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January 31, 2022

Airborne 01.31.22: SW-51 Mustang!!!, Icon & China, Hampton Airport Mess

Also: Piper AD, Textron Reports Q4, Musk Asks Flight Tracker To Quit, Diamond Distributor
Over the years, a number of stunning Mustang replicas have shown up, some of which have managed to duplicate the aura of the legendary bird to an extraordinary degree... and for millions less than the 'real' thing. Most recently, here in the states, the lovely all-metal Titan Aircraft T-51 series is getting a lot of deserved attention for their rendition of this historic machine but a Polish replica, the ScaleWings SW-51, is starting to get its share of attention for a different approach to the P-51 replica formula. And here in the states, they'll be partnering with Titan for US customer completions. Icon Aircraft has, again, been the subject of increased scrutiny i

SW-51 Mustang Coming To America Via Titan Aircraft

Gorgeous P-51 Replica Joins With US P-51 Replica Experts

To those of us not made of money, the quest to own and fly a P-51 is probably nothing but a pipedream... unless you're willing to scale down your ambitions... just a little bit.  Over the years, a number of stunning Mustang replicas have shown up, some of which have managed to dupe the aura of the legendary bird to an extraordinary degree... and for millions less than the 'real' thing. Most recently, here in the states, the lovely all-metal Titan Aircraft T-51 series is getting a lot of deserved attention for their rendition of this historic machine but a Polish replica, the ScaleWings SW-51, is starting to get its share of attention for a different approach to the P-51 replica for

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United Aviate Academy Starts First Class

Historically Diverse, 80% Female/Minority Class Outpaces Airline’s Equity Goals In Inaugural Course

United’s Aviate Academy, the sole flight school owned and operated by a legacy domestic airline in the US, opened the first class in its Goodyear, Arizona location. The academy boasts 50,000 sq ft of classroom space, with on site student dormitory housing and the best flight training weather in the world. The initiative is a big part of the airline’s efforts to replenish stocks of retiring pilots with 10,000 fresh additions by 2030, with at least half of those coming from the Academy. While the numbers are daunting, United has set a goal to ensure less than 50% of their new pilots are the traditionally European-descended

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Joby Requests FCC Approval for R/C Test Flights in San Fran Bay

Scenic Locations To Become Backdrop Unmanned Development

Joby Aviation requested FCC approval for use of the frequencies and bands for prospective aircraft testing on the company's S4 which recently received its airworthiness approval. The prime testing locations are near some of the most popular sightseeing destinations in the bay area, with one between the Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco, and the other not far off the coast of Alameda. Test flights are the next item on the agenda as they shake out their eVTOL aircraft, which will soon be joined by a second pre production unit. Should all go well, Joby expects to begin commercial operations in 2024, offering futuristic and sustainable air taxi services.

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Airborne 01.24.22: Enstrom Heli BK, Dornier-Flywhale, Hollywood In ISS

Also: 19 Year-Old World Solo, Carbon Neutral 100LL, CO Detectors, AS365 Dauphin

The Enstrom Helicopter Corporation has sent a letter to dealers and representatives, announcing the end of continuous operations. The company has apparently seen lean times lately, and its owners have directed the company to declare Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Enstrom will leave behind nearly 1,500 unsupported aircraft around the world, unless the assets are bought out. Dornier Seawings has purchased the Flywhale seaplane program from its German parent, Uniplanes GmbH, in a package that includes all intellectual property, production assets, design data, drawings, manuals, tooling

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Airborne 01.24.22: Enstrom Heli BK, Dornier-Flywhale, Hollywood In ISS

Also: 19 Year-Old World Solo, Carbon Neutral 100LL, CO Detectors, AS365 Dauphin

The Enstrom Helicopter Corporation has sent a letter to dealers and representatives, announcing the end of continuous operations. The company has apparently seen lean times lately, and its owners have directed the company to declare Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Enstrom will leave behind nearly 1,500 unsupported aircraft around the world, unless the assets are bought out. Dornier Seawings has purchased the Flywhale seaplane program from its German parent, Uniplanes GmbH, in a package that includes all intellectual property, production assets, design data, drawings, manuals, tooling

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Airborne-SE 01.21.22: Rod Machado On The State of Flt Instruction, Pt 2

Also: Where Is The Flight Instruction Community Right Now... And Why?

ANN is proud to work with some of the best in the industry... in a number of disciplines... but only a few folks have the pedigree boasted by Ace CFI, Rod Machado. A prolific speaker, author, presenter, and all-around funny guy, Rod has built up an immense following in the flight instruction community for just a few primary reasons... he's one of the best in the field, he is a master communicator and writer, and he knows how to put forth an engaging and often humorous take on aviation's most complex topics. Rod is an Airline Transport Pilot with all fixed wing-flight powered instructor ratin

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Airborne-SE 01.20.22: Rod Machado On The State of Flt Instruction, Pt 1

Also: Where Is The Flight Instruction Community Right Now... And Why?

ANN is proud to work with some of the best in the industry... in a number of disciplines... but only a few folks have the pedigree boasted by Ace CFI, Rod Machado. A prolific speaker, author, presenter and all-around funny guy, Rod has build up an immense following in the flight instruction community for just a few primary reasons... he's one of the best in the field, he is a master communicator and writer, and he knows how to put forth an engaging and often humorous take on aviation's most complex topics. Rod is an Airline Transport Pilot with all fixed wing-flight powered instructor

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FAA and UK Analogue Agree to Carry Over Simulator Certification

Flight Sims Evaluated Under CAA and FAA Approval Accepted Interchangeably

The FAA and its British analogue, the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) have come together and finalized an agreement that will allow the two countries to share the results of each other’s evaluation and acceptance of flight simulators. The change will allow the simplification of a unified, streamlined regulatory landscape for increasingly important flight training equipment. The FAA said, "The agreement will reduce the regulatory burden on business while maintaining aviation safety," as those requiring significantly expensive, high end equipment will see a simpler ecosystem with less legal hang-ups.

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Aero-TV At OSH21: Opener Blackfly Promises Unique Aviation Experience

Blackfly Flies Under Part 103 Ultralight Regs

Hot on the heels of a successful demonstration at AirVenture 2021, we check in with CEO Marcus Leng about Opener’s upcoming Blackfly. The carbon colored, all-electric VTOL aircraft is capable of operation from any kind of surface, even amphibious landings on fresh water. With a scant 313 pound max gross takeoff weight, it flies under Part 103 rules for ultralight aircraft. Pilots will soon be able to enjoy a 30-mile full-charge range, 1,200 foot service ceiling, and 62 mph top speed. When using a 240-volt quick charger, the aircraft can be charged in half an hour.

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LaunchTech, LLC Offers Scholarship for Space Camp

Young Women Near Company Locations Offered Chance to Build on Aerospace Enthusiasm

LaunchTech LLC has announced the issuance of an educational program a bit outside the norm, that sees young underrepresented groups of interested teens attend space camp. The company says its scholarship efforts assist in bringing more women to their industry in assisting with military, government, and corporate IT and software. Launching Scholars is a program that aims to provide opportunities and scholarships for girls 15-18 who have an interest in Technology, Aviation, and Aerospace.

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NTSB Prelim: Cessna 182

A Maximum Altitude Of About 1,800 Ft MSL Was Reached, Which Was Subsequently Followed By A Rapid Descent

On December 7, 2021, at 2124 eastern standard time, a Cessna 182 airplane, N5776B, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Statesboro, Georgia. The commercial pilot was fatally injured. The airplane was operated by the pilot as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. According to a family member who spoke with the pilot the evening of the accident, she had flown from Florida into the Statesboro-Bulloch County Airport (TBR), Statesboro, Georgia, for a meeting in the local area and planned to return that night.

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AD: Airbus Canada Limited Partnership

AD 2021-26-27 Requires A One-Time Inspection For Damage Of The Insulation Blankets Below The Left And Right OWEEDs

The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus Canada Limited Partnership Model BD-500-1A10 and BD-500-1A11 airplanes. This AD was prompted by a report indicating that during production, the manual opening and closing of the over-wing emergency exit door (OWEED) prior to the installation of the OWEED interior panel could have resulted in damaged insulation blankets below the left and right OWEEDs. This AD requires a one-time inspection for damage of the insulation blankets below the left and right OWEEDs, and replacement if necessary, as specified in a Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) AD, which is inco

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.31.22)

Aero Linx: Arnold Engineering Development Complex Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC) operates more than 68 aerodynamic and propulsion wind tunnels, rocket and turbine engine test cells, space environmental chambers, arc heaters, ballistic ranges and other specialized units located in eight states. Many of the complex's test units have capabilities unmatched elsewhere in the United States; some are unique in the world. AEDC is one of three installations which are part of the Air Force Test Center (AFTC), one of six subordinate commands of the Air Force Materiel Command organization and an important national resource.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.31.22): Mountain Wave

Mountain Wave Mountain waves occur when air is being blown over a mountain range or even the ridge of a sharp bluff area. As the air hits the upwind side of the range, it starts to climb, thus creating what is generally a smooth updraft which turns into a turbulent downdraft as the air passes the crest of the ridge. Mountain waves can cause significant fluctuations in airspeed and altitude with or without associated turbulence.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (01.31.22)

"The agreement will reduce the regulatory burden on business while maintaining aviation safety..." Source: From an FAA statement as they and their British analogue, the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) have come together and finalized an agreement that will allow the two countries to share the results of each other’s evaluation and acceptance of flight simulators.

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