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September 15, 2022

Elektra Trainer Triumphs at Electrifly-In eTrophy Competition

Alps and Amps

Elektra Solar GmbH, the German designer and manufacturer of solar-electric powered aircraft, has won the prestigious eTrophy at the Eletcrifly-In competition in Bern, Switzerland. Elektra’s entry—the company’s brand new two-seater UL Elektra Trainer aircraft—beat out concepts from rival manufacturers Pipistrel and X-eye.

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NBAA Sounds the Klaxon Over NYC Noise Bill

New York Business Aviation at Risk from Restrictive "Noise Pollution" Regulations

The National Business Aviation Association has issued a call to action urging members of the New York state business aviation community to write to Governor Kathy Hochul to urge against the signature of Senate Bill S7493A. The proposed law would allow anyone to sue a pilot, flight department, line service personnel, or company employee operating in the state for any alleged helicopter "noise pollution", regardless of whether or not the operation complied with Federal Regulations.

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NTSB and FAA Codify Commercial Space Mishap Investigation

Future Imperfect

National Transportation Safety Board Chair Jennifer Homendy and Federal Aviation Administration Acting Administrator Billy Nolen have signed an agreement clarifying the roles their respective agencies will play in the investigation of commercial space mishaps. The new Memorandum of Agreement—the first between the two agencies in 22-years—prescribes the manners in which the two agencies will coordinate investigative procedures and allocate resources, personnel, and services. 

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True Blue Power Expands Aircraft USB Product Line

The Trappings of Power

True Blue Power, the Kansas and California-based aerospace technology concern, has announced the addition 100-watt USB-C charging ports to the company’s line of MAX Power USB Chargers (TA360 Series). The new chargers deliver seven-times more power than competing products and will keep pilots’ electronic flight bags (EFBs), headphones, and personal electronic devices charged up and ready for action for years to come.

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Whidbey Island DHC-3 Otter Wreckage Located

An Argument for the Presumption of Innocence

The NTSB is investigating a deadly, 04 September 2022 accident in which ten people lost their lives when a 55-year-old de Havilland DHC-3 Otter went down in Puget Sound’s Mutiny Bay. On 12 September 2022, the NTSB reported it had located the aircraft's wreckage in approximately 190-feet of water off the coast of Whidbey Island.

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Klyde Morris (09.12.22)

Klyde Starts Dealing With The Truth of Elon's Origins...


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Hartzell Teams Ready for Reno Air Races

Grove Aero Sport Aims for 400 mph+ While Honda 90 Race Preps Classic T-6 Texan

Hartzell Engine Tech branded air charging systems will be making an appearance at the upcoming Reno Air Racing Association's annual race. Hartzell's sponsored teams will make use of their in-air charging systems, using modern AeroForce turbochargers and Jasco alternators to power their racing aircraft. Grove Aero Sport and Honda Generators 90 Race Team will be representing Hartzell at the Stihl National Championship Air Races taking place through September 18th. This year's competition is stiff, with 152 pilots and 156 aircraft competing throughout the multi-day event.

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Atlas Air and Wings Over the Rockies Partnership Announced

Respected Marques Promote Aerospace Education & Careers

Wings Over the Rockies has partnered with Atlas Air Worldwide to maximize the scope and impact of former's Wings Aerospace Pathways (WAP)—a program that allows students in grades 6-12 to immerse themselves in the aerospace industry through hands-on, experiential learning.

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Classic Aero-TV: An Ultralight Mainstay – A Kolb Aircraft OSH16 Update

From 2016 (YouTube Version): Ultralights Can Provide the Ultimate Experience in Recreational Flying…

ANN assistant news editor, Earl Downs, set out on a mission at EAA AirVenture 2016 to search out some honest-to-goodness real ultralights. His trek took him to the ultralight field on the south end of Wittman Regional Airport that is commonly referred to as, ‘the fun zone’. Downs met up with Bryan Melborn, the owner and CEO of the Kolb Aircraft Company. Kolb aircraft was one of the early entries into the ultralight business in the 1980s and they are still going strong. In the video, you’ll be introduced to their FAR 103 legal “Fi

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NTSB Prelim: Story Charles Brad TT Fox

Airplane Impacted The Gable End Of A Hangar On The North/South Gravel Runway

On August 29, 2022, about 1245 Alaska daylight time, a Charles Brad Story TT FOX amateurbuilt airplane, N2723P sustained substantial damage when it was involved in an accident at the Wolf Lake Airport, Wasilla, Alaska. The pilot was critically injured. The airplane was operated by the pilot as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. The pilot had departed from runway 08 at the Wolf Lake Airport (4AK6). Witnesses on the airport observed the airplane departing to the south and then heard the airplane returning towards the airport with the engine rpm fluctuating from idle to full throttle.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (09.15.22)

Aero Linx: The Beechcraft Heritage Museum The Beechcraft Heritage Museum is a distinctly original one-of-a-kind, “living and working” aviation museum that traces the lineage of the Beechcraft family of airplanes. The Museum began life as the Staggerwing Museum Foundation, incorporated in October of 1973, under the auspices of the Staggerwing Club. In April 2007, the Museum became the Beechcraft Heritage Museum. This change reflects our commitment to promoting aviation education and preserving the heritage nurtured by generations of enthusiasts of all Beechcraft models from 1932 through the present. The Museum is situated in a picturesque campus-style setting adjacent to the Tullahoma, Ten

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (09.15.22): Hazardous Weather Information

Hazardous Weather Information Summary of significant meteorological information (SIGMET/WS), convective significant meteorological information (convective SIGMET/WST), urgent pilot weather reports (urgent PIREP/UUA), center weather advisories (CWA), airmen’s meteorological information (AIRMET/WA) and any other weather such as isolated thunderstorms that are rapidly developing and increasing in intensity, or low ceilings and visibilities that are becoming widespread which is considered significant and are not included in a current hazardous weather advisory.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (09.15.22)

“There are a lot of unknowns in this legislation, and it is so vaguely worded that there [are] many avenues in which litigation could be taken. So we are urging our members to visit the Grassroots Action Center on the NBAA website and write the governor asking her not to sign this legislation into law.” Source: Brittany Davies, NBAA Northeast regional director, in opposition to bizarre and inexplicable attempts to hamper aviaion access in the state of New York. A shortsighted proposed law would allow anyone to sue a pilot, flight department, line service personnel, or company employee operating in the state for any alleged helicopter "noise pollution", regardless of whether or not the operation complied with Federal Regula

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