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February 10, 2020

Airborne 02.07.20: Astro-Record!, BGen Charles McGee!, B-29 Doc

Also: Abingdon/NGPA Watch, Boeing Retires Aviall Name, First F/A-18 SLM, Starship Update

Setting a record for the longest single spaceflight in history by a woman, NASA astronaut Christina Koch, Soyuz Commander Alexander Skvortsov of Roscosmos and Luca Parmitano of ESA landed on Earth in Kazakhstan, this week. The trio departed the International Space Station in their Soyuz MS-13 spacecraft just a few hours before. For Parmitano and Skvortsov, this landing completed a 201-day stay in space, 3,216 orbits of Earth and a journey of 85.2 million miles. Koch’s first journey into space became a 328

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Airborne 02.07.20: Astro-Record!, BGen Charles McGee!, B-29 Doc

Also: Abingdon/NGPA Watch, Boeing Retires Aviall Name, First F/A-18 SLM, Starship Update

Setting a record for the longest single spaceflight in history by a woman, NASA astronaut Christina Koch, Soyuz Commander Alexander Skvortsov of Roscosmos and Luca Parmitano of ESA landed on Earth in Kazakhstan, this week. The trio departed the International Space Station in their Soyuz MS-13 spacecraft just a few hours before. For Parmitano and Skvortsov, this landing completed a 201-day stay in space, 3,216 orbits of Earth and a journey of 85.2 million miles. Koch’s first journey into space became a 328-day

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Classic Aero-TV: An NBAA 2019 Update - True Blue Power Keeps Charging

True Blue Power Awarded Faa's Highest Level Of Lithium Battery Approval

True Blue Power had a number of things to talk about at NBAA including the TSO certification of the company's entire Gen5 main ship battery family. The TB20 (20 amp-hour), TB30 (30 amp-hour) and TB40 (40 amp-hour) received an impressive C179b CLASS A-4B rating, meeting the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) latest and highest level of lithium battery requirements. The newly-certified True Blue Power Gen5 lithium-ion battery family was on display at the 2019 the National Business Aviation Association Convention and Exhibition in

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Klyde Morris (02.10.20)

Klyde Gets All Jammed Up In More SpaceX v Boeing SmackTalk


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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (02.10.20)

Aero Linx: We are a husband and wife team who formed a nonprofit group to fly and rescue dogs. We’ve made a lot of friends along the way and meet so many kind, warm, and compassionate people that we wanted to start this nonprofit organization to share their stories. We do not have additional pilots as part of It’s just us. is not a transportation organization site like some other sites. We leave the transportation organization up to groups that specializ

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (02.10.20): Traffic Situation Display (TSD)

Traffic Situation Display (TSD) TSD is a computer system that receives radar track data from all 20 CONUS ARTCCs, organizes this data into a mosaic display, and presents it on a computer screen. The display allows the traffic management coordinator multiple methods of selection and highlighting of individual aircraft or groups of aircraft. The user has the option of superimposing these aircraft positions over any number of background displays. These background options include ARTCC boundaries, any stratum of en route sector boundaries, fixes, airways, military and other special use airspace, airports, and geopolitical boundaries. By using the TSD, a coordinator can monitor any number of traffic situa

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (02.10.20)

"Among other concerns was the contention that this rule is based on an imagined security and safety threat that simply is not proven in relation to traditional modeling. There is absolutely a risk posed by drones operated in proximity to aircraft by poorly informed, careless, and/or deliberately malicious operators, but the same cannot be said for models." Source: From a summary of the many concrns voiced by EAA and other aviation organizations, and users, over the FAA's recent Remote ID NPRM.

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