Carter Copters Won't Set Record at Oshkosh | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Tue, Jul 22, 2003

Carter Copters Won't Set Record at Oshkosh

Darned Computers: Can't Live With 'em, Can't Live Without 'em.

We received an unexpected note Monday, from Anita Infante, Carter Copter's spokeslady. Although it's never "expected" that a world record will fall, especially on a given date, it's not our practice to discount anything Carter Copters sets their mind to doing. They're just that determined, and just that good.

Even miracles aren't outside their grasp -- in fact, a 'miracle' is Jay Carter's whole premise -- but some miracles aren't directly in the hands of Carter... that's the kind of 'miracle' he can't simply force.

As Anita wrote, "Apparently, there is a problem with the computer link-up on the CCTD to the new engine. This couldn't be discovered until the engine was in the aircraft ready for flight-testing. The on-board system is much more sophisticated than the system for bench testing.  (At least that is my understanding).

"This means that the engine had to be removed and sent back to the race shop to be re-programmed.  All of this means that once the aircraft is back together there won't be enough time to properly flight-test everything before AirVenture. Unfortunately, we will have to postpone the attempt to another time - but safety first."

It's just a delay, folks... not a setback. With ANNie-winning Carter Copters, "there ain't no mountain high enough" to cause a setback.



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