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June 16, 2020

Airborne-Flight Training 06.03.20: Combo-Av Degree, USAF Goes Short, UND Restart

Also: Aviation Instructor’s Handbook, Embry-Riddle to Resume, Destination Aviation Summer Camp, Two Newest RAF Pilots

Beginning this Fall, the Liberty University School of Aeronautics will offer a versatile new degree that combines flight training and maintenance. The Bachelor of Science in Aviation Technology provides students with the requirements needed to pursue their commercial pilot license and aviation mechanic certification. Steven Brinly, chair of aerospace technology, said the degree is unique because it qualifies students in both areas in four years rather than the more traditional five

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (06.16.20)

Aero Linx: European Regions Airline Association ERA (European Regions Airline Association) is the trade association representing more than 60 airlines and 150 associate members, including manufacturers, airports, suppliers and aviation service providers, across the entire spectrum of the aviation industry. The power of one collective voice, representing multiple businesses, to promote and protect one industry sector is incredibly strong. ERA works on behalf of its members to represent their interests before Europe’s major regulatory bodies, governments and legislators to encourage and develop long-term and sustainable growth for the sector and industry. The association also brings mem

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (06.16.20): Estimated (EST)

Estimated (EST) When used in NOTAMs “EST” is a contraction that is used by the issuing authority only when the condition is expected to return to service prior to the expiration time. Using “EST” lets the user know that this NOTAM has the possibility of returning to service earlier than the expiration time. Any NOTAM which includes an “EST” will be auto−expired at the designated expiration time.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (06.16.20)

"The WASP were trailblazing pioneers of World War II and an inspiration for future generations of female pilots. We did not want the pandemic to stop us from honoring these incredible women who risked their lives to do their part for the war effort. We are thrilled that so many members and friends helped us to carry on our annual tradition for the third year." Source: WAI CEO Allison McKay, describing the history behind an amazing group of women who fought for America. In an effort to allow participants to observe best social-distancing practices, WAI used the last two weeks in May to visit gravesites and take photos to leave appropriate decorations in the form of flowers, flags, or other remembrances.

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