NBAA: FAA Reauthorization Vital to Jobs, Economic Growth | Aero-News Network
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Airborne-Affordable Flyers-09.06.24

Thu, Feb 10, 2011

NBAA: FAA Reauthorization Vital to Jobs, Economic Growth

Submitted Written Testimony Underscores Support For Aviation Modernization

Iin written testimony submitted Wednesday to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee's Subcommittee on Aviation, NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen, stressed the importance of continually modernizing the nation's air transportation system as part of Congress's focus on creating more jobs and expanding the economy.

"Aviation, including business aviation, is a vital link in our transportation system and powerful engine for job creation and economic growth," Bolen said in testimony presented to the Subcommittee at a hearing on FAA reauthorization. "We commend the Subcommittee for [its] commitment to improve our nation's aviation system and on-going efforts to foster economic growth and job creation during these challenging economic times. NBAA strongly supports these efforts and believes that the importance of a robust aviation system cannot be overemphasized."

In his testimony, Bolen pointed to general aviation, including business aviation, as an essential economic generator, contributing more than $150 billion annually to the U.S. economy, and making possible jobs for more than 1 million Americans.

Business aviation serves as an essential tool for thousands of U.S. companies of all sizes, a vital lifeline in small towns and rural areas across America with little or no scheduled airline service, and supports people and communities in times of emergencies and natural disasters.

FAA reauthorization and air transportation system modernization will continue progress toward national goals, Bolen noted in his testimony. "Accelerating the transition to the Next Generation air transportation system will advance important national objectives including: further reducing the industry's environmental footprint, reducing long-term costs at the FAA, enhancing safety, expanding system capacity and reducing delays," Bolen wrote.

He reiterated the industry's support for modernization funding based on the proven, efficient fuel tax, which carries with it no administrative costs for compliance because operators "pay at the pump."



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