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May 16, 2022

Drone Fishing Is Getting Caught In A Net

Hawaii May Be First To Make Drone Fishing Illegal

The Hawaiian fishing community is awaiting the outcome of Governor David Ige’s actions regarding the use of drones to fish in or near the state’s waters. Mr. Ige, Governor of Hawaii is expected to either vote yes or veto Senate Bill SB2065 which had already passed Hawaii’s House of Representatives and its Senate earlier this month. SB2065 permits the use of drones for “simple reconnaissance”, and those wishing to use a drone for the approved purpose must then apply to the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) for a permit.

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Aero-TV At SnF2022: WACO Kitchen’s Restaurant From Farm-To-Table-At-Airport

WACO Aircraft’s Kitchen Cooks Up Something Unique At Lakeland Linder Airport

Mr. Sven Lepschy, CEO of Waco Aircraft Corporation sat down to chat with us about “Waco Kitchen” who excitedly shared the positive feedback he received from people here in the local community about the prospect of a good restaurant at/near the airport. Mr. Lepschy sees it as a blessing to be able to add value to local communities but recognizes the challenges must be overcome. The initial plan was to open on 1st April 2022 in time for Sun n Fun, but due to vendor issues, they’re now looking at summertime so probably in 2 to 2.5 mon

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What’s The Pentagon Cooking? Drones!

Pentagon Testing Microwave Systems To Neutralize Drone Swarm Threats

Science fiction is slowly becoming science fact as the U.S. Pentagon’s Joint Counter-Small Unmanned Systems Office recently completed a round of demonstrations using high-power microwave technology to simultaneously neutralize multiple drone threats. In mid-February 2022, Pentagon was involved in the testing and evaluation of Counter-small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-sUAS). In late 2019, the US Army was tasked with running point on the C-sUAS operations, and twice yearly (spring and fall) conducts tests and fixes gaps for the next run.

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FAA Funds Airport Improvements For FY2022

FAA Announces New Round of Airport Funding For FY2022

Yesterday, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced a new round of recipients of its Airport Improvement Grants.  This not a new program, it has been in effect for over 20 years. Information regarding the receiving airport, amount granted, and the improvement project for which the grant was awarded is available on the FAA’s website going back to 1996. The FAA made an interactive handbook available on their website for airport owners and operators interested in securing an AIP grant and outlines the criteria for who may qualify, eligible projects, statutory basis for grant assurance, funding available, and applicable rules.

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Airbus v Boeing Is A Race-In-Progress

Airbus vs Boeing Race? Nothing To Declare...Zero Sum Jobs

Some recent news in circulation states that Airbus has overtaken Boeing on Jet orders. That may be good news for the investors and others wishing to improve their fiscal standing. However, we’re well aware there are numerous factors which should be evaluated to determine which manufacturer is truly performing the best compared to others in the same industry segment.

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ATR And Safran Land Smart

ATR And Safran Hard Landing Diagnostics With RTS

ATR and Safran Landing Systems have announced the arrival of the ‘Smart Lander’ a landing-gear diagnostics system that gathers and analyses data to optimize repair activities and potentially accelerate the aircrafts’ return to service. To clarify, the ‘Smart Lander’, unlike ‘AutoLand’, does not interact in any way with the navigation, flight, or landing of the aircraft. It is simply a diagnostic service, perhaps a more appropriate name would be ‘Hard Landing Diagnostics and Return to Service Analysis’, but perhaps not as flashy or eye-catching as Smart Land.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.16.22)

Aero Linx: The Bob Hoover Academy We are named after the legendary military, test-pilot, airshow performer Bob Hoover, and we strive to incorporate Bob Hoover’s character traits into our work and with our students. We offer weekly ground school, flight training in both our airplane and our full-motion flight simulator, as well as fun and educational field trips throughout the aviation industry.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (05.16.22): Landing Area

Landing Area Any locality either on land, water, or structures, including airports/heliports and intermediate landing fields, which is used, or intended to be used, for the landing and takeoff of aircraft whether or not facilities are provided for the shelter, servicing, or for receiving or discharging passengers or cargo.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (05.16.22)

"After spending an illuminating year in service to the Foundation a few years back, I have the advantage of having worked closely with friends and associates of Bob to build the mission and momentum necessary to see that Bob's vision for a better future for aviation might be realized. He was one of my dearest friends... I miss him every day... and I am totally dedicated to making sure that the future that Bob and I talked about so passionately may someday be fully realized. My thanks to my fellow BHLF board members for their faith in me and allowing me to take this mission on once again." Source: ANN Boss, Jim Campbell, commenting on taking the reins of the Bob Hoover Legacy Foundation, once again.

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