Mobile, Alabama Delivery Marks A Key Milestone In Airline's Transition To A Single Fleet Type
Allegiant this week welcomed its first U.S.-produced A320 aircraft from the Airbus U.S. Manufacturing Facility in Mobile, Alabama. A team of Allegiant employees and executives from the company's headquarters in Las Vegas joined Airbus' leadership team at the production facility for a special ceremony to officially mark the delivery. The Airbus A320 is the 11th of 13 new A320 aircraft scheduled for purchase directly from Airbus, to be inducted into Allegiant's fleet this year.
Xiamen Airlines has taken delivery of its first Boeing 737 MAX aircraft in Seattle, expanding the fleet to 200 aircraft, and, by doing so, formally entering the ranks of the world's largest airlines.
Advanced Optimization And Analytics Will Improve Planning, Crew Satisfaction And Reduce Costs
Boeing has finalized an agreement with Etihad Airways, the national carrier of the United Arab Emirates, to provide multiple crew management solutions to support the planning and operation of the airline's 7,500 crewmembers.
Will Use New Technology To Minimize Construction Time
Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) International Airport will begin a major infrastructure project to rebuild one of its busiest runways. The project for the refurbishment of Runway 17-Center/35-Center will begin on May 24 with a partial closure, which will still allow the southern portion of the runway to be used during daylight hours. Full closure of the runway will begin in August, with completion of the project slated for December.
White Paper Finds Little Collaborative Action Directed At The Issue
The latest research from UK-based aviation recruitment specialists, AeroProfessional, states that little collaborative action has taken place in the last two years to address the pilot skills crisis, specifically in the EU.