Aviation Mission Organization Launches Online Fundraising Effort | Aero-News Network
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Airborne-Affordable Flyers-09.06.24

Fri, Nov 25, 2011

Aviation Mission Organization Launches Online Fundraising Effort

Pilots And Volunteers Opening Their Hearts And Offering Support

The Bahamas Habitat annual fund raising "Christmas Campaign" is officially underway and will continue until the end of December, according to John Armstrong, the organization's president. “The Thanksgiving season is the perfect time to begin our efforts because it reflects the gratitude that we all feel for the blessing of being involved in this mission,” he said.

The organization is using a unique online system it developed that gets everyone involved and leverages social media to not only raise money but to also “Friend Raise” by getting the word out about the mission.  Those that have flown or volunteered in the past act as “ambassadors” to ask their friends and contacts for help to reach their fundraising goals using a personalize webpage on the organization’s fund raising site. They expect over 120 ambassadors to be involved this year. 

“This approach helps us not only raise money but it raises awareness so that when a disaster hits we reach out for help and the response is usually immediate” adds Armstrong. The organization raised $150,000 last year and has doubled their goal this year to raise $300,000. Funds from this years campaign will support three major areas:

Finish, Furnish and Fund the Children’s Home - The grand opening of the children’s home is slated for February 2012 and the organization needs $100,000 to help finish the two buildings, furnish the facilities and help fund the start up operations to make way for 16 abused children.

Disaster Relief Funding - Bahamas Habitat has provided ongoing support to Haiti since the earthquakes last year and responded immediately throughout the Bahamas following hurricane Irene. AOPA recognized the efforts of Bahamas Habitat and provided excellent coverage of recent activities online, by video and in their November AOPA Pilot Magazine. Delivering food, supplies, water purification systems and helping build and repair homes and shelters, Bahamas Habitat continues to serve the ongoing needs of the Caribbean. Funds are needed to support this meaningful work.

Building Servant Leaders - Over 700 people went through missions at the organizations main base camp on Eleuthera Island this year and funds are needed to improve and expand programs there.

Bahamas Habitat operates solely on the generosity of its volunteers, donors and supporters. Everyone is invited to help them reach their goal by visiting their Christmas Campaign site and making a contribution. All donations are tax deductible.

“Pilots are special people and most take pleasure in sharing the joy of flight with friends and family” states Earl Boyter, a Bahamas Habitat Board member and principal at Premier Aircraft Sales. “When a pilot takes his or her gift and helps someone in desperate need – lives are changed.  Not only are the lives of those blessed by the goodness of these gifts affected, but the volunteers who demonstrate servant hearts are forever touched” he added.

The next “Fly-In & Help Out” event and grand opening of the Children’s Home is scheduled for February 16th 2012. Pilots and volunteers interested in becoming involved in flying missions with Bahamas Habitat, in support of the Bahamas and Haiti, should sign up to receive the Fly-In & Help Out event information. This will put them on the mission notice email list.

FMI: www.bahamashabitat.org, http://bmh.christmas2011.dojiggy.com/


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