Much Rumored, Now Confirmed, Local Residents May Hear Their First Sonic Boom Since Shuttle Days
ANN RealTime Update, 122015, 1611 ET: SpaceX has scrubbed the Sunday launch and attempted First Stage landing of the upgraded Falcon 9/Orbcomm launch until 2034 local time, Monday. No problems have been blamed for the delay as SpaceX Boss Elon Musk just tweeted, "Just reviewed mission params w SpaceX team. Monte Carlo runs show tmrw night has a 10% higher chance of a good landing. Punting 24 hrs." ANN will update as we receive more info...
Original Report: SpaceX has confirmed that the company is targeting launch of the 11 ORBCOMM satellites aboard a Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, FL. on Sund