Comanche Gets Its First Helmet-Mounted Display | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Jan 14, 2003

Comanche Gets Its First Helmet-Mounted Display

Kaiser Electronics Responsible

Rockwell Collins has delivered the first Engineering, Manufacturing and Development (EMD) Aircraft Retained Unit (ARU) Helmet Integrated Display Sighting System (HIDSS) to the Boeing/Sikorsky team for the RAH-66 Comanche aircraft to enhance the pilot's situational awareness.

Kaiser Electronics, a Rockwell Collins business, designed and developed the HIDSS for the Comanche program.

The HIDSS provides the pilot with accurate weapon and flight symbology to enable head-up, eyes-out operation in 24-hour, all-weather conditions and employs solid-state, lightweight active matrix liquid crystal display technology.

"We have continued to successfully maintain the Comanche program schedule by focusing on execution, excellence and Rockwell Collins' long term relationship with the U.S. Army and the Boeing/Sikorsky team," stated John Borghese, vice president and general manager, Kaiser Aerospace and Electronics.

The RAH-66 Comanche, the U.S. Army's 21st-century armed reconnaissance helicopter, is being developed by U.S. Army Aviation and a team of leading aerospace companies headed by Boeing Sikorsky.



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