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May 03, 2009

Powerless Plane Plummets Perilously, Pummeling Porta-Potties

Cessna 182 Loses Power, Takes Out Porta-Potties in Forced Landing

Somewhere out there is a hapless Skylane pilot who is dreading the next time that he and his fellow flyers get together to tell flying stories... ya know, the ones that start 'there I was' and then end with some kind of superlative aerial feat of piloting prowess that saves the day.

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NASA's Wallops Ready To Launch Satellite May 5th

NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia will be the site of the launch of an Air Force Minotaur I rocket carrying the Air Force Research Laboratory's TacSat-3 satellite and two secondary payloads between 8 and 11 p.m. EDT, May 5.

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Court Rules FAA Can't Be Responsible For 2000 Midair

7th Circuit Court Keeps FAA From Taking Legal Blame

 The FAA can not be held responsible for the February 8, 2000 midair that took the life of radio personality Bob Collins (pictured right), and five others. The 7th Circuit US Court of Appeals upheld a ruling, Friday, denying the suit filed by Collins' family due to the legal protections inherent in Federal Immunity.

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Hainan Airline Halves Embraer Jet Buy

Deliveries Rescheduled For Completion By The First Half Of 2011

It's not the kind of news that they want to crow about, but Harbin Embraer (which, since 2004, has been assembling the ERJ-145 in China) is disclosing a new agreement with the Hainan Airline Company.

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ICG Offers Low Cost Nxtlink CIS-100 Single Channel Receiver

Transceiver Fits 'Any Size Aircraft'

ICG is extending on-board global telephone and Wi-Fi communication capabilities to any size aircraft, including small, owner-flown single engine models, by introducing an affordable, single channel ICG NxtLink Series CIS-100 transceiver.

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Navy Air and Missile Defense Command Established

The Navy Air and Missile Defense Command (NAMDC) was established April 30 in a ceremony at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren, Va. Commanded by Rear Adm. Alan B. "Brad" Hicks, NAMDC is the lead organization for Navy, joint and combined Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD).

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AF Museum Receives Artifact Donation From Mexican Air Force

The Mexican air force foreign liaison officer stationed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio presented National Museum of the U.S. Air Force officials with World War II artifacts representing the 201st Mexican Fighter Squadron April 29.

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Europe-Based Helo Det Provides Critical Support to Fleet

Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 28, the "Dragon Whales", Naples Detachment continually serves 6th fleet as the only U.S. Navy helicopter detachment in Europe.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (05.03.09):

Advection Fog Fog that forms as warmer, moist air moves over a cold ground. The air is cooled to saturation by the loss of heat to the cold ground. Unlike radiation fog, advection fog may form under cloudy skies and with moderate to strong winds. Initial stability is relatively unimportant since low level cooling makes the air unstable near the ground.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.03.09)

Aero-Linx: NASA Shuttle Main Page The main page for information on NASA's Space Shuttle program contains facts and photos from the current missions as well as every historic shuttle mission (which are available in the archives). Since the Shuttles are getting ready to fly their last year, don't miss a chance to keep up with the historic end of this amazing space vehicle's program.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (05.03.09)

  "If he had made the runway, he would have landed a lot harder than he did by impacting with those Sani-Cans and the wood pile... It probably saved his life, I would think." Source: Pierce County Sgt. Mike Blair, discussing the bizarre circumstances of a C182 forced landing that ultimately put the powerless aircraft upside down and on top of a number of porta-potties... and, yes, the pilot walked away from the crash.

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