Company Airplanes

AD NUMBER: 2012-02-02

PRODUCT: Certain Cessna Aircraft Company Models 172R and 172S airplanes.  

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Aero-TV: Creating A 'Pseudo-Approach' -- Discovering Avidyne's R9 With DFC100 (Part 4)

There's More Than One Way to Make An Approach... R9 Shows You How

So... a few months ago, we had the chance to sit back in awe at the expertise already displayed by one of the Avidyne R9 glass panel's most passionate advocates... and users. There are few more knowledgeable people on the planet, as far as R9 is concerned, than Trip Taylor and for the better part of a few hours, we had the chance to sit back and enjoy his synoptic descriptions of just a few of the many intriguing features built into one of the most usable glass panel cockpits we've yet flow... now made even more so with the advent of the DFC100 digital autopilot.

Aero-TV: Creating A Pseudo-Approach--Discovering Avidyne's R9 W/DFC100 (Part 4)

There's More Than One Way to Make An Approach... R9 Shows You How!

So... a few months ago, we had the chance to sit back in awe at the expertise already displayed by one of the Avidyne R9 glass panel's most passionate advocates... and users. There are few more knowledgeable people on the planet, as far as R9 is concerned, than Trip Taylor and for the better part of a few hours, we had the chance to sit back and enjoy his synoptic descriptions of just a few of the many intriguing features built into one of the most usable glass panel cockpits we've yet flow... now made even more so with the advent of the DFC100 digital autopilot.

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Congressional Leaders Glad To See FAA Bill Pass

Republicans And Democrats Say The Measure Is A Solid Compromise

The committee leaders responsible for the long-term FAA funding measure passed Monday by the full Congress have been universal in their support for the compromise conference report which is headed to President Obama for his signature.

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Aviation Associations Continue To Praise Passage Of Long-Term FAA Bill

But Some Labor Organizations Remain Staunchly Opposed To The Measure

Response to Monday's passage by the U.S. House and Senate of a long-term FAA funding bill continues to be overwhelmingly positive, though some labor organizations are still unhappy with some provisions of the measure.

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Iranian Satellite Launch Successful

Space Program Increases Nervousness Over Nukes

Iran is suspected of developing nuclear weapons and has conducted military exercises which look like dry runs for closing down access to the Persian Gulf through the Straits of Hormuz. Now, the Iranian government is backing up its chest-beating with news that it has been able to put an earth-observation satellite into orbit. The achievement demonstrates, among other things, the potential to deliver a nuclear warhead anywhere in the world.

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FAA 'Learning Period' For Spaceflight Regulation Extended Through 2015

Provisions Made In The FAA Reauthorization Bill

The Commercial Spaceflight Federation said it welcomes Congress’s passage Monday of the FAA reauthorization bill, which includes a key provision granting regulatory stability to the commercial spaceflight industry. The new law’s provision extends a regulatory “learning period” that was created when Congress originally passed the Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act (CSLAA) of 2004. 

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NASA, Industry Celebrate Virginia Aerospace Day

Industry Contributes 28,000 Jobs To Commonwealth's Economy

NASA and industry are joining forces to recognize aerospace as a high-tech engine propelling Virginia's economy and creating high-paying jobs. NASA leaders from Langley Research Center in Hampton and Wallops Flight Facility on the Eastern Shore will join aerospace industry representatives statewide to bring this message to Virginia General Assembly members on AeroSpace Days 2012, Wednesday and Thursday (February 8-9) in Richmond.

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Gone West: Astronaut Janice Voss

Veteran Of Five Spaceflights Beginning In 1993

NASA astronaut Janice Voss passed away from cancer Monday night. One of only six women who have flown in space five times, Voss' career was highlighted by her work and dedication to scientific payloads and exploration.

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Documentary Filmmakers Lost In R44 Crash

Reportedly Working On National Geographic 3-D Feature

American cinematographer Mike deGruy and Australian television writer-producer Andrew Wight, described as underwater documentary specialists, were killed Saturday in the crash of a helicopter shortly after takeoff from an airstrip in Jasper’s Brush, near Nowra, 80 miles south of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The Sydney Morning Herald reports the two are believed to have been working on a 3D feature-length documentary about Papua New Guinea for National Geographic with American Director James Cameron.

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Garmin G600 STC Install Approved For Citation 500 Series

JetTech Develops ‘Glass Panel’ Install Now Available as Retrofit 

The FAA has granted an STC to Colorado-based JetTech for the new Garmin G600 “Glass Panel” EFIS installation modification specifically for Cessna Citation 500 series aircraft to include models 500, 501, 550, 551 and S550. With the FAA approval, JetTech will begin offering kits available through JetTech approved Garmin authorized dealers. A complete documentation package is supplied to support the installation process.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (02.08.12)

"What is good about the bill that is before us today is the major principals have been addressed, and the people who were most affected by those have been able to see the big picture that we needed to address in this bill.” Source: Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX).

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (02.08.12): Indicated Altitude

Altitude data shown on the altimeter using the current altimeter setting input by the pilot.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (02.08.12)

Vintage Aviation

Vintage Aviation is dedicated to preserving the history and memory of what most aviation historians agree on was the “Golden Era” of aviation – powered flight between the decades of the 1930’s and 1940’s.

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