Arrangement Will Provide Better Clinical Integration Of Medical
A long-time partnership between Greenville Hospital System
University Medical Center (GHS) in Greenville, SC and Med-Trans
Corp. has a new face and address – as well as a 2,700-pound
royal blue helicopter. GHS has worked with Med-Trans for 10 years,
but now has partnered to locate GHS Med Trans, a dedicated
helicopter, at GHS’ flagship Greenville Memorial Hospital.
Both organizations say having the helicopter and crew physically
based at Greenville Memorial paves the way for tighter clinical
integration, training and teamwork led by GHS board-certified
The Royal-Blue Helicopter
“As a tertiary medical center, it’s our
responsibility to provide care for the area’s most critically
ill and injured patients,” said GHS President and CEO Michael
Riordan. “This enhanced partnership will not only help
patients get care faster but will make sure the care received en
route is the best it can be.”
The service will be particularly critical in the care of heart
attack, stroke and trauma patients. GHS has one of the
nation’s best treatment times for heart-attack patients, and
Greenville Memorial Hospital is ranked among the nation’s top
50 hospitals in heart care and heart surgeries in U.S. News’
America’s Best Hospitals. The dedicated helicopter will also
be a lifesaver for children en route to the regional pediatric
intensive care unit at GHS Children’s Hospital. Air travel
cuts transit time by more than two-thirds, turning a 40-minute
drive into a 12-minute flight.
The Bell 407 helicopter’s flight crew includes a pilot,
flight paramedic and critical-care flight nurse. The crew and
helicopter can be en route to an emergency within 3½ minutes
of the initial call. The helicopter service area will typically be
a 100-mile radius, but it can accept service requests for as far as
200 miles.
“GHS Med Trans will be a tremendous regional asset,
providing indispensable critical care to patients in need when time
is of the essence,” said Med-Trans Corp. CEO Fred Buttrell.
“GHS Med Trans will focus on excellent patient care, working
with GHS to provide cohesive clinical integration.”
GHS Med Trans will also work closely with GHS’ 10 Mobile
Care ambulances, which carry equipment similar to the
helicopter’s critical care equipment. Mobile Care
ambulances transport approximately 15,000 patients annually and are
rated for advanced life-support care. Community hospitals and their
patients will be some of the biggest beneficiaries of the new
“We provide excellent care here, but there are times when
patients need the services that only a Level 1 trauma center can
provide,” said Oconee Medical Center President and CEO Jeanne
Ward. “We’re already exploring more ways we can
leverage the unique resources of a tertiary care center to help our
own patients.”
Med-Trans also has partnerships with Spartanburg Regional
Healthcare System and AnMed Health. Because of their proximity and
close working relationships, the three hospitals will be able to
back up each other in the event that their primary helicopters are
already on a call, Buttrell said. The GHS Med Trans helicopter
features the latest integrated computerized visual-flight-rules
display. The display provides enhanced situational awareness for
the pilot and includes a terrain-avoidance warning system,
satellite weather display and a traffic avoidance system that shows
other aircraft in the area.