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January 08, 2007
ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 01.08.07
Direct-To Avionics customers wonder if they'll ever see their money, or their Cheltons...
Keeping Central Florida a skydiving capital...
...and the FAA's "fix" for La Guardia lays an egg.
ANN Daily Touch-And-Go: 01.08.07
Direct-To Avionics customers wonder if they'll ever see their money, or their Cheltons...
Keeping Central Florida a skydiving capital...
...and the FAA's "fix" for La Guardia lays an egg.
ANN Special Feature: Part 2: ASF Exec. Dir. Bruce Landsberg 01.08.07
Jim Campbell talks with Bruce Landsberg, Executive Director of AOPA's Air Safety Foundation, about
conclusions in the 2006 Nall report on GA safety.
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