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December 26, 2019

Airborne 12.23.19: Starliner 'Anomaly', 'Iron Man' Suit, Navy Pilots

Also: 737 MAX Suspension, Aerospace Center For Excellence, Delta And Wheels Up, Academic Scholarship

Boeing's CST-100 Starliner commercial crew vehicle was launched into orbit early Friday morning, but the spacecraft experienced what Boeing called an "off-nominal insertion" and failed to reach the proper orbit for rendezvous with the International Space Station. The Starliner is in an orbit that allowed it to be brought safely back to Earth at White Sands, NM on Sunday. A British inventor wearing a flying suit that is entirely 3-D printed has flown the suit at speeds up to 85.06 miles per hour, setting

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Airborne-Unmanned 12.24.19: Skyryse Flight Stack, AFRL LEAP, New FAA MOUs

Also: Airmen Certificate Testin, Unmanned BVLOS Operations, UAV Turbines, OSU Drone Grant

Skyryse has unveiled the Skyryse Flight Stack, a suite of automation technologies that will help the company make safe urban flight mainstream. The Skyryse Flight Stack comprises technology that automates flight in FAA-approved helicopters, safety and communication systems, and a network of smart helipads to ultimately create a new transportation system in the sky. The company also demonstrated the Flight Stack in action, completing a fully autonomous flight – without a pilot's hands on the controls or remote

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A Memorable Merry Christmas From Our Dear Friend(s), Frank Kingston Smith(s)

From Two Great Men... An Aero-Holiday Memory

One of the greatest joys I have as the so-called boss of ANN is the many people I meet and the precious few that I get to know as friends. Two great friends have had the same name... Frank Kingston Smith, Senior and Junior. Frank Sr. has been gone a number of years now, but our memories of him are fond and numerous... though his son is still a vociferous advisor and co-conspirator via email. Some time ago, Frank, Jr., sent me a really great message... and it made for a fitting way by which I can wish you all a very Merry Christmas -- J

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Jetman Yves Rossy Gains VTOL Capability

Soon Will No Longer Need To Be Carried Aloft By Another Aircraft

Most of us have watched Jetman Yves Rossy fly his personal jet suit, dropping out of an airplane or helicopter and soaring through the sky like Superman. But he's never been able to take to the air without assistance ... until now.

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WAI Announces 2020 Pioneer Hall Of Fame Inductees

Will Be Inducted At WAI Conference In Orlando, FL In March

Women in Aviation International (WAI) has selected the 2020 inductees for its International Pioneer Hall of Fame. These women will be honored at the 31st Annual International Women in Aviation Conference, which will be held March 5-7, 2020, at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. The induction ceremony will take place on Saturday, March 7, 2020, prior to the conference’s closing Celebration Dinner.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (12.26.19)

"For close to 100 years, Congress has recognized that aviation must be regulated at the federal level. The national system of airports would be undermined if restrictions are made at the local level, as the Aircraft Noise Reduction Act is attempting to allow.” Source: NBAA president and CEO Ed Bolen.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (12.26.19): Unpublished Route

A route for which no minimum altitude is published or charted for pilot use.  

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (12.26.19)

FAA: What Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medications Can I Take And Still Be Safe To Fly?

The FAA has released a list of the types of OTC medications that pilots can take, and whether there is a waiting period before that pilot is considered safe to fly.

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