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September 29, 2024

Airborne 09.20.24: Musk May Sue FAA, Van's Parts Issues, USMC Honors Hero

Also: Sky-High Harassment, Starlink Expands To 2,500 Airliners, Skyborne Academy, Air Canada 

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has threatened to sue the FAA over recent fines. He claims that the agency’s proposed penalties are an overreach of power and politically driven. Musk’s threat follows just a few hours after the FAA suggested a $633,009 fine for alleged violations during two Falcon 9 launches last year. He characterized the FAA’s actions as regulatory overreach and an example of “lawfare”. Van’s Aircraft says it has been questioned by several builders recently regarding variations in the depth of stiffening rin

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Klyde Morris (09.27.24)

Klyde Notes That There Is NOTHING Freakier Than Politics...


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Airborne 09.20.24: Musk May Sue FAA, Van's Parts Issues, USMC Honors Hero

Also: Sky-High Harassment, Starlink Expands To 2,500 Airliners, Skyborne Academy, Air Canada 

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has threatened to sue the FAA over recent fines. He claims that the agency’s proposed penalties are an overreach of power and politically driven. Musk’s threat follows just a few hours after the FAA suggested a $633,009 fine for alleged violations during two Falcon 9 launches last year. He characterized the FAA’s actions as regulatory overreach and an example of “lawfare”. Van’s Aircraft says it has been questioned by several builders recently regarding variations in the depth of stiffening rings and

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Classic Aero-TV: The Bizarre Universe of Klyde Morris Cartoons

From 2023 (YouTube Version): Putting the ANT in Antihero

A Beech Starship speeds along at altitude. “Deflectors on!” a voice from within the aircraft cries. “Look! Over there!” the voice continues, “A droid battle star. I’ll bet they’ve detected us!” A second voice, this time from the Starship’s cockpit. “It’s a real pain being the pilot of a Beech Starship the day after the owner saw Star Wars.” “Forget TCAS,” the first voice exclaims. “Use the Force!” Such are the anecdotes and inside aerospace jokes by which cartoonist Wes Ol

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (09.29.24)

Aero Linx: The Great War Aviation Society Over the past 50 years, we’ve built a thriving community of over 1,000 members based in over 25 countries around the world. The Great War Aviation Society is a registered charity (1117741) dedicated to researching, preserving and sharing information about this trailblazing era in global aviation. We’re always eager to hear from new members and welcome people of all backgrounds – from First World War academics to modellers, enthusiasts, and family tree researchers.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (09.29.24): Go Around

Go Around Instructions for a pilot to abandon his/her approach to landing. Additional instructions may follow. Unless otherwise advised by ATC, a VFR aircraft or an aircraft conducting visual approach should overfly the runway while climbing to traffic pattern altitude and enter the traffic pattern via the crosswind leg. A pilot on an IFR flight plan making an instrument approach should execute the published missed approach procedure or proceed as instructed by ATC; e.g., “Go around” (additional instructions if required).

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