Harrison Ford To Receive The Bob Hoover Dreams Take Flight Award | Aero-News Network
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Wed, Aug 22, 2018

Harrison Ford To Receive The Bob Hoover Dreams Take Flight Award

Will Be Presented At Gala Planned For September 15

The Aerospace Museum of California's Aerospace Ambassadors Sean D. Tucker and retired Astronaut/current UC Davis Professor of Aerospace Engineering Dr. Steve Robinson are honored to nominate Mr. Harrison Ford as the 2018 recipient of the Bob Hoover Dreams Take Flight Award.

The award will be presented at the Museum's Night Under the Stars Gala on Sept. 15, 2018. This award recognizes and honors exceptional individuals who have made a significant contribution to the field of aviation and seek to inspire young people to pursue their aviation dreams.

Robert A. "Bob" Hoover was the first recipient of this award and was its namesake and inspiration. Aviation is inspiring by nature; it impacts millions of lives through perseverance, innovative thinking and a desire to achieve the impossible. Bob Hoover had a passion for life and for flying - he was a true aviation legend.

As a dear friend and supporter of the museum, Bob played a key role in encouraging kids of all ages to work hard and achieve their goals. Aviation enthusiasts both young and old found Bob to be an incredible inspiration.

"I am so deeply honored to receive the Bob Hoover Dreams Take Flight award. Bob was my mentor, my friend and my inspiration," Ford said. "His skill, his airmanship and above all his passion – for aviation and for helping kids make their dreams take flight – inspired me and so many others to have a love of flying."

The Aerospace Museum of California is proud to present the 2018 Bob Hoover Dreams Take Flight Award to Mr. Harrison Ford for his inspirational worldwide impact on young people with aviation and STEM career dreams.

(Image provided with The Aerospace Museum of California news release)

FMI: aerospaceca.org


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