Two defrocked America West pilots were convicted in Miami
Federal Court Wednesday of trying to fly while still under the
influence of a night-long drinking binge.
Analysis: AOPA Chimes In On Trust Fund Controversy
Transportation Secretary Norm Mineta and FAA Administrator
Marion Blakey are using every available public opportunity to
predict an FAA funding meltdown by 2007. However, according to the
White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), revenue into the
trust fund will be up 53 percent.
The shuttle shuffle is underway at NASA, where new Administrator
Michael Griffin has sent out notices to some 50 executives, warning
of big changes in their job titles.
Executives from DayJet, Eclipse and P&W Canada told
attendees at the "SATS 2005: A Transformation in Air Travel"
demonstration, this week, that a favorable confluence of technology
breakthroughs will radically improve jet service for
Averages One Rocket or Satellite Delivery Every 17 Days Over
Past 23 Years
Orbital Sciences Corporation reached a significant operational
milestone late last week when the company delivered its 500th space
and launch system since the company was founded 23 years ago.
Kingfisher Airlines Says Spice Jet Workers Damaged Airbus
It's one thing for a new industry to see stiff competition among
new companies. It's something else when one of those companies
accuses the other of deliberately damaging aircraft.
Symphony--80 TTSN new, KX125NavCom, KT76A, Garmin 295, PS Eng
Intercom. Blue and grey interior, white with blue stripe, O-320 Lyc
160 hp and MT fixed prop. Compare new 2005 $139,900. Phoenix
Composites, 480-924-9750,
Exterior Quality: 10, Interior Quality: 10
New, will sell for $89,900.00
IG Report Names Names, Says USAF Almost Guilty Of "Major
Air Force officials were in such a hurry to approve the Boeing
767 tanker lease/purchase deal that, had the deal not fallen
through in the midst of a scandal, they would have committed "major
legal violations" just to get the $23 billion deal done.
Aviation Economic Experts Charge Chicago Falsified Grant
Application for O'Hare Expansion
They admittedly have an agenda. Hired by two cities bordering
O'Hare International Airport, an aviation economics consultant says
Chicago Mayor Richard Daley's grandiose plan for a massive $20-plus
billion dollar expansion of O'Hare has been dealt a major blow --
because Daley, in essence, lied.
No Word On Victim's ID Or How He Got Into The Aircraft
How did a stowaway, whose mutilated body was found in the wheel
well of a South African Airways Airbus A340 upon landing at JFK
Airport in New York Tuesday, get there in the first place?
NBAA Chairman and CEO Ed Bolen recently joined NATA President
Jim Coyne in sending a letter expressing strong opposition to
pending Senate legislation that would prohibit the NOAA and the NWS
from providing weather reports, forecasting and data collection
services free of charge to the public.
At least some of the 15 Stealth Fighters headed for South Korea
have arrived, according to a military spokesman, amid rising
tensions over North Korea's nuclear arsenal.
The Airspeed Horsa wasn't just any glider. Designed and
prototyped in haste, made mostly of plywood, with sections
manufactured by furniture makers and then assembled by the Airspeed
firm, best known for light planes and trainers, it was a near DC-3
sized cargo truck of the air.
Predicted To Save GA Pilots $700 Million In Annual Fuel
True Flight says it's released two new functions -- its
exclusive Fastest Flight Level Search and Cheapest Fuel Price
Search for its Flight Cheetah portable displays and TrueMap
software packages with the WXWORX data link. Fastest Flight level
Search, which automatically computes the most favorable flight
level based on data link winds is expected to have the largest
impact on increasing routing efficiency since the introduction of
GPS Navigation and data link weather.
"We ask the FAA and Committees of Congressional Oversight to
follow its own due process and regulations by rejecting the City's
unworkable, badly-planned and cost-burdensome proposal."
Source: Craig Johnson, Mayor of Elk Grove Village,
after a study commissioned by both his town and Bensenville, IL,
showed Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, in essence, lied about several
facets of his big plan to expand O'Hare International Airport. For
that reason -- and because they contend the plan just doesn't make
sense -- both towns are now calling on the FAA to turn down Daley's
requests for airport expansion grants.
AD NUMBER: 2005-11-12
SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2005-11-12
SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness
directive (AD) for certain Boeing Model 767-200, -300, and -300F
series airplanes.
AD NUMBER: 2005-11-07
SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2005-11-07
SUMMARY: The FAA adopts a new airworthiness
directive (AD) for certain Extra Flugzeugproduktions-und
Vertriebs-GmbH (EXTRA) Models EA-300, EA-300S, EA-300L, and
EA-300/200 airplanes.
AD NUMBER: 2005-11-10
SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2005-11-10
SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness
directive (AD) for certain Bombardier Model DHC-8-102, -103, -106,
-201, -202, -301, -311 and -315 airplanes.
AD NUMBER: 2005-11-05
MANUFACTURER: Standby Vacuum System
SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2005-11-05
SUMMARY: The FAA adopts a new airworthiness
directive (AD) for all airplanes equipped with Precise Flight, Inc.
(Precise Flight) Models SVS I and SVS IA standby vacuum systems
(SVS) installed under certain supplemental type certificates or
through field approval.
AD NUMBER: 2005-11-08
SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2005-11-08
SUMMARY: The FAA adopts a new airworthiness
directive (AD) for all GROB-WERKE (GROB) Model G120A airplanes.
This AD requires you to replace the main landing gear front and
rear spherical bearings with improved spherical bearings.