NWEAA Fly-In Kicks Off This Week | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Mon, Jul 07, 2003

NWEAA Fly-In Kicks Off This Week

How To Get There And What To Do

It's been called one of the friendliest annual fly-ins in America. The Northwest EAA event at Arlington (WA) gets underway on July 9, with plenty of air show activity, static displays, sponsors and forum activity.

How To Get There -- Flying In

Chart your best course, but keep a few things in mind:

NOTAMs, TFRs and other hazards abound in the Puget Sound area. Check the latest visual update from the FAA or the NWEAA-provided graphic.

You must contact flight service before flying in to Arlington for the event.

Seattle AFSS:
122.15 (Bellingham RCO)
122.3 (Mt Consitution RCO)
122.4 (Arlington onsite FSS)

If you're coming in from north of the border, you can get Canadian border-crossing transponder info and assignments by calling 1-888-YVR-CODE.

The EAA has provided an official guide to flying into Arlington. It's certainly worth a read.

How To Get There -- Driving In
  • From SEA-TAC International Airport
    • Follow signs out of airport to freeways
    • Follow 518 East 1 mile to I-5 North
    • I-5 North to Exit 206 East
    • Follow signs approximately 1 mile to EAA Fly-In
  • From Portland Oregon And Points South
    • Follow I-5 North to Seattle
    • Continue I-5 to Exit 206 East
    • Follow signs approximately 1 mile to EAA Fly-In
  • From Vancouver And Points North
    • Follow I-5 South to Exit 206 East
    • Follow signs approximately 1 mile to EAA Fly-In
  • From Yakima, Spokane, And Points East
    • Follow I-90 West (Snoqualmie Pass) to I-405 North
    • I-405 North to I-5 North
    • Continue I-5 North to Exit 206 East
    • Follow signs approximately 1 mile to EAA Fly-In
      • Alternate Route #1
      • Follow Highway 2 West (Stevens Pass) to I-5 North
      • Continue I-5 North to Exit 206 East
      • Follow signs approximately 1 mile to EAA Fly-In
      • Alternate Route #2
      • Follow Highway 20 West to I-5 South
      • Continue I-5 South to Exit 206 East
      • Follow signs approximately 1 mile to EAA Fly-In
What To Do Once You Get There
 Wednesday, July 9
  • Wed 8:00 AM
    • Main Gate: Main Gates Open
  • Wed 8:45 AM
    • Forum Tent A: Avoiding the Stall/Spin -- Scott Gardiner, FAA Seattle FSDO
    • Forum Tent D: Rust Prevention -- Ed Barnes of Exxon Elite Rust prevention when you're not flying as much as you would like.
    • Forums Area: Forum Area Opens
  • Wed 9:00 AM
    • Forum Tent E: Kids Day Activities 9AM - 1PM
    • Story telling by Arlington Library
    • Forum Tent F: Kids Day -- The Magic School Bus and other videos
    • Fly-In grounds: Commercial Exhibits Area Opens
    • Fly-In grounds: Kids Day Program Opens
  • Wed 10:00 AM
    • Forum Tent A: Vertiga Averted -- Scott Gardiner, FAA Seattle FSDO
    • Forum Tent B: Miss Veedol Flies Again -- 1931 - 2003. Preparing for the "Around the World Flight" in 2003 in a 1931 replica of "Miss Veedol", a Bellanca Pathfinder. Formation of the organization, building and training. Presenter: David Stadler
    • Forum Tent C: Sport Pilot Update -- Ron Wagner of EAA presents a briefing from EAA headquarters on the status of the sport pilot role in aviation.
    • Forum Tent D: Air-Tech Fabric System -- Presenter: Jeff Paulson. The Air-Tech polyurathane coating system, what it is and what makes it different.
  • Wed 11:00 AM
    • Fly-In grounds: Ultralight Manufacturer's Demo
    • Fly-In grounds: Manufacturer's Demo
  • Wed 11:15 AM
    • Forum Tent A: Certifying Your Homebuilt -- Tony Peplowski, FAA Manufacturing Inspection District Office
    • Forum Tent B: EAA Ultralight Council -- Leo Parent TBA
    • Forum Tent C: Helping Others Through Flight -- Hosted by Mission Aviation Academy
      Video and discussion by representatives of mission agencies on how the gift of flight can be used to help needy people throughout the world.
  • Wed 1:00 PM
    • Fly-In grounds: AIRSHOW
  • Wed 5:30 PM
    • Fly-In grounds: Ultralight Manufacturer's Demo
  • Wed 10:00 PM
    • Runway Theater: Runway Theater - Stuart Little II
Thursday, July 10
  • Thu 8:00 AM
    • Main Gate: Main Gate Opens
  • Thu 8:45 AM
    • Forum Tent A: Density Altutide Part I -- Scott Gardiner, FAA Seattle FSDO
      Forum Tent E: Rust Prevention -- Presenter: Ed Barnes of Exxon Elite. Rust prevention when you're not flying as much as you would like.
    • Forums Area: Forums Area Opens
  • Thu 9:00 AM
    • Workshop Tent: Welding -- The basics of welding, including both gas & TIG welding. How to light a torch, run a bead and more. Safety issues also discussed. Courtesy of Lincoln Electric and Everett Community College.
    • Workshop Tent: Fabric -- The basics of fabric covering followed by the actual covering of controlled surfaces. Courtesy of Poly Fiber.
    • Fly-In grounds: Workshops Open
    • Fly-In grounds: Commercial Exhibits Area Opens
  • Thu 10:00 AM
    • Forum Tent A: Density Altitude Part II -- Scott Gardiner, FAA Seattle FSDO
    • Forum Tent B: Miss Veedol Flies Again -- 1931 - 2003. Preparing for the "Around the World Flight" in 2003 in a 1931 replica of "Miss Veedol", a Bellanca Pathfinder. Formation of the organization, building and training. Presenter Jake Ladato
    • Forum Tent C: Sport Pilot Update -- Ron Wagner of EAA presents a briefing from EAA headquarters on the status of the sport pilot role in aviation.
    • Forum Tent D: Tailwheel Flying -- Presenter: Jeff Paulson. Learn what it takes to fly a tailwheel airplane and what is needed to earn a tailwheel endorsement.
    • Forum Tent F: Flying Aerobatics -- Presenter: Renny Price
  • Thu 11:00 AM
    • Fly-In grounds: Manufacturer's Demo
  • Thu 11:15 AM
    • Forum Tent A: Certifying Your Homebuilt -- Tony Peplowski, FAA Manufacturing Inspection District Office
    • Forum Tent B: Emergency Bailout and Flight Safety Equipment -- Allen Silver will present How to bail out and survive an aircraft emergency as well as the benefit of flight safety equipment such as Nomex flight clothing, helmets and related items.
    • Forum Tent C: Legal Issues For General Aviation Pilots by Richard Glover of Emery Riddle -- Level the playing field by knowing the rules. Discussion of legal issues involving FAA certificate actions, medical certificate issues & (gasp) lawsuits for the GA pilot with emphasis on identifying possible pitfalls & traps for the unwary.
    • Forum Tent D: Care and Feeding of Lycoming Engines -- Presented by Paul McBride of Lycoming Engines. Question and answer session to follow.
    • Forum Tent E: Advantages of Angle 0f Attack; Product of EM Aviation -- Presented by Elbie Mendenhall of EM Aviation: Discussion of "Real" uses of AOA and why it works. Short overview of other products from EM Aviation.
    • Forum Tent F: Tips on Fiberglass Work -- Presenter: Bob Snedaker of Fairings Etc. Short cuts on using and building fiberglass parts. Hands on demonstrations.
  • Thu 12:00 PM
    • Warbirds: Flying the World's Fastest Plane, the SR-71 Blackbird in Peace & War -- Tom Pugh, USAF (ret): What it's like to fly "Faster than a speeding bullet" in the world's most sophisticated Spyplane over the world's most notorious air defenses. Development & career of the SR-71.
  • Thu 12:30 PM
    • Forum Tent A: Accuracy Landings -- Scott Gardiner, FAA Seattle FSDO
    • Forum Tent B: EAA Ultralight Council -- Presenter: Leo Parent TBA
    • Forum Tent C: RSA Fuel Injection Care & Maintenance -- Presenter Alan Jesmer. Operation, trouble shooting amd maintenance procedures on RSA fuel injection systems.
    • Forum Tent D: Exploring Washington State's Backcountry Airstrips -- Majestic scenery & great fishing awaits aviators at numerous backcountry airfields. 16 airstrips are operated by the WSDOT Aviation Div. Meet Jim Scott WSDOT Airport Maintenance Supervisor & two backcountry aficionados,Tom Jensen & Al Banholzer. 
    • Forum Tent F: Tips on Fiberglass Work (continued) -- Presenter: Bob Snedaker of IM Fairings. Short cuts on using and building fiberglass parts. Hands on demonstrations.
    • Workshop Tent: Welding -- The basics of welding, including both gas & TIG welding. How to light a torch, run a bead and more. Safety issues also discussed. Courtesy of Lincoln Electric and Everett Community College.
    • Workshop Tent: Fabric -- The basics of fabric covering followed by the actual covering of controlled surfaces. Courtesy of Poly Fiber.
    • Fly-In grounds: Ultralight Manufacturer's Demo
  • Thu 1:45 PM
    • Forum Tent A: Mountain Flying -- Mike Crowell, FAA Aviation Safety Counselor
    • Forum Tent C: Covering Your Aircraft With Water Based Products -- Presenter: Tamara Yedinak Tecniques and tips to insure success when using water based products to cover your aircraft.
  • Thu 3:00 PM
    • Fly-In grounds: AIRSHOW
  • Thu 5:30 PM
    • Fly-In grounds: Parade of Ultralights Fly-by
    • Fly-In grounds: Ultralight Manufacturer's Demo
  • Thu 10:00 PM
    • Runway Theater: Runway Theater - Strategic Air Command
Friday, July 11
  • Fri 6:30 AM
    • Fly-In grounds: Hot Air Balloons Launch
  • Fri 8:00 AM
    • Main Gate: Main Gate Opens
  • Fri 8:45 AM
    • Forum Tent A: Vertigo Averted -- Scott Gardiner, FAA Seattle FSDO
    • Forum Tent B: Tips on Fiberglass Work -- Presenter: Bob Snedaker of Fairings Etc. Short cuts on using and building fiberglass parts. Hands on demonstrations.
    • Forum Tent C: Fixed Pitch Metal Propeller Care & Maintenance -- Presenter: Jim Fix. Overhaul procedures and tips. Slide presentation. Question and answer period.
    • Forum Tent D: Air-Tech Fabric System -- Presenter: Jeff Paulson The Air-Tech polyurathane coating system, what it is and what makes it different.
    • Forum Tent E: Rust Prevention -- Presenter: Ed Barnes of Exxon Elite. Rust prevention when you're not flying as much as you would like.
    • Forum Tent F: General Aviation Security Briefing -- Fran Dyer (DOT) & Lt Tristan Atkins (WA State Patrol). A multi-faceted public awareness orientation to educate GA pilots, airport management, airport users,public safety officials & other community leaders on the safe & proper use of airport facilities with a particular emphasis on security.
    • Forums Area: Forums Area Opens
  • Fri 9:00 AM
    • Workshop Tent: Fabric -- The basics of fabric covering followed by the actual covering of controlled surfaces. Courtesy of Poly Fiber.
    • Workshop Tent: Welding -- The basics of welding, including both gas & TIG welding. How to light a torch, run a bead and more. Safety issues also discussed. Courtesy of Lincoln Electric and Everett Community College.
    • Warbirds: Over and Under - A WWII B-29 Pilot's Story -- Col. John Misterly, USAF (ret): A pilot who flew "the Hump", bombing raids on Japan and survived 8 days adrift alone in a rubber raft in the Pacific, followed by a War Patrol on a US submarine.
    • Fly-In grounds: Commercial Exhibits Area Opens 
    • Fly-In grounds: Workshops Open
  • Fri 10:00 AM
    • Forum Tent A: See and Avoid -- Spence Campbell, FAA Safety Counselor
    • Forum Tent B: Miss Veedol Flies Again -- 1931 - 2003. Preparing for the "Around the World Flight" in 2003 in a 1931 replica of "Miss Veedol", a Bellanca Pathfinder. Formation of the organization, building and training. Presenter:Arnie Clarke
    • Forum Tent C: Building or Buying an Experimental Aircraft? Ask the Right Questions! -- Doug Kelly, Jack Dueck, & Wall Anderson. Gaining advance knowledge about key issues facing the prospective homebuilt buyer or builder can prevent misfortunes, enhance safety & satisfaction in construction, testing, maintenance & operation.
    • Forum Tent D: BRS Parachute Systems -- Presenter Gregg Ellsworth. Introduction of new BRS units for Light Sport & Cessna aircraft. Discuss proper installation, maintenance & thoughts about making a decision to deploy the parachute system.
    • Forum Tent F: Van's 2-Place Kit Aircraft -- Presenter: Richard Van Grunsven. Discussion of Van's RV-3, 4, 6/6A, 8/8A and 9?9A kit aircraft.
  • Fri 10:30 AM
    • Warbirds: Jimmy Doolittle - The Man, Jimmy Doolittle - Our Grand-Dad -- Peter Doolittle & Jonna Doolittle Hoppes: The man who led the famous "Doolittle Raid" on Tokyo. His storied career before & after the Raid from his early racing days to command of the 8th Air Force in WWII from the folks that knew him best-his Grand-Kids.
  • Fri 11:00 AM
    • Fly-In grounds: Manufacturer's Demo 
  • Fri 11:15 AM
    • Forum Tent A: Flying to Canada Part I -- Jerry Lloyd, British Columbia Aviation Counsel
    • Forum Tent B: Emergency Bailout and Safety Flight Equipment -- Allen Silver will present How to bail out and survive an aircraft emergency as well as the benefit of flight safety equipment such as Nomex flight clothing, helmets and related items.
    • Forum Tent C: Let's Fly Alaska.com
    • Forum Tent D: Tailwheel Flying -- Presenter:Jeff Paulson. Presenter: Jeff Paulson. Learn what it takes to fly a tailwheel airplane and what is needed to earn a tailwheel endorsement.
    • Forum Tent E: Should You Incorporater Your Airplane? How To Do It -- Presenter: Brent H VanArsdell. There are tax & liability advantages to incorporating your homebuilt or kit built aircraft. What states are aviation friendly and states to avoid. Learn how to incorporate at the lowest cost. 
    • Forum Tent F: The Pilot's Guide to Rotax Engine Maintenance (2-stroke) Phil Lockwood of Lockwood Aviation Supply -- If you fly or plan to fly an aircraft powered by a Rotax engine, you won't want to miss this informative presentation. He will demystify the latest info on the most popular 2-stroke Light Sport Aircraft Engines available today.
  • Fri 12:00 PM
    • Warbirds: The Eleven Day of Christmas - Operation Linebacker II -- Vietnam Aviator's Panel: Discussion of the 1972 Christmas bombing offensive on North Vietnam by the men who were there flying F-4s, F-105s, B-52s, F-111s and A-6s.
  • Fri 12:30 PM
    • Forum Tent A: Flying to Canada Part 2 -- Jerry Lloyd, British Columbia Aviation Counsel
    • Forum Tent B: EAA Ultralight Council. Presenter: Leo Parent TBA
    • Forum Tent C: Advantages of Angle of Attack -- Presenter Elbie Mendenhall. Discussion of "real" uses of AOA and why it works. 
    • Forum Tent D: MSA Carburetors -- Presenter: Alan Jesmer. Operation, trouble shooting, and maintenance procedures on MSA float carburetors.
    • Forum Tent E: S-18 New Tri Gear -- Presenter: Mike Archer
    • Forum Tent F: Murphy Aircraft Models Which Meet the Proposed Sport Pilot Catagory
      Presented by Darryl Murphy
    • Workshop Tent: Fabric -- The basics of fabric covering followed by the actual covering of controlled surfaces. Courtesy of Poly Fiber.
    • Workshop Tent: Welding -- The basics of welding, including both gas & TIG welding. How to light a torch, run a bead and more. Safety issues also discussed. Courtesy of Lincoln Electric and Everett Community College.
    • Fly-In grounds: Ultralight Manufacturer's Demo
  • Fri 1:45 PM
    • Forum Tent A: What Every Airline Passenger Needs to Know Before Boarding the Airplane -- FAA: John Summers
    • Forum Tent B: Piper Cub Rebuilding and Restoration -- Moderator: Frank Henriksen of Dakota Cub Aircraft. 
    • Forum Tent C: Covering Your Aircraft With Waterbased Products -- Presenter: Tamara Yedinak Tecniques and tips to insure success when using water based products to cover your aircraft.
    • Forum Tent D: Dynamic Propeller Balancing -- Presenter: Larry A Meidell Why propeller vibration assessment is so important and how to correct span movement imbalance.
    • Forum Tent F: The Long X-Country: "A Thousand Miles at 100 knots" -- Presenter: Michael Crowell Preparation necessary for extended cross country flying.
  • Fri 2:00 PM
    • Warbirds: Fly-by Brief -- Participants only
  • Fri 3:00 PM
    • Fly-In grounds: AIRSHOW
  • Fri 5:30 PM
    • Fly-In grounds: Ultralight Manufacturer's Demo
  • Fri 6:00 PM
    • Warbirds: Target Anklam -- 8th Air Force Historical Society: An authentic historical re-creation of a WWII Mission Briefing for an attack on a FW-190 plant in Germany presented by re-enactors in period uniforms. 
  • Fri 7:00 PM
    • Fly-In grounds: Live Music - Main Entertainment Tent
  • Fri 9:00 PM
    • Fly-In grounds: NIGHT AIRSHOW presented by Crown Distributing
  • Fri 10:00 PM
    • Runway Theater: Runway Theater - Waldo Pepper
Saturday, July 12
  • Sat 6:30 AM
    • Fly-In grounds: Hot Air Balloons Launch
  • Sat 8:00 AM
    • Main Gate: Main Gate Opens
  • Sat 8:45 AM
    • Forum Tent A: Density Altitude Part I -- Scott Gardiner, FAA Seattle FSDO
    • Forum Tent C: Aircraft Seat Construction & Safety -- Presenter: Jim Fix Building comfortable seats - Impact safety - Upholstry tips and more.
    • Forum Tent D: Kitfox and Sport Plane -- Ed Downs: The Kitfox product line as it applies to the upcoming sport pilot regulations.
    • Forum Tent E: Rust Prevention -- Presenter: Ed Barnes of Exxon Elite Rust prevention when you're not flying as much as you would like.
    • Forum Tent F: Care and Feeding of Lycoming Engines -- Presented by Paul McBride of Lycoming Engines. Question and answer period to follow.
    • Forums Area: Forums Area Opens
  • Sat 9:00 AM
    • Workshop Tent: Welding -- The basics of welding, including both gas & TIG welding. How to light a torch, run a bead and more. Safety issues also discussed. Courtesy of Lincoln Electric and Everett Community College.
    • Workshop Tent: Fabric -- The basics of fabric covering followed by the actual covering of controlled surfaces. Courtesy of Poly Fiber.
    • Outside Tent A: FAA Medical Questions Answered -- Barbara Biehl, Regional Flight Surgeons Office will be on hand to answer questions concerning medical & pilot problems & dispense information for three hours Saturday morning from 9 AM to 12 noon.
    • Warbirds: FAA LOA Process - J.D. Martin, National Program Manager Vintage & Surplus Military Aircraft -- All Letters of Authorization to act as PIC in High Performance Aircraft must be converted to Ratings on your Pilot Certificate. The process and Q & A. He will also be available to do conversions throughout the event.
    • Warbirds: FAA LOA Conversion Process
    • Fly-In grounds: Commercial Exhibits Area Opens
    • Fly-In grounds: Workshops Open
  • Sat 10:00 AM
    • Forum Tent A: Density Altitude Part II -- Scott Gardiner, FAA Seattle FSDO
    • Forum Tent B: Flying Aerobatic --Presenter: Renny Price 
    • Forum Tent C: The "51% Rule" Facts & Fallacies For The Amateur Aircraft Builder --
      Doug Kelly, Jack Dueck, Wally Anderson: Rational discussion how this regulation is basis for homebuilt movement & how it is surviving rapid evolution of high performance kit aircraft & proposed light sport class.
    • Forum Tent D: Mindset in Safety for the Next Century of Flight by US Airways Capt Caryle Rampersad, WSDOT/Aviati -- He shares lessons learned in the airline industry through cockpit resource management practices & their application in general aviation. These same lessons in error management are used by hospitals & operating rooms as a means of reducing medical errors.
    • Forum Tent F: Van's Aircraft RV-10 and Beyond -- Presenter: Richard Van Grunsven Van's newest design, the RV-10 4 place kitplane and future projects.
    • Warbirds: Target Anklam -- 8th Air Force Historical Society: An authentic historical re-creation of a WWII Mission Briefing for an attack on a FW-190 plant in Germany presented by reinactors in period uniforms. 
  • Sat 11:00 AM
    • Fly-In grounds: Manufacturer's Demo
  • Sat 11:15 AM
    • Forum Tent A: Flying to Canada Part 1 -- Jerry Lloyd, British Columbia Aviation Counsel
    • Forum Tent B: Emergency Bailout and Flight Safety Equipment -- Allen Silver will present How to bail out and survive an aircraft emergency as well as the benefit of flight safety equipment such as Nomex flight clothing, helmets and related items.
    • Forum Tent C: Advantages of Angle of Attack -- Presenter: Elbie Mendenhall. Discussion of "Real" uses of AOA and why it works.
    • Forum Tent D: BRS Parachute Systems -- Presenter Gregg Ellsworth. Introduction of new BRS units for Light Sport & Cessna aircraft. Discuss proper installation, maintenance & thoughts about making a decision to deploy the parachute system.
    • Forum Tent E: Residential Airparks - The Better Alternative -- Presenter: Dave Sclair. The good and the bad aspects of living on a residential airpark.
    • Forum Tent F: Flights of Hope: Flying Angel Flight -- Washington Wing Leader Team: How you can get involved. Northwest pilot's share their experiences flying humanitarian missions as volunteers in the nation's largest charitable aviation organization.
  • Sat 11:30 AM
    • Warbirds: The Eleven Days of Christman - Operation Linebacker II -- Vietnam Aviator's Panel: Discussion of the 1972 Christmas bombing offensive on North Vietnam by the men who were there flying F-4s, F-105s, B-52s, F-111s and A-6s.
  • Sat 12:30 PM
    • Forum Tent A: Flying to Canada Part II -- Jerry Lloyd, British Columbia Aviation Counsel
    • Forum Tent B: Miss Veedol Flies Again -- 1931 - 2003. Preparing for the "Around the World Flight" in 2003 in a 1931 replica of "Miss Veedol", a Bellanca Pathfinder. Formation of the organization, building and training. Presenter: Ron Jacobus
    • Forum Tent C: Tailwheel Flying -- Presenter: Jeff Paulson. Learn what it takes to fly a tailwheel airplane and what is needed to earn a tailwheel endorsement.
    • Forum Tent D: Helicopter & Autogyro Rotor Vibration Minimization -- Presenter: Larry A Meidell Rotary wing vibration problems and how to measure the severity and implement corrections.
    • Forum Tent E: S-18 New Tri Gear -- Presenter: Mike Archer
    • Forum Tent F: Pilot's Giude to Rotax Engine Maintenance (4-stroke) -- Phil Lockwood of Lockwood Aviation Supply. If you fly or plan to fly an aircraft powered by a Rotax engine, you won't want to miss this informative presentation. He will demystify the latest info on the most popular 4-stroke Light Sport Aircraft Engines available today.
    • Workshop Tent: Welding -- The basics of welding, including both gas & TIG welding. How to light a torch, run a bead and more. Safety issues also discussed. Courtesy of Lincoln Electric and Everett Community College.
    • Workshop Tent: Fabric -- The basics of fabric covering followed by the actual covering of controlled surfaces. Courtesy of Poly Fiber.
    • Fly-In grounds: Ultralight Manufacturer's Demo
  • Sat 1:00 PM
    • Warbirds: Restoring WWII Fighters John Lane of Airpower Unlimited -- Restoring the F4U Corsair, P-47 Thunderbolt & other rare valuable pieces of aviation history. Presented by the former head of restoration for the Champlin Fighter Collection & the restorer of Museum of Flight's Corsair.
  • Sat 1:45 PM
    • Forum Tent A: What Every Airline Passenger Needs to Know Before Boarding the Airplane -- FAA John Summers
    • Forum Tent B: EAA Ultralight Council -- Presenter:Leo Parent TBA
    • Forum Tent C: STC's for Gruman's -- Joe Breuer
    • Forum Tent D: (Continued) Helicopter & Autogyro Vibration Minimization
    • Forum Tent F: Kitfox Airplanes & Sport Pilot -- Presenter: Edward Downs How the Kitfox line of aircraft fits into the new sport pilot rule.
  • Sat 2:00 PM
    • Warbirds: Flyby Brief -- Participants only.
  • Sat 3:00 PM
    • Fly-In grounds: AIRSHOW
  • Sat 5:30 PM
    • Fly-In grounds: Ultralight Manufacturer's Demo
  • Sat 7:00 PM
    • Fly-In grounds: Mukilteo Outragous Jazz Orchestra
  • Sat 9:30 PM
    • Fly-In grounds: Hot Air Balloon Night Glow
  • Sat 10:00 PM
    • Runway Theater: Runway Theater - Castaway
Sunday, July 13
  • Sun 6:30 AM
    • Fly-In grounds: Hot Air Balloons Launch
  • Sun 8:00 AM
    • Main Gate: Main Gate Opens
    • Main Tent: Non-Denominational Church Services -- Michael Crowell
  • Sun 8:45 AM
    • Forum Tent A: Avoiding the Stall/Spin -- Scott Gardiner, FAA Seattle FSDO
    • Forum Tent E: Rust Prevention -- Presenter: Ed Barnes of Exxon Elite Rust prevention when you're not flying as much as you would like.
    • Forums Area: Forums Area Opens
  • Sun 9:00 AM
    • Workshop Tent: Welding -- The basics of welding, including both gas & TIG welding. How to light a torch, run a bead and more. Safety issues also discussed. Courtesy of Lincoln Electric and Everett Community College.
    • Workshop Tent: Fabric -- The basics of fabric covering followed by the actual covering of controlled surfaces. Courtesy of Poly Fiber.
    • Fly-In grounds: Commercial Exhibits Area Opens
      Fly-In grounds: Workshops Open
  • Sun 9:30 AM
    • Warbirds: Emergency Egress From a Warbird -- Allen Silver of Silver Parachutes: How to get out of your aircraft if the need arises and the emergency equipment that will help you succeed.
  • Sun 10:00 AM
    • Forum Tent A: Accuracy Landings -- Scott Gardiner, FAA Seattle FSDO
    • Forum Tent B: Miss Veedol Flies Again -- 1931 - 2003. Preparing for the "Around the World Flight" in 2003 in a 1931 replica of "Miss Veedol", a Bellanca Pathfinder. Formation of the organization, building and training. Presenter: Bill Hungelmann
    • Forum Tent C: Sport Pilot Update -- Ron Wagner of EAA presents a briefing from EAA headquarters on the status of the sport pilot role in aviation.
    • Forum Tent D: Air-Tech Fabric System -- Presenter:Jeff Paulson The Air-Tech polyurathane coating system, what it is and what makes it different.
    • Forum Tent E: Tips on Fiberglass Work -- Presenter: Bob Snedaker of IM Fairings. Short cuts on using and building fiberglass parts. Hands on demonstrations.
  • Sun 10:30 AM
    • Warbirds: Jimmy Doolittle -The Man, Jimmy Doolittle - Our Grand-Dad -- Peter Doolittle & Jonna Doolittle Hoppes: The man who led the famous "Doolittle Raid" on Tokyo. His storied career before & after the Raid from his early racing days to command of the 8th Air Force in WWII from the folks that knew him best-his Grand-Kids.
  • Sun 11:00 AM
    • Fly-In grounds: Manufacturer's Demo
  • Sun 11:15 AM
    • Forum Tent A: Vertigo Averted -- Scott Gardiner, FAA Seattle FSDO
    • Forum Tent B: Emergency Bailout and Flight Safety Equipment -- Allen Silver will present How to bail out and survive an aircraft emergency as well as the benefit of flight safety equipment such as Nomex flight clothing, helmets and related items.
    • Forum Tent C: Legal Issues for General Aviationb Pilots by Richard Glover of Embry Riddle -- Level the playing field by knowing the rules. Discussion of legal issues involving FAA certificate actions, medical certificate issues & (gasp) lawsuits for the GA pilot with emphasis on identifying possible pitfalls & traps for the unwary.
    • Forum Tent D: WSDOT -- TBA
    • Forum Tent F: Flights of Hope: Flying For Angel Flight -- Washington Wing Leader Team: How you can get involved. Northwest pilot's share their experiences flying humanitarian missions as volunteers in the nation's largest charitable aviation organization.
    • Forum Tent F: Helping Others Through Flight Hosted by Mission Aviation Academy -- Video and discussion by representatives of mission agencies on how the gift of flight can be used to help needy people throughout the world.
  • Sun 12:00 PM
    • Warbirds: Flyby Brief -- Participants only
  • Sun 1:00 PM
    • Fly-In grounds: AIRSHOW
FMI: www.nweaa.org


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