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May 07, 2022

Classic Aero-TV: EmbraerX eVTOL-Staking a Claim To Future Urban Air Mobility

From 2019 (YouTube Version): Legacy Company Moves Into The Realm Of EVTOL

Aero-TV's Rex Alexander spoke with Peter Berger, director of innovation for EmbraerX at AirVenture 2019. Berger said that Embraer is working in partnership with Uber to develop electric vertical takeoff and landing urban air mobility aircraft. The EmbraerX was unveiled at the Uber Elevate Summit 2019 in Washington, D.C. the new aircraft concept results from a broad range of tests and simulations, aiming at operational optimization for the urban environment, con

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Navy TAR Instructor Pilots/Students Assist Civilian Aircraft in Distress

Nearby VT-28 Pilots Were Conducting Formation Training In Two T-6B Texan II Training Aircraft

Late last year, two Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR) Navy instructor pilots (IPs) and two active duty student naval aviators (SNA) with the “Rangers” of Training Squadron (VT) 28 in Corpus Christi, Texas, responded to a civilian aircraft in distress above the clouds and assisted the civilian pilot with navigation to help him safely descend and land at Mustang Beach Airport (KRAS). At approximately 1:40 p.m. Dec. 13, 2021, Corpus Christi International Airport air traffic control (Corpus Approach) received a distress call from a privately-owned Piper Cherokee declaring an emergency that they were above the clouds and unable to na

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Airborne 04.29.22: Electric DA40, NTSB v Cirrus, Young Eagles Program

Also: Qatar A321neo Cancellation, Auterion & Drone Rescue Systems, GAO F-35 Report, Travel Demand 

Safran recently signed an agreement with Diamond Aircraft to provide an electric motor for the eDA40, an offshoot of the certified four-place DA40 aircraft. Pairing the popular DA40 with the smart ENGINeUS 100 electric motor is expected to deliver 130 kilowatts at maximum takeoff power.  Safran and Diamond expect certification of the electric motor by mid 2023 and basic EASA certification for the eDA40 by the end of 2023 or early 2024. Cirrus has goofed again. The NTSB has published a distressing report for Cirrus SR22T owners,  recomme

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Airborne 04.29.22: Electric DA40, NTSB v Cirrus, Young Eagles Program

Also: Qatar A321neo Cancellation, Auterion & Drone Rescue Systems, GAO F-35 Report, Travel Demand 

Safran recently signed an agreement with Diamond Aircraft to provide an electric motor for the eDA40, an offshoot of the certified four-place DA40 aircraft. Pairing the popular DA40 with the smart ENGINeUS 100 electric motor is expected to deliver 130 kilowatts at maximum takeoff power.  Safran and Diamond expect certification of the electric motor by mid 2023 and basic EASA certification for the eDA40 by the end of 2023 or early 2024. Cirrus has goofed again. The NTSB has published a distressing report for Cirrus SR22T owners,  recomme

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American Airlines Flips Winglet Enroute To TX

What A Drag! American Airlines Flight from SC To TX Diverts After Losing A Winglet Aloft

On the evening of 03 May 2022, an American Airlines (AA) Flight from Charleston (KCHS) to Dallas-Fort Worth (KDFW) apparently lost a winglet during severe turbulence in flight and took an unplanned tour of the Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport (KBHM), just past the halfway mark of its planned route. Envoy, the regional carrier was the operator for that segment of the flight landed at KBHM just after 7pm, following which the crew observed the absence of the winglet.

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Rocket Day Coming To Ohio 16 June 2022

International Women’s Air & Space Museum Celebrate First Woman In Space With Hands-On Activities International Women’s Air & Space Museum (IWASM) will be hosting Rocket Day on 16 Jun 2022 at the Burke Lakefront Airport, 1501 N Marginal Rd, Cleveland, OH. This event will celebrate the achievement of Valentina Tereshkova on being the first woman in space. Those ages 5-12 will have the opportunity to participate in hands-on activities, learning about the history of rockets, witness rocket launches, and make the Fizzy Flyers with plastic film canisters.

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Epic Flight Academy Adds Satellite Training Facility

Epic Flight Academy Of New Smyrna Beach Goes West With A Satellite Facility In Ocala, FL

To make flight training more accessible, Epic Flight Academy, a FAA-certified Part 141 flight school in New Smyrna Beach (KEVB), Florida added a satellite training facility in at the Ocala International-Jim Taylor Field (KOCF), Florida. While those flying at New Smyrna Beach location enjoy waterfront views and a little southside busy-ness inside the Class-C airspace of Daytona Beach International (KDAB), the satellite location at Ocala international is a Class-D, so they’ll still be sharp on the radios, but as the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield often lamented, perhaps they’ll ‘get [some]

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Auterion Begins Offering Parachute Recovery Systems

Drone Rescue Systems Added to Product Lineup

Auterion has added a new option to its roster of drone products, announcing the addition of Drone Rescue Systems' parachute recovery products to their UAS fold. The system combines an autonomous parachute with emergency blackbox and data storage, allowing enterprise operators to obtain an additional margin of safety in the course of normal operations. For operators, the capacity to decelerate and recover expensive, specialized systems is a valuable addition to their bottom line, whether limiting the collateral damage that could occur during a forced landing, preserving sensitive or delicate instrumentation, or recovering an air aircraft for faster reuse.

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Reno Air Race debuts on Microsoft Flight Simulator

Microsoft Brings Reno Air Races To Xbox Cloud Gaming (xCloud) With New Flight Simulator Feature Add-on

Reno Air Races recently announced that as of March 2022, the Xbox Cloud Gaming system (xCloud) now supports the Reno Air Races as an expansion pack (for an additional fee) through the Microsoft Flight Simulator (MFS) marketplace!  Microsoft had announced the arrival of the Reno Air Races expansion pack on 18 November 2021, adding that MFS runs on Xbox One and other ‘supported devices’ such as mobile phones, tablets, and lower-spec PC’s.  

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NTSB Prelim: Cirrus Design Corp SR22

The Pilot Informed Air Traffic Control Of A Loss Of Engine Power

On April 13, 2022, at 0704 mountain daylight time, a Cirrus Design SR22 airplane, N112TR, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Twin Lakes, Colorado. The pilot sustained minor injuries. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) data depicted the airplane depart the Grand Junction Regional Airport (GJT) at 0621.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.07.22)

Aero Linx: European Regions Airline Association (ERA) Air transport is one of the safest modes of travel and the work that ERA does on safety aims to further improve it. Safety issues are addressed by the ERA Air Safety Group, which involves discussion on numerous safety-related topics and provides ERA member safety representatives an opportunity for a confidential safety forum where incidents and accidents can be discussed in order to share lessons learned and produce best practices.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (05.07.22): Option Approach

Option Approach An approach requested and conducted by a pilot which will result in either a touch-and-go, missed approach, low approach, stop-and-go, or full stop landing. Pilots should advise ATC if they decide to remain on the runway, of any delay in their stop and go, delay clearing the runway, or are unable to comply with the instruction(s).

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (05.07.22)

“While our primary role here is training future Naval Aviators, when emergencies arise, our pilots stand ready to answer the call. This is the second time in less than a month that our crews have answered that call to assist pilots in distress and potentially saved the lives of our fellow civilian aviators who share these skies with us every day. I am extremely proud of the Ranger flight crews and am glad they were the ones who got the call, because true to our squadron motto, 'Rangers Lead the Way.'" Source: Cmdr. Brian Higgins, commanding officer of VT-28, discussing how, late last year, two Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR) Navy instructor pilots (IPs) and two active duty student naval aviators (SNA) with the &ldquo

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