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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Wed, Jul 09, 2003

Two Dozen Big Fast Drones

What Do You Do With Old F-4 Phantoms? Shoot 'em, If You Can Catch 'em.

BAe Systems has received a $17.3 million U.S. Air Force contract to produce 24 QF-4 aerial targets. QF-4 aerial targets are F-4 fighter aircraft modified into full-scale drones. The remotely-piloted aircraft are used by the military as realistic targets in test and training exercises.

The contract is the ninth lot in a series of awards that BAE SYSTEMS Flight Systems in Mojave (CA), is working on to provide Full-Scale Aerial Targets (FSAT). Deliveries will begin in August 2004. Flight Systems is also expecting to be awarded Lots 10 through 14 in February 2004, for work through 2010.

The Mojave site specializes in converting jet fighters into drones, building sub-scale drones, and modifying and upgrading aircraft. Flight Systems currently employs approximately 140 people at Mojave.



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