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November 02, 2024

Airborne 10.24.24: F-35 Takes Flak, Blue Origin 2nd Gen, Gogo's Great Week

Also: Coleman Lost at Airshow, Autonomous UH-72, Honeywell MX Solution, NBAA Like SFAR

Further studies from the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) have determined that, after six years and over $12 billion in investments, the F-35 Lightning stealth fighter is still not combat-ready. This raises concerns regarding the fifth-gen jet’s ability to anchor American air superiority. As a part of a tactical aviation readiness report, the GAO tracked how closely US aircraft were meeting their intended mission-capable rates from 2018 to 2023. After a number of delays, Blue Origin’s 27th mission debuted the second human-rated vehicle for the New

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Airborne 10.25.24: Boeing Strike, Girls in Aviation Day, Citation Ascend

Also: NASA Drive $75.6B To Economy, GAMA On SFAR, Wheels Up Adds Gogo, AAL Fined

Seriously.... If not for bad luck, Boeing would have no luck at all... and recent events prove it to the ‘max’ (Sorry.... Could resist). Once thought to be all but done, the massive and incredibly damaging Boeing worker’s strike is NOT OVER. The International Association of Machinists voted a solid 64% against the deal, as confirmed by the union late Wednesday. The 10th annual Girls in Aviation Day (GIAD) event, hosted by Women in Aviation International, reached record attendance numbers with over 33,000 worldwide participants. Members from 194 Women in Avi

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Classic Aero-TV: Planetags Give Old Planes A Second Life

From SUN n FUN 2024 (YouTube Edition): Put a Piece of Aviation History In Your Pocket

PlaneTags have become a yearly presence at pretty much every airshow of note, and it’s not surprising why: For those who love to see legendary aircraft in action, PlaneTags allows them to take home a piece of the legend as a nifty little historically authentic souvenir. ANN Editor-in-Chief Jim Campbell spoke with the owner of Motoart PlaneTags, Dave Hall, at SUN 'n FUN this year. His company sources authentic portions of the skins from aircraft of all stripes, whether they come from a retired plane on the way to the boneyard or a legen

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.02.24)

Aero Linx: Vuichard Recovery Aviation Safety Foundation (VRASF) The purpose of the Foundation is the widest possible national and international dissemination of the Vuichard Recovery Technique as well as the dissemination and implementation of all other procedures and technical solutions that fully serve the safety of aviation. The foundation is a non-profit organisation that serves a public interest and does not generate income. The Foundation is active all over the world.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.02.24): Ground Controlled Approach

Ground Controlled Approach A radar approach system operated from the ground by air traffic control personnel transmitting instructions to the pilot by radio. The approach may be conducted with surveillance radar (ASR) only or with both surveillance and precision approach radar (PAR). Usage of the term “GCA” by pilots is discouraged except when referring to a GCA facility. Pilots should specifically request a “PAR” approach when a precision radar approach is desired or request an “ASR” or “surveillance” approach when a nonprecision radar approach is desired.   

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.02.24)

"In every negotiation and strike, there is a point where we have extracted everything that we can in bargaining and by withholding our labor. We are at that point now and risk a regressive or lesser offer in the future.” Source: From a statement by the IAM after appearing to favor a cessation of the strike that has severely damaged a stricken Boeing at a time when it could ill afford further troubles. 

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