Sat, Aug 24, 2024
evision J Improves Quality of Life with Optimized Workload
Honda Aircraft Company sent out some good news for owners and operators of the HA-420 HondaJet, thanks to an updated maintenance schedule.
The Honda Maintenance Program aims to "enhance HondaJet operational efficiency and increase dispatch availability" by drawing upon years of extensive aircraft testing and time studies, ensuring that operators enjoy all the upsides of reduced maintenance hours with none of the downsides. The new changes have been listed as 'Revision J' of the Airworthiness Limitation and Inspection Manual (ALIM). It decreases maintenance down time by cutting the number of hours required at the 600-hour maintenance interval, a 'key maintenance milestone for many HondaJet owners.'
Revision J went into effect on July 31, 2024, and was publicized as making 'operation of the HondaJet even more efficient than ever before.' Honda's studies took 3 years of effort from its engineering team, who managed to massage the 600-hour interval task list and reduced the planned maintenance workload. Overall, the change is slated to increase the uptime of the HondaJet fleet in operation across the board. Individual operators aren't the only ones to gain from Revision J, either, as Honda promised the "increased aircraft uptime is aimed at further improving aircraft dispatch availability, increasing flexibility fleetwide to respond to customer demand in a timely manner." So far, the global HondaJet fleet has expanded up to 250 aircraft around the world, logging more than 230,000 hours in service.
“The release of Revision J of the Airworthiness Limitation and Inspection Manual (ALIM) reflects our ongoing commitment to enhancing the customer experience for HondaJet owners and operators,” said Honda Aircraft Company Customer Service Division Director Luis Jimenez. “Our dedicated team continues to develop improvements that enhance the maintainability, reliability, and capabilities of the HondaJet.”
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