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May 21, 2021

ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.21.21)

Aero Linx: The Arizona Pilot’s Association (APA) The Arizona Pilot’s Association (APA) was organized in 1978 to give Arizona’s general aviation community a voice in aviation matters. Our mission remains much the same today as we continue to promote general aviation through advocacy at various levels of state and federal government, as well as through partnering with other aviation organizations in advocating our common interests: promoting aviation safety, pilot education, and public understanding of general aviation; preserving, maintaining, and even re-opening Arizona’s backcountry and recreational airstrips; broadcasting Arizona aviation news; and connecting Arizona pilots

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (05.21.21): Radar Required

Radar Required A term displayed on charts and approach plates and included in FDC NOTAMs to alert pilots that segments of either an instrument approach procedure or a route are not navigable because of either the absence or unusability of a NAVAID. The pilot can expect to be provided radar navigational guidance while transiting segments labeled with this term.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (05.21.21)

“Following a detailed inspection and thorough analysis of our mothership, Eve, we have cleared our Spaceflight System for our upcoming flight. I want to thank our incredibly talented team of engineers, maintenance crew, quality inspectors and support staff for their diligence and hard work, which is testament to our commitment to safety and the integrity of our flight test program." Source: Michael Colglazier, Chief Executive Officer of Virgin Galactic, following the news that VG is planning rocket-powered flight tests early as this Saturday.

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