FAA Makes Big Changes for Future and Current CFIs | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Nov 05, 2024

FAA Makes Big Changes for Future and Current CFIs

Regulations Modify Currency, Qualification, and Training Processes

On December 1, 2024, the FAA will be finalizing major changes for current and future certified flight instructors (CFIs). While many modifications are included in this, the most major is the elimination of certificate expiration dates.

Once the new regulations are in place, CFIs will be required to complete recent instruction or a flight instructor refresher course (FIRC) every 24 months. Though their certifications will no longer have an associated expiration date, failure to comply with currency requirements or documentation will have the same consequences. Additionally, CFIs will be allowed to confirm recent experience through instructing in an FAA-hosted proficiency program, titled WINGS.

If an instructor does not meet the bi-annual currency requirement, they will be able to renew their privileges within three months by completing an FIRC. Past this time, they will have to complete further tasks before they can return to instructing.

Currently, FARs state that instructors must pass a practical test for one of their expired ratings or an additional rating. These will be relocated but remain as reinstatement options in the update.

CFIs with licenses issued prior to December 1 will have expiration dates printed, but they will still be allowed to take advantage of the 3-month grace period. Their next certificate will not be able to expire.

The only way to confirm CFI currency will continue to be by submitting the 8710 form through IACRA.

Another major change is in earning the qualifications required to train incoming CFI candidates. Two new options will be offered: one based on endorsements for successful practical exams and the other following completion of a flight instructor enhanced qualification training program (FIEQTP). The older option, which involves being a CFI for at least 24 months and having provided 200 or more hours of instruction, will remain.

The FAA claims that these regulatory changes will allow more efficient licensing and keep CFIs engaged in flight training.



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